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Everything posted by Christine

  1. It was a see-thru bra at least. Perhaps more next time when I have another question, lol!
  2. Oh, excuse me, now it's time for the floor show! *puts on stripper music, gets up on the table and begins stripping down to only a g-string and see-thru bra. Does a little dance and shakes the goods about. This continues for good amount time. Picks up the clothes that were tossed and then exits the club* Thank ye for all the men's point of view on this, it was quite interesting.
  3. I can see why most guys just get a hooker instead. Have your fun and then get rid of her, no drama to deal with afterward. I can also see why some women just use "toys" instead of dealing with men. Have fun with no drama, when done, put the toy away until you need it again another time. I sound cynical too, lol!
  4. The burning of Atlanta
  5. Well, it's already starting. He got all pissy because she's been asking questions about some of his past women. He got pissed that she's violating a rule of his, the "don't ask, don't tell" rule. Yup, I was right, he was just full of BS, lol!
  6. Anyone who knows him, been to his house and so on knows that he is quite the rogue when it comes to women. He even looks like bad boy from some rock band. This is why this recent behavior is strange, like he's been brain washed or something. It'd be like if Hugh Hefner or Gene Simmons stopped wanting sex, not normal at all. You'd think they were sick or their dick fell off. At the same time, even tho it is not like him at all, close friends of his, like myself. still think he's just full of it. He may think he can fool everyone else, but he can't fool the big man in the sky. He can't hide what he is, not even from the little pixie kid. Maybe she does know what he wants, but is enjoying all the little gifts and trips. When the time does come for him to make a move on her that's when she'll move on, LOL! That'll teach him to try some new approach to get sex, lol!
  7. on a mission from God
  8. This photo by my friend Brianna cracks me up, lol!
  9. MadL, what if a man be burned by love, would any of this strange new behavior make sense then? As I said, I still think he be full of BS, just biding his time till this young pixie-haired lass grows up a bit, looks more like a woman instead of a goth high school kid. By then tho he may lose interest while waiting and go back to his old ways.
  10. Well, that makes sense. We all think it is some kind of mid life crisis he's going thru. As for having sex with young people to make you feel younger, he's already done that, countless times, which is why we think he's trying something different. He has said that having sex with women who he considers friends first ruined the friendship. He enjoys hanging out with this little 21 year old because they share similar interests in the entertainment industry. He said if he were to have sex with her it would ruin everything and be just like what happened with all his other women. He wants something fresh this time. I still think he's just waiting for her hair to get longer and to get a little bit older, but who knows. When he gets horny enough and tired of being a goody goody he'll go back to his old ways again, he still is a man after all, lol!
  11. Take care Rumba and hope you have a speedy recovery
  12. Okay guys, I'm confused by something. How can a guy who was so into sex for many, many years suddenly lose interest? Is that possible? Sometimes I think it's just a load of BS, but certain things seem to ring true. And also, why would a guy enjoy hanging out with a 21 year old, who looks like a little goth high school kid and has zero interest to have sex with her? Just enjoys hanging out with her, does stuff for her, takes her places, expects nothing in return (unlike how he used to be when buying gifts for women) and thinks of her only as a daughter. Friends think this seems odd, they look like father and daughter when they're out and about. This is in Los Angeles, so older guys with younger girls isn't too off the norm, but in this case it looks weird since she's very young looking. Personally, I think he's trying a new approach to charm women since the old way wasn't working anymore. Be super sweet, do stuff for them, but show no interest in sex. Make it strictly platonic. Maybe he's waiting for her to age a little, look at least like she's in college. She's so young looking, the rest of us friends thought she was still in high school and were surprised when she said she was 21. Her very short, dark hair is part of what makes her look so young. The whole thing is just so bizarre and unlike this guy.
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