Okay guys, I'm confused by something. How can a guy who was so into sex for many, many years suddenly lose interest? Is that possible? Sometimes I think it's just a load of BS, but certain things seem to ring true. And also, why would a guy enjoy hanging out with a 21 year old, who looks like a little goth high school kid and has zero interest to have sex with her? Just enjoys hanging out with her, does stuff for her, takes her places, expects nothing in return (unlike how he used to be when buying gifts for women) and thinks of her only as a daughter. Friends think this seems odd, they look like father and daughter when they're out and about. This is in Los Angeles, so older guys with younger girls isn't too off the norm, but in this case it looks weird since she's very young looking.
Personally, I think he's trying a new approach to charm women since the old way wasn't working anymore. Be super sweet, do stuff for them, but show no interest in sex. Make it strictly platonic. Maybe he's waiting for her to age a little, look at least like she's in college. She's so young looking, the rest of us friends thought she was still in high school and were surprised when she said she was 21. Her very short, dark hair is part of what makes her look so young. The whole thing is just so bizarre and unlike this guy.