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Everything posted by Stitch

  1. Can't wait Quill...been patiently a wait'n fer me first glimpse o' the soon ta be legendary "Tales O' the Royaliste" (as I like ta think o' it) video. Tweer most enjoyable our fine battle an sail on that day...
  2. Aye...Royaliste, once again ye be reveal'n yer unique style... I was need'n a good chuckle about now...
  3. Aye...I be a lover o' greek mythology for a long time now...especially any tales were the sea an mariners be concerned. I wishes ye many years o' enjoyment with yer new shipmate... :)
  4. How about Parthenope or Ligeia or my favorite Leukosia. Each being names of three of the Sirens from greek mythology whose form for some time were half woman an half bird and were later changed to lower half fish. Thier sweet singing lured sailors onto rocks. Arrrrr
  5. Gotta agree wit Pyrate there...tis a lovely site indeed :)
  6. Happy Birthday ta ye mate...An me best wishes ta a good year ahead o' ye! Be buy'n ye a round this weekend fer sure. Look'n fore ta celebrate'n with ye mate.
  7. Ahoy...all depends on wot ye be need'n. Cold steel or things that go BOOM.
  8. Clothing, Patterns, an day ta day live'n gear I prefer Jas. Townsend. Fer Wepons, boots an other gear it's Bythesword.com or some of the sutlery sites around the web. All n all I usually shop the whole net look'n fer the best price an value. Tis a treasure hunt say's I.
  9. Anta add ta that Coast Gaurd Island be jus' a stone through across the channel an the way things be goin in the Far East these past two weeks...by next weekend they could be on high alert again... An you really don't wanna be on da business end o' one thier peacemakers... Gunners daughter takes on a whole new meaning...
  10. I haven't contacted them but I assume they are able to ship with the touch holes drilled. I belive federal laws are less restrictive here concerning muzzleloaders. I'm waiting to hear back from Loyalist Arms an Reapair ta find out if they will ship with the touch holes predrilled. I'm not sure but I get the feeling they ship the locks or the barrel seperate so they kin get around the export laws, but I don't know fer sure yet. I'll post as soon as I hear more.
  11. Many thanks ta ye Hawkyns an Darkthing...be right handy advice fer sure. Sail'n with the Royaliste gives me freedom ta use later era firearms, mid ta late 18th c., but I been more fascinated wit the Bucaneer'n an Golden Age eras meself. Been put'n together me gear fer sometime now an most of it's late 17th c. Me hearts in Jamacer fore Port Royal be swollowed up by the sea an Tortuga was all but forgotten. See'n how most me adventures be on the Royaliste an Pyrate faires...not much live,n history me thinks me may have ta acquire saveral pieces. Doglock fer me bucaneer'n fancy an a later era piece jus' cause a proper pyrate kin never have too many weapons... :) A pint a grog ta ye both...
  12. I played the game through a couple o' months ago. I had to take a couple of Frigates and then use them ta plunder awhile till I assembled a fleet of 3 Frigates and 1 Battleship for me flagship. If your on bad terms with the British go to a friendly island and pay off the bloke in the pub what kin repair hostilities with other nations...that way you can sail into the harbor real peacfull like. Don't fire a shot until you get your fleet in the harbor an lined up fairly close to the fort. When everybodys in firing range let em rip...by the way keep targeting the cannons on walls one by one till they explode then go on to the next...you have to take down all the gun batterys and get the fort ta 50% or so strength then you kin storm the fort. Then its up ta hand ta hand combat....Good luck.
  13. Arrrrr...this swabbie be look'n fer a good board'n pistol of quality an reliability. I've not much experince with muzzleloaders yet...jus' modern pistols, so's I be look'n fer some advice from ye more experinced mates. Look'n for somthing late 1670 to 1730 or so, I found this here piece on www.middlesexvillagetrading.com an it looked quite intrest'n...any advice? This Blunderbuss pistol is .50 cal at breech with flared muzzle and brass barrel secured with steel key. Other features include an engraved steel triggerguard, a safety catch to allow locking it in the half cock position, and a rainproof pan.The spring-loaded triangular bayonet folds back on top of barrel when not in use and is released by a catch on the barrel tang. The steel thimble holds a wooden rammer with a brass tip. $299 plus shipping
  14. I'll have me cellphone with me onboard , so no problem for comunication. If'n ya like Darkthing ya can send me an e-mail to me pyracy pud account an i'll send ya me cell number. Look'n fore to the wake...it's gonna go down in history for sure.
  15. Arrrrrrr ... Awsome pictures Quill...The look on Darkthings face says it all... That party is definately going down in history...
  16. Pirates were sailors...soldiers...runaway slaves...pirate clothing an gear was just about anything any common sailor or soldier would be wear'n at the time. Besides some of thier plunder consisted of merchant goods an fabrics be'n traded at the time also. Be'n a pirate means the freedom ta wear just about anything available ta commoners or aristocrats alike. Just so long as it wasn't loose enough ta hang ya from the rig'n when about yer daily duties...anything goes. One last point, they spent alot o' time at sea so they be a bit dirtier an more ragged than a landlubbers clothes. Have fun an get ta know the time period fer the look yer goin for. Clothes went in an out o' style jus' like now days.
  17. Arrrrrrrr... Gunpowder an hot dogs, an lots o' little treasure snipes ta terrorize. Aye it be a sweet life indeed...
  18. ...Good one Zorg...I'm still laugh'n
  19. If you want good historicaly accurate boots go to WWW.by-the-sword.com The musketeer boots are very acurate for circa 1640 period and where very popular throught the 17th c. I recently bought a pair myself and they are great. Make sure you get your size right and they are resonable priced at $175.00. Good luck mate. Stitch & Redd Oktober Here be a link to the pub photo album for a picture o' me an Redd Oktober. I be wear'n me boots here an they are actually alot softer leather then they look in the add photo...ie. they wrinkle real nicely around yer calves.
  20. Never get outta the boat....words ta live by. All kidd'n aside Pyrate 's got a good point...Friday commutes are brutal around 101 and the penesula from most anywere in the Bay Area.
  21. Ahhh....rum fer me, says I. A bit o' rum an it all smells good...arrrrrr.
  22. Is the cutlass you perchased from 5-star actually made by Windlass Stealcrafts or is it a copy? I've puchased several pieces from 5-Star Deals and generally found I got what I paid for. Windlass proclaims thier model is a Battle Ready sword, but I've never talked to anyone who's actually tried it out. Good looking cutlass non the less.
  23. What's not ta love...It's got everything...wooden boats, drinking, tatoos, the sea, the carribean, drinking, Pirates, plundering, cannons, and did I mention drinking...oh yea. Now were's me Rum gone to.
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