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silverhearted maggie

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Everything posted by silverhearted maggie

  1. I've already posted it once once. Do have a safe New Years Eve and I hope everyone has a great year filled with pirate-y fun!
  2. Thanks for all you do for the Pub. I know it can be frustrating sometimes. Spammers should be made to dance the hempen jig!
  3. michelangelo's david
  4. it's just wet and rainy here, that means a great combo of drinking and wet roads. Whatever me pirate brethren decided to do tonight Have a safe and Happy New Year.
  5. Lack of clothes means lack of pockets....just how do plan to pay for our round o' drinks, missy? Just joking...glad to have ya aboard. I'll be taken a good ol' glass o' the Cap't.
  6. random thoughts.....waiting for my divorce to go through...going out tomorrow to shoot my new bee-utiful .45 dueling flintlock...geez, loud explosions and a hangover..it'll be worth the pain
  7. I recently got a .45 Charles Moore English dueling flintlock. Anybody know of any problems I should be aware of? I'm taking it out tomorrow for a test run.
  8. hey you scurvy dogs, i drove here from Alabama and looked around for fellow Pub folks. I wore my black spot button in case someone recognized it. May be back on Sunday if anyone is going back. Hurricane,i was at your booth but didn't see ya! it was fun anyways and i hope y'all had fun, too! Take care!
  9. Yay!!!! I will be there next weekend and will drop by!!! I am looking forward to a bit o' pirate fun.
  10. Jack Palance rocked! I am sorry to see him go as well. I do remember him playing Dracula one time. He was great. R.I.P.
  11. Welcome to the pub! I'll take a drink from whoever be payin'!
  12. Yarrr!! Will do! Could use some new gee-gaws for me hair. See you there!
  13. I'll be there! How can I find yer booth Hurricane?
  14. Hey, i'm sorry too! It's a pretty nice faire. Glad we were there to represent! YARRR!
  15. A waaay while back Paisley was looking for pirate themed checks. I was hopin' to find some with pirate flag designs. Didn't turn up none. I did turn up POTC checks! The only place I found them was at Walmart.com (I really don't like Walmart) but since it's Disney, can probably find them elsewhar. I am also looking into the places that will use your own photos and if they will use public domain artwork. As far as I know none of the flags are copyrighted. Will let you know if I can get them!
  16. I'll be there!!!! I was at the Feast last Saturday. I won't be able to go until Sunday. Hope you have good weather and a fun time!
  17. I actually be going as a girly-type pirate. Usually I wear my coat, waistcoat, breeches but I decided to let the cleavage have a go this Halloween (if ever there was a holiday for that this be it!) Actually I just got an new Ren Faire gown so I'll probably be laced in, pushed up and hold my breath most of the evening !!! :)
  18. I got drunk once and stole a horse....long story
  19. Yeah, I was a-wonderin' about the pirate wife...i thought it might be somebody on the list. Guess not since nobody's tellin us about it.
  20. Now why would ya be wantin' to fight him off? Seems nice enough! Not bad lookin'....
  21. Yeah, I've been tryin' to find "A Pirate's Life for Me" ringtone and can't seem to find it nowheres ! Anybody have any ideas? Thanks
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