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Everything posted by PYRATE

  1. ...A small skiff glides silently thru the darkness 'o Pelican Harbour, and several dark figures eye the vessels side to side as they make the bulkhead and cleat the docklines home.....With great stealth they make their way up the roadway, to the next corner where the local maildrop be located....After casting a furtive eye to make sure they wasn't followed 'after leavin' the Ship, the scallywags find a few convienent hiding places in the nearby shrubbery..Word has it that the demo video will be arrivin' by courrier on the 'morrow, an' thar be pirates in these waters, afterall!!
  2. Ahoy thar, mates!!..Those 'o youze wot be takin' shore duty, ye needs ta contact Raul 'n get a few coils 'o line from him so ye'll be ready to toss 'em to us as we come astern :) ...email me an' I'll give ye 'is phone #
  3. 'Appy Berfday, Ryann!!..May ye keep on piratin' yet another yar!
  4. O.K. then, death by eatin' cake!.........
  5. Considerin' the size 'o the crowd, I've two traditional, Naval style hammocks still up for grabs for those wot wants ta try 'em........Might get ye 'above the crowd'.....
  6. Fine advice, but alas, I don't believe there is a 'Target' in Marin County, either...But you can get Napa wine most anywhere!....'excuse me sir, some Chardonnay while your clothes are in the dryer?'......
  7. B-B-ut, izzit rum??????
  8. *Sniffs air thoroughly*....Methinks that sounds pretty good,aye!
  9. Akasha and I could make a Friday night gig in Redwood City. I assume yer talkin' the 26th? Man, a Friday nite drive from anywhere to Redwood City would be brutal! .....And as far as a sail, that be a minimum six hour each way, daylight only, check yer chart 'cuz the water outside the channel be six or less kinda thing..And that's not e'en up the creek to the port.......... besides the obvious, I ain't leavin' for over a half hour from this deck anymore in the near future.........
  10. I'm with Saber, Blackhearted Pearl, and most 'o the rest 'o ye on this 'n...Those who really know me know I only live 'n breathe salt water on my bow, an' also who's been really throwin' stones as of late!..Sail Ho!...Long live Tallships, even the hundreds besides the few commercial operators here!..There be hundreds only a very few ever sail on!............ The St. Lawrence II, the Bee, Fair Jeanne,Rattlesnake,Endeavor, Grand Turk, etc....and on and on....
  11. 'Ere ye be, mate! At 73, it be a shot 'o rum, an' two hits 'o Viagra, enjoy!!
  12. Avast! This be my new colors!..Courtsy 'o Desert Pyrate...Thnx
  13. RR mailbox n'er received a set of 'rules' ..e'en so, this be a pirate pub, not the choirloft and therefore 'rules' are generally looked upon as 'guidelines'.....but now that you bring it up, this whole thread is out of place. The Pub has a place set up for 'for sale' items, it's the 'Plunder' column......Now, you wuz mentionin' 'rules'???
  14. But, .There's just 'something' 'bout a little bumpy rust pockmarks on the way out!
  15. Grins****..................... :angry:
  16. Kewl!!!..Shows I be a sailor, not a websurfer! :angry:
  17. Hmmm, izzit along the river???..*Starts checkin' charts for depth and currents**....K.C.'d be a great little burg to shell from the riverbank!!
  18. Aaaargh!, let me overstate the obvious....Nuthin' better for a bunch 'o seadogs 'n rope! ..Rope!...Rope!..Rope!..I'll break out the soft yacht braid once inna while, but hey, scarves be for sissies, wot the hell are ye doin' 'ere,????...One deck, two masts, and a couple 'o miles 'o natures finest..........ROPE!....(Glad to see ya, Weaver!.Wondered wot ye were up to!.... )
  19. Read the book, let knowlege enlighten you as it did me once!
  20. Wot he said...I'll sink ye with a swivel 'afore ye kin run that big boy out!
  21. Hawaii is a most excellent u.s. based destination.Great beaches, food, etc... That said, it is very limited for owners of sailboats. Traditionally not a sailing peoples, there are few harbors or ship-friendly waters other than Honolulu. Ali Wai yacht harbor sucks outright, So..make mine the Carribean also...
  22. A Rousing 'yes' to both!
  23. If'n ye send me ye're email, I'll direct mail it to ye!
  24. I tried emailin' the video, lass! I'll try again in a minute, but it comes back 'failed mail'..Otherwise, I kin burn it to CD...
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