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Everything posted by PLUNDERING PYLOS PARKER

  1. remember back in history they (pirates) used what was on hand, and most of the time in was the same powder for both primer and main charge
  2. ramrod-if yer just shootin powder-no ramrod needed-but you will want a claening rod and worms or jigs and remember tow or cleaning patc hes.
  3. i have 3 quenn annes, if i shoot straight powder (no ball) i use 2F for the main charge and 3 or 4 F to prime, or whatever i have left over. but when just shooting powder alone 2F will work fine for a primer-but remember 2F isnt as quik as 4F
  4. if yer just shootin powder and not round ball-it really doesnt matter what grainage of powder down the barrel-although 3 and 4 f are usally for priming the pan, and generally 2f is for the onside of the barrel, the higher the number of f's the finer the powder is.the finer the powder the quiker the load ignites. but they all light fast. cannon powder or 1F grains of powder are much bigger than 4f.
  5. I would have to agree with Matt Stagmer, the London scenes in the begining was the best part of the movie. i didnt like all the changes in this sequal, Disney should get Gore back to direct the next 2 movies (5 & 6), and Disney should consider branging back Pintel, Ragetti, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann,Cotton and Cottons parrot, Marty, Giselle, Scarlet, Mullroy & Murtogg and the Prison Dog. Blackbeard was so off he should have been taller and Disney should have used the correct flag also. I thought the mermaids were going to be bad, but actually they were really good and hot looking. i saw it in the Non 3-D edition, i will go back and compare the 3-D to see it that way too. On a scale 1-10 i give it 7 1/2. i feel the 3rd sequal was best as it explained alot about the first 2 movies (Davy Jones) and the ship battle was sweet!
  6. 3 hours and counting for fersno pirate faire- all loaded up and ready to head south-come to fresno and stop by me tavern for a drab
  7. start swelling them in water so they will be air tight
  8. 3 days and counting -let the rum flow, mateys
  9. sweet it will be a better weekend to have cooler weather -maybe i will set up me stove inside me tent. gots plenty of fire toys with us too. its magic mate. lookin forward to a great event. plus ya can see me new custom Balitimore Knife and Sword cutlass . you can view it on my facebook page as well.
  10. old monk is really good mate The other day... I tried a rum from India called Old Monk.. finest rum Ive ever had by far mates. Spicy and a great caramel flavor. Wish I could get my hands on some! We need to plunder a corsair filled with Indian Rum.
  11. brang lots of water mates-i will be hot out thar in fresno!
  12. wait till ya see my flag pole-especially at night-it will be the hopping place to drink,smoke and listen to the tunes, mateys!
  13. we be havin plenty of drink mates- come and enjoy a round sit and relax with some tobbacco and drink-play a hand or two and listen to the fine tunes. got to get back to the tavern and start fillin the onion bottles fer all ye seadogs and wenches!
  14. dont ferget the QUEEN BESS PIRATE FAIRE in 16 days in FRESNO CALIFORNIA mates! come by me tavern for a round of drinks on me!
  15. are these like 1" and 1 1/4" and 11/2" ? flints?
  16. 16 new bottles of caribbean rum from the grand cayman mates! tortuga rum company, mango, pinapple, spiced, and vanilla, including , apple pie, and various wines. come and enjoy the iron brigade's music and festivities.
  17. flag suits ya...looks good.Hart Canyon produced making good money, winning an 8x8 tentsmith's wall tent and other small plunder. Got Nancy a queen anne pistol for 225 from rotten randy. won anothe 2 candle lantern and some eatin' utensils. I just finished up my college last night so I can spend time makin' projects. Haven't heard from dave so I suggest getting yer barrel and I...

  18. i am looking for a skilled leather smith to do a custom sheath/quiver for a bks cutlass, i have a seal skin i want attached to the sheath.
  19. looking for a cannon linstock? godwin has em for $94.00, does anyone know of anyone else?
  20. we need a spaecial site here for reccomendations fer traders who we can do business with from fellow re enactors, to help supply our garb, weapons, encampments ect. how about it?
  21. is there a way to put a topic on here for people to stay away from poor business traders who screw ya out of things, ie -crafts,clothing,weapons ect related to 18th century pirate goods? so other re enactors dont get dont get ripped off. it seems like i wasnt the only person to get hit by this business-stay away from certain business fellow pirates.
  22. no worries mate, more fun fer us! plus i be supplin the rum, i know that tony swatton is havin a blade festival/blacksmith party in burbank the same weekend-baltimore knife and sword -kerry and matt r going to it.-kenneth are you on facebook yet? are you plannin on attending norcal in vallejo? i really cant wait for fresno so i can meet yer group-i may want to join up with yer forces to. we need to catch up with the eastcoasters, it seems like they are havin all the fun, but wait until another few months -it will get too humid fer them and eastcoasters will be out west.
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