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Everything posted by PLUNDERING PYLOS PARKER

  1. Duchman , I have a Chevy Silverado full size 6' bed truck with a lumber rack & a Camper shell in addition I have a 6x10 enclosed single axle trailer which is stuffed with encampment stuff, which i need to sell and upgrade to a 6x16 or a 6x20 trailer, Double Axle w/Brake System. I disagree with michaels opinion with having a larger vehicle for commuting like truck and trailer, it does take alot more fuel, but if ya have alot of encampment furniture,props bed frames, cooking pots,poles canvas tents, dogs that weigh more than people do. ya needs a big truck to do it, plus you will always have something to pull a boat, and all those hondas that get stuck in the mud at events! Its the trucks that get em out! Remember how long do you consider yourself re enacting, a few years? Longer maybe a long time (20 yrs +)? Do you want an encampment? are there other family members who will be doin events with you? if so you may want to up grade to a bigger rig. I thought a 6x10 enclosed trailer would be big enough, but over time the toys became more and bigger,this trailer became to small. How much gear do you want to have? What re enacting events do you want to do? Some events i do can go up to 12 days., most are 4/6 days. I have a small Tavern set up, 2 canvas shelters and a shower, many weapons and a cannon. , depending on the time frame i will be living at an event. If space is limited it a wedge.if not i can go all out with a pavillion. full awnings and such. camp shower to. I suggest get boxes that stack easily weather you use plastic or wood, the nice thing about wood boxes is yer ready to go either settin up or tearin down.easy load and unload. mark yer boxes so you know whats in em.take photos of the gear in each box hang em up inside yer trailer that way if time goes by and you forget what was in say the bottom box with alot of other things on top, just view yer photos of that particular box you seek. If you plan a Primitive event and everythings need to be period than wood boxes are the way to go. But remember weight and fuel prices are running high currently. Its all in what one wants in re enacting., weather you want everything as far as an encampment to be a primitive atmosphere, I try to be (I enjoy being comfortable,clean and have privacy) Primitive with my set-up all the time so when i go to a pirate gathering or a rendezvous its the same set-up regardless. Remember the more crap we have the more comfortable you will be , but remember ya have to haul it and set it up.this all takes alot of time to set-up and tear-down. how much time do you want to do this and will you have help settin up?. also yer canvas shelter ya need to consider how many poles does it take to set up, where will you stick all these poles? so many things to consider mate, good luck!
  2. what did these shoe run ya
  3. well capt, i think alot of business today is like this, i have seen it alot. i have to agree with you on their customer service at CA boots, it can be a hassel, i to had a hassle but they came through the second time around, and took care of my situation the way i needed them to. their prices are high, but quality boots are hard to find, if ya wants better boots (top of the Line0 the price can be $ 1600.00 up to $ 3000.00. so a far cry to pay $ 400.00 considering they are custom to your foot pattern. But not to many Traders/Sutlers any more show accountability, and get the orders correct the first time around, mate.
  4. Cobb Creek has verticle stockings as well, 12.00 a pair over the knee. also i have a pair of black smoothe out old style small sguare buckle, sguare toe, these are my favorite buckle shoes i own worth the price and very period for GAOP. i also have gg goodwins germanic buckle shoes -i recommend not to buy these, i have had many problems with these shoes, the soles unglued the first pair while walking the first time in them, returned them they gave me another and the tongue leather is very thin, so when ya walk it flaps, not happy with these at all. next i have Fugawee (Concord rough out) in black with a pewter buckle,very comfortale but they seem to look more colonial 1770's , nothing to say bad about the shoes, i also have there colonial boots are also comfortable but dont wear them that much, more for a colonial period as well, they are basically riding boots. I have a pair of CA boots (Champion Attitude) all custom bucket boot, these are comfortable if you enjoy boots, i have Flat Feet so anything i wear after a few hours, hurts my feet. i paid well over $400.00 for these boots -just dont wear them enough. I liked the Loyalist buckle shoes so much i ordered another pair in brown. All the statements about waiting for yer buckle shoes is TRUE. I waited almost 9 months for my first pair, and i am still waiting for my second pair ordered in may 2011. i have rope sandles also very comfortable, i belive i paid 25.00 for the pair. Arrow lace up Moccasins- very their web site-i have owned these voyager moc for over 25 yrs and they have lasted through everything, these are great and loyal boots. I own several pairs of there mocs/shoe boots w/rings on side, to tighten down, i recommend ARROW MOCASSINS for custom leather mocs. see my facebook page for examples and pictures of my shoes/boots in my photo album. my e-mail is piratetrader@charter.net, look for corey lefkowitz good luck!
  5. so is this a period technique? i am curious like cascabel, CF?
  6. where in california capt. Mc Cool? if ye pass through nevada let me know.
  7. Very intresting -good to know yer thoughts, here Michael. indeed 30 yrs after is what i will also go with. i am going with a late GAOP circa coat say around 1710-1720. but will use it when i go to 1750 F & I war events until i can have a 1757-63 coat made, and agree with yer descion on the time frame on wearing coats into other decades
  8. so then the Justaucorp is an earlier coat say 1650-1700, and the frock coat is say 1700-1780? basically the same coat but with slight diffrences over time is what the Justaucorp evolved into the frock coat? i have noticed some Justaucorp coats have alot of buttons like one button every 1" to 2" apart , running the length of the chest to right above the knees, and the pockets are very low compared to the waist. As to the frock coat from 1750,has less buttons and seems to be tailored tighter to the upper portion of the body and spreads outward, with pockets just below the waistline and less buttons on the front? my Question is this, I know the styles changed throughout the years, but if a re enactor were to wear a early style Justaucorp say 1680 ish, How long after would it be accepted in society? Could it be worn in say 1740? or later?
  9. salt water will do the trick
  10. go to a place that has alot of historical history, a place where re enactors will want or need your service you provide.It all depends on what circa and era you want to be envolved in, or what location within the country bests fits the time period you like.also do you want fantasy or more reality re enacting? i have been to almost every state in the union, there is advantages and disavatage to each one. If you move to the SouthEast like from Florida to North Carolina, west to lousianna you will have extreme Humidity in the summer and bugs. But yer winters will be awesome and plenty of events in the southeast during this time of year. Saint Augustine, Florida has San Marcos fort, Alaphia rendezvous (really big event for traders/sutlers) and Key west has PIP/FTPI, remember also fishing is real nice in key west also. While the Northeast from North Carolina upward will be very cold with a damp and wetness to the mix, and summer humidity, but nice foliage change during the fall, and plenty of rendezvous to attend, and remember Jamestown isnt far plenty of re enacting there or if you like the French & Indian war, Colonial, Rev War,civil war, try New York and west to Ohio , Indiana plus Michigan very popular portage country alot of french voyager and Fur Trade re enacting, and ya have Friendship big rendezvous. Or you may consider the Montana and the Dakotas to Idaho, to Wyoming, big Indian county, the western nationals is the big Rendezvous in these parts, winters are long and cold as you know living in Colorado, Maybe you want the southwest From Texas to California, plenty of dry days with snow here and there, but ya have to like the Heat in summer and the Humidity in Texas and Oklahoma, and Arkansas.Plenty of Alamo and Texas Ranger re enacting, big SASS re enacting area as well.Lots of rendezvous here and a few pirate events as well. Maybe the far west lots of re enacting here from Pyracy, Ren Faires,civil war, to Gun Fighter and the Mountain man scene and rendezvous too. Southern California is very similar to key west both are very expensive to live, but the tempreture is mild year round in both, Key west can get a little humid in the summer months. Now Nevada is the Sin State, Brothels are pretty much everywhere, dry in all the seasons and you can Gamble, Northern Nevada has almost everything the outdoorsman would want if thats yer focus but re enacting is weak when it comes to pyracy events. i suggest you Purchase a Motorhome and or live on a houseboat for a spell, travel the country for a few years. visit all you can while on the road then decide where ye whats to live, see all the re enacting and historical places one can do in a couple of years you will know the place, maybe Colorado is home. You may want to try the caribbean or europe. Hawiia may be the place. The only way you will know is to travel the 7 seas and see the country yerself, Mate. Good Luck in yer Search for the ideal place to settledown.
  11. thank you Jas. Hook, indeed made an order with Wm. Booth Draper, today i ordered the Claret Red Broadcloth 60" wide 100% wool 18-24 oz weight 6 yards. 20.00 a yard., also found oil cloth from Period Fabric for 12.00 a yard-thats half the cost of panther primitves. i will check out the other recommendations you gave, thank you
  12. looking for a good source for melting down lead igots for cannon ball mold? anotherwards looking for lead at a bulk rate? any pirate blokes here know of a good source?
  13. you can visit this 18th century gentlemans frock coat in Brown on, sutlers.co its an england tailor that does a variety of circas. view the brown frock coat made out of wool, hanging on a coat rack.they are using pewter floral buttons, What type of wool is this & what weight do ya think it maybe? what i am looking to do is shorten up the sleeves, put pleats in the back, wanting to do burgandy in color, any suggestions or opinions may help me decide on many things, thank you, corey I am on Facebook also under piratetrader@charter.com and have photos of this coat in my albums as well.
  14. wanting to know what types of materials would be accepted for early frock coats 18th century between 1700-1730. & 1730-1760. I understand wool, linen, and brocade was used. My question is are there different weights for wool? For a frock coat what is the standard weight? Is it a suit weight (light), if ya want to do a light weight coat? Also what type of buttons other than pewter would be good. I was recommended to use large size up to a 1" round diameter, keeping the button holes between 1 1/2 "- 2". I am looking for Traders/Sutlers who sell period fabric and buttons,does anyone know of anyone other than, Jastownsend,Fugawee,Panther Primitives,Carolina Calicos as soon as i learn how to down load a picture here i could show you pirates the coat i wanna have made. last but not least, Does anyone or has anyone ever used oilcloth to make any type of garmet? I am looking to make a Greatcoat out of oilcloth canvas (treated) , view Panther Primitives catalog.Its dark brown in color. make sure to keep yer powder dry!
  15. Capt. Sterling, hows the weskit comin along for me? gettin close to november matey.775-813-8678, piratetrader@charter.net
  16. anyone know where you can purchase cannon wheels wood or metal? for a full size hern iron works full scale us carrinade model.
  17. searchin around here in my area (nevada) elm seems very hard to get, white oak is available , as is curly maple. would curly maple on a carriage look silly?
  18. heres a question fer you blokes, have ya ever seen curly maple on a truck carraige before? curly maple is a hard wood-need some feed back -what do you blokes think.
  19. in the process of having a truck carriage built for a hern iron works 3/4 scale us carrinade cannon.can anyone tell me what thier opinions are on the best woods to use pro's and con's. i have read that ELM is one of the best woods to use because of its strenght, durability, and risistance to shock.need more input from others, thank you.
  20. sure see what he wants for it-any pics
  21. how much are these brass scottosh pistols run? any pics?
  22. depends how steady yer hands are?
  23. middlesex i buy wholesale but the wait is like 6months, looking for a used one, anyone have one they are looking to get rid of?
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