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Everything posted by PLUNDERING PYLOS PARKER

  1. American River Rendezvous (primitive only) held April 12-15 at the Brushy Creek area of Spenceville Wildlife Refuge (east of Marysville, California) contact ; (the Booshway)- Ken Falletti (Dirty Hand) 916-973-8809 or (El Segundo)- Glen Nichols 916-451-1850. This rendezvous is LIVE fire Black Powder guns, period music and period correct encampments, there is a $10.00 dollar Sanatation Fee Per Adult (18+) in order to attend YOU MUST be in pre-1840 clothing at all times including set-up. all period canvas encampments, no blue tarp vendors, modern footware,cowboy boots,blue jeans. Encampments must maintain a period appearance at all times, non- period equipment must be out of sight or covered, no curfew, no loaded firearms in camp. This Rendezvous is held very close to Beale Airfoce base just North of Sacramento,California, off HWY 20 between Marysville & Grassvalley, California .
  2. Come and see a whole new version of the Seafarers Market Place Festival & Pirate Faire located in Sacramento, California on September 22/23, 2012. for more info contact: Louisiana Sue Ramon , www.louisianasue.com This event will boost the most gun fire at any one event, It is held at 10000 Garden hwy in Sacramento ,California.(on the Sacramento River) Plenty of childrens activities, food , drink and great historical encampments and period vendors along with many historical re enactors and live music.Rogues of the Golden Coast, Tales of the 7 Seas ,Kern County Pirates & Lost Souls of the Iron Brigade will host some spectacular Fire Power with period heavy cannons, swivel guns and small arms such as muskets, rifles and pistols They will load & fire many of their weapons (blanks). Please show support to these groups who volunteer there time for a hobby we all love.
  3. Never use Black powder substitute in your early reproduction flintlocks/percussions-only use Goex,Swiss,Skirmish, KIK, Re enactor powders,i buy my Black powder though Powder Inc.com . They sell in lots of 5 lbs, 10lbs, 25lbs and can be mixed , maximum of 50 lbs per order.the more you buy the better the prices become at powder inc. Substitute black powder is made for enline modern high volocity black powder guns, if you shoot substitue out of a flintlock you may burst the barrel, which will cause plenty of shrapnel. If you want to know how much powder to load for a live load its usaully 1/2 the caliber number , so say its a 50 caliber pistol use 25 grains for the main charge. if you are shooting a musket than more powder will be ok, and a rifled long gun with a live load same powder measure as the caliber, or more if needed. i recommend if you have a 50 caliber or higher bore size use 2F for the main charge, and if you are shooting 45 caliber or a smaller bore size use 3F for the main charge. always use 4F to prime the pan. make sure to clean your weapon after each days use, black powder is very corrosive and will damage your barrel over time, including rust and pitting.a great source for information on cleaning supplies is KingsForge, Track of the Wolf, or Dixie Gun Works. Happy Long Gong Shooting!
  4. the first Jolly rogers that were flown were actualy a solid RED flag!
  5. well if ya wanna know about other faires around the same time i would be happy to give ya some dates and places, Norcal is Jammed packed with crowds -it is one of my favorite faires for pyracy, but is pretty commercialized, but it is a fun faire -lots of brotherhood pirates here. its a really fun event, i dont recommend the pirate ball, it was pretty unorganized last year, but lots of traders selling there wares, parking gets full very early, its a free event for the public, and its located directly across from the ferry terminal in Vallejo, California. I hear Vending is quite expensive to help cover the faires expenses.Talk to robin (acts of pyracy facebook page) or on my facebook under piratetrader@charter.net he is a vendor there and can guide you to the right person. Past events here i experienced windburn, and it can get pretty hot here, so take plenty of water with ya.i will be there in 6 months also, be looking for you matey.i live in Reno Nevada -if you plan on driving via I-80 yer welcome to follow me there on friday, or if ya needs a lay over let me know.maybe i can help with that also. corey
  6. Jas Hook- what kind of canvas tent do you have? What type? Canvas/weight (ounces)? Are you setting up an awning also?
  7. yes agreed with that statment in alot of other ports i have been to. Grand Caymen has a really fun and intresting sea turtle farm, lots of history within pyracy there. their pirate faire isnt very primitive more like Tampa Bays Gasprilla Parade. Haiti has old ruins but no different when it comes to pirate stuff. Jamiaca same some old ruins, but port royal lays under water and most of the old buildings are crumbled. Cozumel has some old mayan ruins but hardly any pirate stuff either. Balize was intresting alot of african descent there didnt expect to see that there, very proud people , there was a naval museum there but not so much pyracy i expected to see. Looks like a jungle. Isle of Roatan has alot of pyracy history with the mohagany (Green Gold) wood used to transport to england for fine furniture, but as a whole i figured with all the history in the caribbean there would be so much more to offer in the piratical history of pirates. Its hard to find antique shops in the caribbean as well. i do enjoy visiting these pirate waters to maybe just see what they may have felt -although its a diffrent world now, but to step foot on land that alot of them did , makes one feel closer to pyracy!
  8. I am off to the Bahamas for a cruise with carnival November 27th 2011, Ports i will go to; Freeport and Nassua any suggestions, for Pyracy gear/cool Pyrate goods? I understand there is a Pyrate Museum in Nassua , Is it worth checkin out? Looking for other pirate stuff in these ports, anyone know of anything related to pyracy? antique shops?
  9. talented work, as always!
  10. ya dont need to chop to a fine powder-you can order walnut hulls from www.kylecarrollart.com (Grand River Trading company) you can use old panti hose or cheese cloth and place the crushed hulls inside these style bags, knot the end and let soak in a plastic trash can or boil of a fire in a pot, let simmer and cool, rinse with cold water. Use a mordant and add less water to mix for darker color, you can add tea bags and coffee to the mix same way with bags, or just throw loose and rinse off in cold water. the longer you let soak in dye bath the darker the material will get. I have left slops in dye baths for up to a week. good luck.
  11. Jas Hook, post Pictures of your encampment-would like to see.
  12. I have many shoes and boots from alot of sutlers/traders, there are pros and cons to each, like anything. i have dealt with all the same issues with these companies, I feel its all how ya treat people and how they treat you.ya have to treat people with Honey not Vinegar. Ca Boots has issues, but reality is we can only re create history by the artifacts we see in museums/ledgers/manuscripts/paintings and arch digs. so by saying they arent period isnt really a true statement. For the price these are pretty good copies, i agree they could be better -the soles arent period. but the style and leather work is top knotch. yes they can be better, but cant we all? i have 2 pairs of Loyalist Early style #2 buckle shoes, which are probably the most "period" shoes i own, stiff leather they be. but close for GAOP buckle shoes.i own a pair of black smooth , and a pair of brown in the rough. cant say anything bad about these shoes or Blair at Loyalist Arms, other than 5/6 months is a really long time to wait, but worth it. I also have a pair of buckle shoes from Fugawee, these are the most comfortable buckle shoes i own but are more late colonial (rev war circa). also i have thier colonial riding boots, also comfortable but the cuffs fall down. Fugawee are easy to deal with and they have fast shipping. there stockings work great they have lycra in them which help stay up - but arent exactly period stockings depending how period one wants to be. I have a pair of the Hessian buckle shoes from GG Gedney , these are the worst shoes i have. the first pair i recieved the soles came apart-they were glued on -not even sewed or nailed in. they corrected this problem. the tongue leather is Flimzzy and flaps when ya walk. the buckles are very huge like peter pan. i dont recommend their shoes, but thier other products seem to be good. If you prefer Moccasins-i have Arrow moccassins -several pairs which have outlasted any modern shoes -i have had, these for over 20 yrs old and they still holding up. I own their voyager lace up boot and the ring boot. excellent quality! very comfortable boot. i havent heard anything negative about reconstructing history shoes, i may order a pair for comparisson.
  13. try to use Hemp ropes -when hemp gets wet it tightens up, just the opposite w/ Sisal/Manilla- sisal/Manilla loosens up when wet, so remember when it is raining and all that rain collects on top of your canvas, w/ sisal you will find yerself constantly having to tighten yer rope tighteners and getting drenched in a down pour while the collected water soaks ya! Hemp will tighten up so remember not to make ropes to tight but tight enough to hold yer awnings and tent up- if you make it to tight your stakes will pull up, use long stakes so as this will help when hemp gets wet. When setting out your ropes it isnt just the right distance, but angle you place the rope and the angle you drive the stake into the ground. Yes it is true for the drunken Sailors who seem wobbley and cant hold there grog, but really the distance helps somewhat with that, but really a drunk will just fall over everywhere and if ya have a tavern it seems ya wake up the next day with one sleepin in yer camp. Hemp is twice the price, but its worth the extra cash, as hemp is softer on the hands, and wont tear up yer hands like sisal/manilla. Hemp is alot stronger than Sisal/Manilla also. Hemp doesnt fray over time like sisal does, also yer hemp ropes will last 3x as long. I buy my Hemp rope from Turkeyfoot Trading Company, 888-498-3466. they have many choices to choose from as there are many diameters to pick from. I use this Hemp rope on my wedges-awnings and my regent pavillion & awnings as well. as far as distance make them at least 12' -To measure: place your rope to the ground run it up to the pole around (spike/pin) drilled into the top the pole and brang the rope to yer waist/chest area. give yerself a few extra inches. knot one end, get yerself rope tighteners (panther primitives sells them for 1.00 each) you may want to buy a stake puller from (panther primitives, $22.00) as well as this helps when pullin out your stakes-I highly recommend this tool if ya have bad knees or a bad back. ya wont loose as many stakes either! i recommend 18" length for stakes, 1/2 stock, steel. these will run ya any where from 2.50 each to 4.00 each. i order in bulk and get em for 2.00 each. you may want to add Finails to the tips of yer poles for that extra decorative look, but they also help secure your ropes and canvas from lifting off the pins in stronger winds and help keep the water away from the holes in yer tent wear the poles sets into. Panther sells these for 3.00-5.00 each depending on the style you choose. Order a catalog from panther 800-487-2684, great resource for encampment items. good luck, Parker
  14. Any good recommendations, for GAOP wigs and styles? Are There different styles as to yer status in society? Did all people wear wigs? or only the higher classes for social meetings/balls/church/ and other type of public outings? Wanting to know if anyone knows the price range of wigs, and need good source of traders/sutlers to purchase a wig? What color, Natural or White? Does yer Occupation or Status matter what color one would of wore? need help!
  15. very well said Capt Trueblood!
  16. pics of sashes, bandanas, silk?
  17. well i had custom racks put on the side of the steel/framing inside the trailer that collapse, and fold down when not in use..they are held up so ya have more head room to stack other items. 25 poles i can stick on this angle and i have more room to store more. the poles run the length of the trailer. i dont use this much any more since i now have a lumber rack.will post pics soon
  18. It took 5 months for me to recieve my new brown rough out Loyalist early style Buckle shoes. in the mail currently -ordered them 6/10/2011-and they arrived in canada yesterday-i should have them by next week.
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