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Everything posted by peglegstrick

  1. Barbecue................Korean that be
  2. Looks like Lob had a blast!
  3. Welcome aboard Mate
  4. Got a Son-in-law headed up to North Carolina, he's a lineman and is going to help out with the power outages. My prayers are with you in the areas hit.
  5. Godspeed Bo...............Better winds for ye Mate......Prayers sent for you
  6. Try the Theives Market form ....shortcut to the venders http://pyracy.com/index.php/topic/15184-vendors-index-thread/
  7. Poignant.................John how you doing Mate....'avent 'eard from th crew in a while. 'ope everythings shipshape...
  8. I guess that's where the expression of "Blowing smoke up your arse" came from.......... there are times I am glad I am not a Doctor.......this would be one of those times
  9. Used to do Civil War reenacting and have allways thought that the NPS was a pain in the arse........just saying
  10. Would love to see some pictures......There is a blade I would love to purchase but it has no scabbard. Would like to see one that has been handmade..... for ideas.
  11. Charlatan.............charlatan..........so I don't have to post twice
  12. Welcome aboard
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