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Everything posted by peglegstrick

  1. Now that be a case worthy of a fine map!
  2. Happy birthday No. Hope every thing is going well for you. Doing any riding lately? Happy birthday No. Hope every thing is going well for you. Doing any riding lately?
  3. HAPPY belated NATAL Day Captain Jim!!!
  4. Happy Birthday Mate....a day late
  5. Happy Belated Natal Day Stynky......missed it by a day Mate!
  6. 'Appy belated Berthday & a 'Appy Thanksgiving Mate!
  7. Had a great time there. Met a lot of friends known only from the Pub there. Looking forward to next year. Oh yeah....I'm the Rube without the leg.......
  8. In St. Augustine at the Pirate Gathering. http://pyracy.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=7200 http://pyracy.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=7196 Guess which one I am....Hint I'm the one without the peg leg.....
  9. peglegstrick

    St. Augustine Pirate Gathering 2013

    Pictures from St. Augustine Pirate Gathering 2013
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