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Everything posted by skots13

  1. Sweeeeeet! Good job! Oh yea......Arrrrrr!
  2. Ohhhh......POTC for TV........Just won't work. It would end up being like one of those other Spin-offs or whatever you want to call it, to where you could be the biggest fan of the movie, but when the TV show comes out..............YOU HATE IT! I hate the idea allready! And yes........If a TV show comes out.......There will be no more higher budget action movies. This would make it boring!
  3. Ahhhh....I hear someone reply to me post! It's a good start too! Thanks KWP, I'll be sendin' ya a PM!
  4. Blimey! I'm guessin' I be all by me self here in the middle of all this dry land! Was hopin' to find one or two Bucko's in these parts....Yo Ho Hum...
  5. Yo Ho Ho...Can't wait to go!!! I be goin' to the Folrida keys in April. I must say that I'm as excited as a shark in a chum dump! Any a ye mates got any pointers fer me and me bride? We be drivin' the land tug and throwin' camp along the way. (cheaper that way) All yer info will be greatly appreciated! If yer along the way, maybe we can meet up for a pint!
  6. Arrr.......... the rope be a nice way to say I love you!
  7. Ahoy! I be lookin for a crew in the Indianapolis area. Bein marooned here is like droppin soap in a bucket of oil.
  8. I just picked up the DVD. Got it for $7.00. It is a good pirate movie. Not the best, but entertaining.
  9. Many tanks Red...It looks like a good time. I be geussin that ye be there?
  10. Who would be able to give me some info on the Searles Raid reinactment on March 27th. I am planing a trip and need to know if this is worth going to.
  11. That's easy..... "Band O' Pirates" If you use the name ya gotta let me sit in once or twice!
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