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Everything posted by Red_Dawn

  1. My second thought after WWI was Snoopy the World War I Flying Ace sitting on his doghouse flying in his Sopwith Camel.
  2. And since smell is an important part of taste, "rot and manure" is almost literal! Makes you wonder why people eat the big ones.
  3. I first thought of World War I.
  4. I'll have to keep that question in mind for when the ship's cook gets his squid chowder insulted.
  5. This is what I get for having I Has a Hotdog and The Daily Squee in my favorites; a tough choice as to what's the cutest. But I think today I'll post these: Plus an honorable mention:
  6. Of course, the difference is that I'll eat a duck sooner than I'll eat a squid. Seriously, I was at a buffet once and heard they were serving squids. I toyed with the idea of trying one for research until I saw those little curled-up tentacles.
  7. I can guess that "point to dismast" means aim for the mast, but what does "point to wind and water" mean? I'm embarrassingly under-researched for have a master gunner in my stories.
  8. Indeed! Cuttlefish have shorter tentacles, but if the chef doesn't know that... Good to know I'm not having my characters eat cephalopods before it was done. Rot and manure; I love that description! I'll have to keep that in mind for characters who hate squid, especially if you meant it literally. Heck, I don't even need an exact recipe; just an idea of how squid might've been cooked back then.
  9. Not exactly Haute Cuisine, was it? Just a substitute for fish you weren't lucky enough to catch?
  10. Squids ain't my cup of tea, but they get mentioned as food in my stories. Not the big submarine-attacking type, but something more like the Caribbean Reef Squid. I haven't heard much about squid-eating in the Golden Age other than the possible use of squids in a chowder. How were squids used as food back then? How'd they get the squids? What class of people would eat them? Anything else I should know on the subject? If it helps, the ethnic groups involved would be mostly British and French colonials. Thanks!
  11. My favorite dog breed: Shetland Sheepdogs!
  12. Giant Rabbit Fossil Found: Biggest Bunny Was "Roly-Poly" That artist's rendition makes it look wierdly cute. NatGeo needs to make this fellow into a stuffed toy and sell it on their site!
  13. The Jimmy Carter Rabbit Incident!
  14. Yet another pirate puppy!
  15. Skunks are cute. Mind you, the skunk in that video is a pet, so it's been surgically de-stinked. Don't mess with the wild ones, though. Even if it's not rabid, . Even if you don't mess with it, .Stinky as they are, though, you have to admit they're still pretty darn cute.
  16. I saw this picture and immediately thought of this Calvin & Hobbes strip!
  17. I Has a Hot Dog has a special Year of the Rabbit post. *Warning: link has LOLspeak*
  18. Very good news, indeed!
  19. Thank you! My nephew is okay-ish now. He's out of the hospital and at his house. Seems to have just been a virus. He's still sick, but it's not so worrisome now. Capt. Bo, I hope and pray that soon you'll as good or better news about you son.
  20. I have prayed for you son and for you and hope you'll both be OK. If you feel overwhelmed, it's all right to get help. Please pray for my nephew Damy, too. He's in the hospital for observation with a possible appendix issue. Thank you.
  21. I've seen a lot of variations on this theme, but it never ceases to be cute:
  22. Congradulations, Peglegstrick; he's really cute!
  23. Am I a bad person because the first nickname I thought of for Pylos was Pile O'S#&% ? You might want to pick a different first name. Hope that wasn't too harsh.
  24. I've got lists of period names on my blog for pirate fiction purposes. It's not comprehensive, but it has a few usage notes and warnings if you need them. Name Lists Hope this helps.
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