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Everything posted by Red_Dawn

  1. Sorry about that; didn't realize the links weren't working for you. The card brawl Brouwer's other brawl Van Ostade's knife fight ETA: Sorry, looks like I'm experiencing some technical difficulties. I'll take care of it in a moment. ETA2: Fixed it.
  2. I found some tavern brawl pics. Peasants Brawling over Cards by Adriaen Brouwer Streitende Bauern in einem Wirtshaus by Brouwer Brawl by Adriaen van OstadeThis one has knives!
  3. If it helps, I have a list of period English names on my blog, including surnames. It's not an exhaustive list, and I can't vouch for how common most of them are, though it might be possible to take a good guess. Other helpful sites are the Medieval Names Archieve (they have names from the early 1600s), British History Online, or a really good genealogy site (for example, Alliance-Généalogie was a great help for finding French Names). I'm starting to regret dragging my feet on putting up my other name lists. They need a lot of work, though, before they're ready for the internet.
  4. I would love to see the look on their faces if you actually did tell them that! Yeah, I was afraid of that. Funnily enough, I first started wondering about revisionist re-enactors when someone on the writers forum who was a Civil War re-enactor bemoaned how "revisionists have written the bulk of the history of the Civil War". He also mentioned some other things that made me wonder if he was of the Poor Innocent South Vs. the Evil North school of thought, but I was too scared to ask.
  5. I posted this here because it's a general re-enactment question and not just a pirate question. Feel free to move this thread if I put it in the wrong place. I've been curious about something for a while, and This Publishing Fiasco had me thinking about it again. Have any of you ever encountered a re-enactor who was also into pseudohistory. Not just some guy who took his history cues from Disney; I'm talking real, agenda-driven, eff-those-hidebound-fools revisionism. Like someone doing the pirate-freemason-templar in all seriousness. Or perhaps a WW2 re-enactor who denies the Holocaust - out of character. How do you handle it? Do most re-enactment groups have rules that prevent such nonsense?
  6. Serves me right for freaking out like that! Now that I've calmed down and am not worried about my identity anymore, maybe I should feel sorry for Redd Dawnn. They might've watched the same crappy commie invasion movie I did and couldn't think of a better name, either.
  7. So I have nothing to worry about? I won't need to change my screen name or anything? That's a relief!
  8. This person is not me. WTH?! Redd Dawnn?! Now what should I do?
  9. Remember Jacques Cousteau? Or seen his son Jean-Michel on PBS? This guy has!
  10. Technically not the cutest thing I saw today, but I thought this was the best thread to put it in. And then Cybertron declared war on Earth.
  11. I've got your unicorne right here! I don't think it's period correct, though. On a serious note, I've heard earrings were either rare or non-existant among sailors.
  12. Hey, you're right!
  13. I would gladly for you, bun-bun!
  14. Thanks, guys! So as long as she wasn't built like Dolly Parton, it could work as far as the clothes go. Does this mean she'd simply be treated as a woman with poor taste in clothes? So much for her hopes that wearing men's clothes would keep the men's hands to themselves. Groin punches will definitely be in order. So that would be a good method of detection for about a month or so after she joins a crew.
  15. One of the characters in my stories is a female pirate. Went to sea disguised as a man, got found out, still dresses as a man. Classic cheesy background. What would being disguised as a man with anything resembling success entail back then? How could they hide some of the more noticeable female activities (once-a-month issues, why "Bob" doesn't use the head the same way the other guys do, etc.)? If it helps, she's tall for a woman, somewhat small-chested, and has an alto voice (think Toni Braxton). Also, what did society think of a known woman who dressed as a man? Crazy weirdo? Loose woman? Lesbian? What would they think of any alleged boyfriend of hers? Anything else I should know? Thanks!
  16. Rat - it's what's for dinner!
  17. How would like a pork chop?! HIIIIIYA!!!
  18. Best of Bunday 2011 from the Daily Squee.
  19. What a little cutie! Congratulations to you and yours.
  20. I checked his recipe for smallpox medicine; it involves white wine and sheep dung. Where's a disgusted smiley when you need it?
  21. Well, Snoopy is an SOB. Sounds like all I'd have to write is someone flashing a cuckold sign and hilarity ensues. Would it have a similar effect on the unmarried, with implications about either future spouses or their mothers?
  22. Problem with hand gestures is that they do vary from country to country, like the 'talk to the hand, is rude socially in the US and UK but do the same to a Greek, especially with spread fingers and you've got a fight on your hands as it's s'posed to imply that they have a choice of 5 fathers or essentially calling their Mum a slapper/slut. Hitchhiking thumb or thumbs up for okay in UK US is a sexual insult in Greece and Sardinia Oh my! The scenes took place in France after car accidents. At about 1:10 Snoopy bites his thumb (among other gestures) at the offending drivers. Didn't realize that could be considered a gesture. The nerve! Next thing you know, they'll tell you not to cheer on the bulls in Pamplona.
  23. Thanks, guys! Yeah, I was referring to the archers salute (i.e. the backwards peace sign). I've heard about the Horns, too, though I didn't know putting it on your forehead was a requirement. Is that one obscene? Because that would make two scenes in Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown even funnier. I forgot about mooning. It looks from the last two picture like it was chiefly a woman's gesture?
  24. Dogtober at I Has a Hotdog! I think this one's the cutest: But this one's my favorite:
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