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Admiral Kilo

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Everything posted by Admiral Kilo

  1. Aww, a sad one. And one that leaves some questions. Did he chase her or just lose her?
  2. Once I'm done reading all the poetry, I'll have to come back and listen to that song.
  3. Of all your poetry, I think this one is my favorite.
  4. And yet another good one.
  5. I like this one. I think it's kind of funny, pirates became pirates for the same reasons America became America, but most of America doesn't bother to teach how alike our country is to the pirates during the golden age.
  6. An interesting one. This almost sounds like a threatening poem for Jonathan Hawks.
  7. Very good, again. I just noticed you've left the pub, Kendra, but in case you come back and/or just to let everyone else know, I'm still going to post my thoughts.
  8. This one is a bit more depressing than the others, but very good nonetheless.
  9. So far I've enjoyed every poem I've read of yours, Kendra.
  10. Another good poem, Kendra. You really are a good poet.
  11. 9/11 was a very sad day in history for many people in a number of ways. Most obviously was the loss of life for those in and to close to the towers as well as the plane passengers. 9/11 was a day of heroes, villains, and victims.
  12. Due to a failing economy with little hope for recovery and a history to support the possibility of future failure even after recovery, I think it is possible that piracy may someday see another golden age. Regardless of that, what do you think about the possibility of sky pirates someday becoming a reality? Whether it is steam, heat, or electricity that fuels the ship, airships are possible. I don't mean just planes, I mean dirigibles and flying fortresses. The Germans actually would have had one in WW2, if not for a problem with using hydrogen(from what I was told). If ever my fleet were to take to the seas, at least one airship could be convenient for a number of reasons. Unfortunately, as far as plundering or battling, they may not be so efficient due to modern anti-air technology(missiles, fighter planes, etc.) unless a proper defense were also set up upon the aircraft(anti-missiles and some type of anti-aircraft defense). Mostly a flying fortress would probably be for stashing our loot and riches while also being a good place for pirates on leave. A dirigible might be a nice lift for some ships, vehicles, and other tools and goodies. Other aircrafts, such as modern fighter planes and transports, could be held in a hanger on an airship designed for it, the problem is setting up one that would be strong enough for the engines to not melt the metal and long/large enough for them to land again. What are your opinions? EDIT: Even though this is about airships and thus sky pirates/sailors, would this thread belong in the shipyard?
  13. Your welcome, Adam.
  14. The first song I heard of the Poxy Boggards seemed really random, but it was listening to them that got me into sea shanties and tavern songs. Most of what I hear from them is tavern songs, but they have a few sea shanties too. Here are a few links to some of their songs. These particular links will take you to someone who drew his own art for the videos posted. Holy Ground And, the first song I heard, .My late night pre-bed routine has become very relaxing. I sit at the computer listening either to the Boggards or to the Irish Rovers, smoke my pipe, and enjoy a good drink.
  15. No, I wasn't planning on chopping it up, but that does look like a nice ray gun. The gun I was looking at, at most I might add something onto it to make it more fitting, but otherwise a raygun wouldn't really fit with the rest of my gear. At least I don't think it would. I don't know, but I do know I have a bunch of other things to take care of before I get that gun so I do have time to think about it. For making my own gun, fortunately I do have some skill as a carpenter so if I don't intend to make one that works I can get a block of wood and just chop that up. My biggest issue is getting the material to make it look more like a gun.
  16. I see allot of things here that make me a little jealous. I can't find stuff like that easily, when I can it's not affordable, and I have not the equipment nor skills to make my own stuff. Here is a gun I'm looking at. http://www.museumreplicas.com/p-549-english-dueling-pistol.aspx It's not to expensive, compared to other guns I've seen. And I can get two for $75. (edited to fix the price, accidentally put the wrong number at first)
  17. That is nice, Capn' Mac. I like both renders. Once I get all the final works I think I'll have a harder time choosing which one to use than I had anticipated.
  18. Sure, Mac. The design is pretty much already here, I'll just send you a message when I can do so in simpler terms and with more clarity.
  19. I have a list of things I already know the location of and am looking at, but I'm wondering, are there better stores? Here are the links for the items I'm looking at. Pocketwatch Badge Another Badge Aether Monitor Compass Goggles I intend to customize the goggles a bit. It has an elastic band and, although that's good for goggles, leather is preferable. What I intend to do is combine them, a short elastic piece will attach a leather strap at both it's ends to the goggles. I already have the base outfit decided on, it's a more traditional, and historically accurate, pirate outfit. A red swordsman's shirt, black drawstring pants, blue captain's coat, renaissance boots, and customized Captain Kidd's hat. I'll be wearing this outfit to college on occasion, once it's all put together, so although I love weapons they aren't something I'm looking for. If you don't have any links to shops, hopefully the links I provided might prove helpful to you too. If not and you have no links yourself, what do you think of the items listed?
  20. Dang, I'm in the right area, but it's a bit to late for me. I would have seen about attending had I known sooner though.
  21. I looked and I was amazed. I would like to get some stuff like that someday, unfortunately I know I probably can't make it myself.
  22. Nice, the first or second one would be great, Frankie, thank you. I should have provided an example for that, but I couldn't find a pic like those two either. I'm not at all a fan of the rebel flag though, I'm a Northerner who had a rough time when visiting the South, but I like the wolf in that pic. And yes, those blades would be good.
  23. I think I do like it here. I've yet to see a reason why not to, although I admit I normally don't join forum sites. I couldn't resist the urge to enter a place where I might find like-minded people and the moment I saw a forum for airships and steampunks, I was bought. I'm not much of a steampunk myself right now, don't have the funds yet for the stuff, but I love airships. Ah, Italian wines are good. I think. I'm more into Guinness and Japanese Sake', myself. Cap'n Sam, ya can't go wrong with a good mug of rum. *passes a tall glass of moscato to LadyBarbossa and a pint of rum to Sam* Thank you both for the welcoming.
  24. Originality is always good to have, and thank you for the welcome. It would be somewhat hard to have a traditionally accurate flag, I'd think, without copying or taking from what someone else had. Perhaps losing the wing part would make it more traditional, but once I have the funds my outfit will be 'upgraded,' you could say, with steampunk stuff so I thought having wings on the banner would be more sky-pirate style. Thanks again.
  25. I've looked everywhere in the hopes of finding pictures I could use to put together my own pirate flag, but to no avail. I can't even provide good sample pictures for what I would like put together, with the exception of the well known crossed swords. So I'll try to describe it as best as I can. Basically I want the flag to have a wolf head centered, skull or not a skull, in the center of the flag just like on a generic Jolly Roger(skull and crossed bones). To the sides of the wolf's head would be two wings, preferably bat-like, kind of like Avenged Sevenfold's logo, but if the wolf's head is drawn as a skull it might look a bit more cool to have the wings be bone wings with the tips and the inner edge bladed. If the bone wings are bladed, a curved rapier or narrow-blade scimitar may be a good description for how that would look. Beneath the wolf's head and the wings I would like there to be two crossed cutlasses. Optionally, some blood dripping from the wolf's fangs might make it look a bit more fierce. Here are the pictures of the referenced similar designs. This is Calico Jack's Jolly Roger. The swords are not right for mine, however. Here is the proper sword, a cutlass. And Avenged Sevenfold's logo, in case you haven't seen it before. Please post your drawings of this or leave a comment on how you think this Jolly Roger might look. Even if all I get is a rough image of what I've requested, it would be enough for me to get the gear I want. I found a site where I can buy custom pirate gear, including my own Jolly Roger, and that's why I'm requesting this. Given time to earn the funds, I may eventually have the symbol of my Jolly Roger upon a belt bag, glass flask, leather pouch for the flask, and eventually even as a patch to be placed upon some not-so-piratey clothing for more casual wear. Thank you all in advance for both any drawings presented and any comments, criticism and/or advice. In return, although my talents aren't many for over the internet, I will do what I can as a favor to whoever grants the favor of drawing my Jolly Roger. I write books and I am going to college for game designing, so if you have a character you would like to see in a book, short story(which would be easier and faster) or a game I make I'll do what I can to achieve that for you.
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