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Admiral Kilo

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Everything posted by Admiral Kilo

  1. Those look interesting. Some of the 15th-18th century buckles I might not recognize as buckles unless I saw them in use.
  2. Here is the cutlass I'll be getting, and I think it is sold for a good price. http://www.goldduo.com/swords-military-c-865_872/navy-cutlass-sword-926762-p-647060
  3. I confess, I only glanced over the previous posts, but I thought I would share that I read somewhere that pirates rarely used torture as punishments. When punishments were used it was a bit more reasonable, but many pirate crews became pirate crews having mutinied against a navy fleet. The reasons being the low pay, unfair treatment, torture methods/punishments used, etc. All-in-all, life was somewhat crappy. So, they mutiny and become a democracy, making things fair and everything divided evenly so no man is making practically no profit while the higher-ups get rich.
  4. I still don't really know what the section is for. I saw something about a magazine, then jumped over here and have been laughing up at previous comments ever since.
  5. LOL, sorry, Oderless, and your welcome, Kendra. I just like poems and wanted to post my opinion and grattitude in all the threads.

  6. Welcome back, Kendra, and I hope to hear of your adventures soon. It's good to have you back.
  7. The Irish Rovers were around even before my grandpa. My grandpa is an old seadog himself, having been in the Merchant Marines and the Navy. From what he's told me he should have a mansion in Davey Jone's Locker. There songs are songs of the sea, the pub, and nationality of Ireland. Here's some of their stuff. Farewell to Nova Stotia Craciunal in Killarney(Christmas in Killarney) The Day the Tall Ships Came Finnegan's Wake The Pub with No Beer What do you all think?
  8. I can't seem to come up with anything right now, but as soon as I come up with something I'll post it.
  9. Forum sites, especially ones for older generations(by that I mean people over 18 or at least with very little to attract people under the age of 18) tend to be somewhat slow. So far I have only seen one site that is active daily and it is for kids and adults alike, the theme there is anime. Compared to other forum sites of the same type, I'd say this one is relatively active. I've decided I like the Pub and so am going to do what I can to make it as active as I can. As soon as I can get around to it, I'll be advertising to every pirate-enthusiast I know, the only problem we may encounter is that most of them aren't as into computers and forum sites as I am. Hopefully though we will see an increase in activity.
  10. I'm glad my words were appreciated, Kendra, especially to the point of having brought you back. I'll check out that link in just a moment, thank you for providing it.
  11. I read your posts as well, I know you're not a depressed person. At least not all the time. It's nice to see you post so soon, I thought it would be at least a week or so before I saw a reply.
  12. When I see the horizon, I see where the ocean meets the sky- a place I long to chase. Very well done again, Blackbeard.
  13. Very well done, William. This was a good story, I'd have liked to read more.
  14. Again, very well done, Princess. I enjoyed this one.
  15. Interesting observations poetically put. Very nice, Princess.
  16. Once again, Blackbeard, well done. And Ransom, that was great too. Thank you both.
  17. A poem about salt. That's interesting, but it has a good point. Many things are salty. This world has lots of salt.
  18. This is a very good poem with a very good point.
  19. Very nice, a great love poem. You're good, Blackbeard. Good work.
  20. This was very good too. Well done, Captain Lance.
  21. This sounds to me like it should be a song. Very nice.
  22. Oi, Blackbeard, you need to get back to work here. I've read the other sad poetry, but this is the first to nearly bring a tear to my eye. I've yet to see a poem show the family side of piracy so well. I want to read the next stanza.
  23. That's a nice one too. I'm enjoying all the poems here, pirates have good ways with words.
  24. Very nice. The ending amused me.
  25. Oi, it's June and I feel like celebrating Christmas now. lol, very nice.
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