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adam cyphers

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Everything posted by adam cyphers

  1. i agree...i cant wait for it cmon 2morrow hurry!!!
  2. From the album: my kit

    my dad brought these to me today...there as long as my arm from fingertip to elbow

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  3. mission ive got a tooth owie...if you are comin to the blackbeard fest..im first...
  4. my daughters are 11 months and 4 years...looking for the bare essentials for them...shift and bonnet..or patterns.maybe something more for my 4 year pld...thanks adam...
  5. HUZZAH to that game and all the others...esp...the blacksmith game;)
  6. the deck cap'n...roll on the deck with laughter.
  7. ok ok...cap'n pern was hammin it up a bit.but...woohoo look at dutchie in his shiny red coat...watch out cross,dutch is gunning for your fashion spot...joking aside though it looked great.
  8. Your very welcome...as for the Appt. I suppose it did, my hand and wrist is still swollen and knotted but they took me out of the splint and returned me to full duty. They are assuming it's a muscle sprain.

  9. Hey you...Happy Birthday!

  10. all finished...filed the high spots down...cleaned up the butt...and a tarred marlin turkshead...
  11. hmmm...its 5 mins away from me...idk if ill make it...lol
  12. ive got bad news...i had 9 of 10 done..then got the pright idea to spill paint all over them...im going to try to get them done again but i dont think itll be in time...my apologies for gumming up the works...ill keep you posted.
  13. alright alright enough of this...lol ill get you some wavy seeded glass master hook.might not have the green tint to it.free of charge too.me and matty are in va...where might you be? 3 pcs 6"x8" 1pcs 5" x 7 1/2" ....unless we dont have any in the glass shop.ill let ya know in a bit
  14. im on DA my id there is noturzz..ill havta check those groups out .ty
  15. i know you werent friend...no harm done...i like the desighn better than the one i currently have...handles like a small cleaver...
  16. ahoy there gumbatz...welcome aboard.
  17. if you want forge advice try iforgeiron,com or anvilfire.com...knives/swords google don fogg as i cant remember the address ...in my opinion those are the best sites... and SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY
  18. just giving my reasons for shaping the blade the way i did...1. the originial shape of the rasp it came from was closer to this than a leaf shape or drop point...2.it is a old rasp...im SURE its older but the latest i can confirm this off the top of my head is early 1800s.3.i have been a smith for about 5-6 years now...if a sailor came to me i feel this would have been the end result..especially adding what SMALL knowledge i have of seamanship.the only thing i would change is to put a chisel grind on it...i would have w/ this one but wasnt sure of master crosses specific knowledge of said edge.the next one which i am doing for dutch will have a chisel gring on it as it facilitates cutting the line off w/ a straight edge w/ mallet/marlinspike and the knife in the traditional way.just wanted to give my reasons ...any questions just ask...
  19. "Don't ask me where I be me lads.

    Don't ask me what I did.

    With every finger a Marlinespike

    and every thumb a fid." from a foc's'l tune

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