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Jeff MacKay

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Posts posted by Jeff MacKay

  1. Ahoy my brethren. I have a question for all of you. Does anyone know who decided on the name for our order? Just for fun I typed "Order of The Leviathan" into google search. What I found was possibly a little alarming. I found that there already is an organization with this title. It appears to be a sect of Satan Worshipers formed in 1982. http://www.xeper.org/oleviathan/

    "As such, the Order acts as a focus for personal initiation of its members in particular and, by extension, the Temple of Set as a whole, in that it seeks to take those concepts that we discover and convert them into operant techniques, approaches, and methods for self-directed evolution.

    Through this approach, and because of our use of the Inspired Texts, the Order of Leviathan presents itself as the explicitly religious core of the Temple of Set, uniting a rigorous application of Reason with a Willed Assent to the idea of an objective end for which humans were designed, a purpose underlying the bestowal of the Gift by Set, a transcendent destiny for Setians as the agents of the Black Flame.

    Our History

    Leviathan appears as a monstrous primordial sea-creature in the Old Testament’s oldest known work, the Book of Job. The serpent or dragon image resonates throughout the world, touching other cultures and peoples: among them, Apep of the Egyptians, Tiamat of the Akkado-Sumerians, the Greek Typhon, the Midgard Serpent in Norse mythology, and the belief in “dragon currents” in Chinese cosmology. The common universal elements of this Serpentine Archetype - power, wisdom, renewal/rebirth, and liberation - led to its incorporation into the teachings of the Pre-Christian Gnostics and Hermeticists from which the Medieval/Renaissance magicians received their inspiration.

    Leviathan’s hold over Black Magicians has been a strong one. Its name ringed the Baphomet used by the Church of Satan as the serpent that encircled and defined the Goat of Mendes. Medieval grimoires name Leviathan as one of the greatest Princes of Hell.

    The Order of Leviathan was one of the Temple of Set’s earliest Orders, created in the year XVII (1982) by Magister James Lewis, when then-High Priest Ronald K. Barrett decided that Masters of the Temple should found orders to focus their teaching. It has grown and developed through the intervening years, and from studying its principles, Magus James Lewis Uttered the Word “Remanifest.” In XXXI (1996), Magister Michael Kelly became the Order’s second Grand Master. In XXXV (2000), the office of Grand Master passed to Magister Bruce Ware.

    The Order examines the deepest origins of Leviathan, seeking further comprehension of the Dragon’s archetypal aspects and their relationship to Remanifestation, using as our prime resource the “Statement of Leviathan” found in The Diabolicon. There, Leviathan describes itself as the “Principle of Continuity and Ageless Existence.” Leviathan thus serves as our link to the concepts of immortality and to the primordial forces that pre-existed the creation of the ordered universe, the “zoe” – the chaotic and dynamic seed of life.

    Our Approach

    What sort of Setian initiate would pursue the Quest in this fashion, rather than choosing another Order and method? The OL offers a unique approach to Xeper: The Adept Black Magician explores and seeks to apprehend supra-rational concepts (and their supporting universal principles) of “Being” and “Becoming” that must be translated and applied in a no-nonsense manner to the Objective Universe.

    Thus, the Order of Leviathan holds that the Word “Remanifestation” is critical to the accomplishment of the Aeonic Formula: “Xepera Xeper Xeperu.” That is, without Remanifestation, the idea of becoming is an abstraction – one without the necessary context of demonstrating to the Objective Universe the essential fact that Xeper has occurred, that “something” in the Initiating Being has changed.

    We Remanifest the sense of Self that is the core Identity. We Remanifest the power of our essential humanity through the expression of the Gift of Set – the capacity or potential called Intelligence that humans alone possess. We Remanifest the development of the personal will that leads to the expanded and exalted vitality of a prolonged life, and the survival of biological death as an integrated and unique individual consciousness – what we know as Immortality.

    Because the Initiate working in the Leviathanite mode does so much work on the frontiers of the supra-rational, we are committed to the critical importance of the development of a well-educated and well-trained mind. The Order of Leviathan has created the Setian Academy as a necessary first step for Setians desiring to work within the Order. Further, since we believe that Setians of all degrees would benefit from such an educational and training curriculum, the Setian Academy is also open to Initiates who are not members of the Order. The link below will take you to its Mission Statement, and is the gateway for further exploration of the Setian Academy."

    I think I have an issue with this. Please check it out for yourselves. I invite your thoughts and comments. -MacKay

  2. Stynky and other members of the order, Please bear with me. Is this the "public" or "private" forum for our the Order? I'd like to start a dialog about something , but do not want it seen by those outside the Order. Thanks -MacKay

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