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Wicked Jim

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Everything posted by Wicked Jim

  1. GREAT cast is right mate. Did you watch via that link? Just trying to be a shipmate.
  2. i agree that all TWs are great and thanks for seeing my partial point? ( I think ? )...have you played Napoleon? i haven't, been thinking about it for a while. Napoleon is good but not much different than other. Yes I have it an it is nice... Are the cannon ranges and elevations better?
  3. that's a great name, i'm sure she's a beaut.
  4. i agree that all TWs are great and thanks for seeing my partial point? ( I think ? )...have you played Napoleon? i haven't, been thinking about it for a while.
  5. Do you see how they have the colored glow about them, in the actual gameplay? They also don't blend realistically with the rest of the environment, like in the other Total War games. Here they stand out from their surroundings too much, like cartoons on a realistic backdrop.
  6. I liked it for the different spin on an old tale and who doesn't love Bob Hoskins as Smee, but it was VERY overpriced for what it was. I thought it WAS a series, guess not.
  7. Personally i don't like the soilder/sailor/calvary/cannonade graphics, seems too cartoony. I love the other Total War series though.
  8. http://www.1channel.ch/ I thought it was great, I posted this link, where it can be seen for free.
  9. THIS is a super cool pic mate.
  10. This may be a stupid question, but where's the link to the rest of your collection for sale?
  11. ha. I DO live closer than all those listed . Job and family though also are a hindrance.
  12. is THAT period? great expression either way
  13. Thank you for the clarity William Red Wake. Cheers mate.
  14. Since this thread was started, i've looked into knives, and one i saw for sale had a blunted tip, ' in case it was dropped from high in the rigging it would lessen the potential for injuries below'. i took the liberty of adding "blunt tipped utility" so you could get a visual as to what i meant. i CERTAINLY make no claim to being an historical expert.
  15. I was a Damage Controlman, USN, haze grey and underway.
  16. Along these knife lines...would the knife be more functional for shipboard use, like a blunt tip utility knife, or would it have a sharp pointed tip, reserved for eating or stabbing someone?
  17. ...CONVICT? It fits the situation, no? Can we assume the prisoner has not yet had his day in court? I have the VERY bad habit of looking on the brighter side....
  18. you ALL look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! what successes at costuming/outfits/garb. VERY good!
  19. "whiskey you're the devil", personal favorite of mine
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