With a minor dilemma over what footwear to wear at PIP (this year being my first),
I decided I might need something in addition to the Fugawees.
After all, it is the beach right?!?
So after a half hour googling for rope sandals and not really happy with the fact
that the Gurkee model is Polypropylene rope, (plus the fact that my WIDE feet
are impossible to fit) I ran across a site with some japanese patterns....
The one I found that looked generic enough for anywhere was the Waraji.
See Link here:
A few more patterns and info here:
It looked very doable so I made the jig.
Making the jig for weaving the sandals is pretty easy once you interpolate
the distance apart of the pegs by taking the overall sizes 10" and 16"
and scale the rest to that.
Here is the jig, approx 22" X 10" 3/4 inch plywood, with 1/2 inch oak dowels
glued in 1/2" holes (never mind the bolt - I drilled the first hole 5/8"
by accident):
Here are a couple pics constructing the 1st one:
Here is the finished product:
Things I would do different:
-Use thinner rope, this was supposed to be 1/4" rope but was more
like 3/8", which is tough between the toes!
-I added extra rope in the middle of the sole and knotted it in back.
Now back to finish the 2nd one. Then I'll decide if I want to get
some thinner rope and try again.
Let me know how it goes if anyone else gives it a try...
"We can build him better"