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Everything posted by madPete

  1. Just finished this (actually written by James Nelson I found out afterward).. and now working on this...
  2. Number 11 (A continuation from #5)
  3. Number 14 ...
  4. Hey Cross - I thought you were "fixin wagons" not ships!
  5. Number 13 ... A new character... Not so new if you loved Spy vs Spy. This character has traveled far and wide, studied all manner of knowledge and has risen to a new plane of knowledge and consciousness. Among her many talents, she is a shape shifter and is all-knowing. Goes without saying that the pyrates fall hook, line and sinker into her traps ... Da da da daaaaa ... Introducing Lady du'Ches. (that's doo - shay for you snood weasels)
  6. 'nuff said on that subject... What did I miss on the "snood"?
  7. Number 11 is on hold until its just right. So here is Number 12...
  8. er... Mrs madPete...
  9. Thanks Silkie. madKimm says she always knows when I come up with an idea, cause she hears me chuckle...
  10. Number 10
  11. Very nice Mr. Cross! too many buttons are just enough
  12. Don't worry Mr. Cross... We're gonna make you immortal. It'll just be in a different medium...
  13. Sure. PM me and let me know how ya would like it... The first drawings were scans of pencil drawings, since then I've been using pen. I've been meaning to clean up the first ones so they have a little more contrast and repost the images.
  14. Number 9...
  15. That kind of publicity could get Stynky voted into the Devil's Dozen... Aye, would be no livin wit 'im wot wins! Good Luck Mission - Hope it publishes!
  16. They filmed Stynky, Mickey Souris, and myself on Thursday in the Fort. I actually met Stinky for the first time - on camera, if he only knew...
  17. I'm a Database Administrator for a large computer reselling company. And some days my job feels just like that video I just pretend to be a graphic artist;)
  18. Number 8
  19. Not sure saw dust would be very tasty... Needs Gravy! I bet the Evil Bacon Merchant could help. I sorta remember Lob having a facebook page... was that in a journal somewhere?
  20. Number 7 Ya just have ta give White Pyrate credit fer a creative solution to the limited Vegetarian meals at PIP. Not sure Lob would agree though...
  21. That's my story and I'm stynky'n to it. I think you'll enjoy the next couple. Well, everybody except... er... ah never mind.
  22. Number 6
  23. "oh BTW, any likenesses are strictly coincidental" I always knew you hated me.
  24. Nicely done Mission! Very enjoyable read. We appreciate all the work you put into it.
  25. Although the "Glamour Shot" link was probably earned after a goodly amount of rum, I may just have to pull out all the stops and do a Pyrate vs Pyrate "Glamour frame" of Mission!
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