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Everything posted by madPete

  1. Nice job Chris - kinda like walkin' the plank eh?
  2. Aye, that be the irony of it - A hint of truth and the idear takes on its own life
  3. Under the guise of generating discussion for PIP 2010... Just thought we could begin with the debate over the top 10 items fer yer kit!
  4. You rock dude! - Half the joy is building it yourself - the other half is showing it off But you are making us all drool... mP
  5. A big THANK YOU to Tales of the Seven Seas crew fer allowing me to camp with them! You folks are truly a family away from home! Got to meet some pub members in person as well. Nice weather, had a great time. Until our sails cross again - don't be strangers - you know where to find me. mP
  6. leaving fer Ojai!

  7. Aye - Happy Birthday mate!
  8. Eye - that be a bummer. Hope ta see ya at another event soon mP
  9. I did the trick with the leather cord holding the buttons on the back, instead of sewing them on... This allowed me to create a reversible weskit, by just untying the cord and moving buttons to the other side of the vest - This reverses the button placement from right to left side when it's flipped inside out. so I was kinda wondering the same thing. learned this from an aquaintance in civil war re-enacting who had a reversible frock coat so he could "galvanize" his artillery at will ... mP
  10. WiIlliam - we do appreciate your positive spin on the thing - some things I hadn't thought of. And not to beat a dead horse - but the camping on the beach part is big draw for attendance. Since there is no other place to register our thoughts, short of rumor-mongering, at least hear it out and edit if it gets negative. I don't see a lot of dwelling on the negative at this point, as Mission said... at least there is discussion around it. My concern is when you hear people are bowing out because of it, or lack of it, you have consider it as a factor. It was almost a turning point in my decision as well. Flying from Arizona and camping I have ta travel light - no trees for a hammock almost kills it. I'm still attending this year but ended up making rather pricey arrangements in town. This will be a factor in the future. Let's focus on fixing the logistics for living history demos, maybe future events will offer a return to camping on the beach. In the mean time, hopefully the powers that be - will at least listen. mP
  11. hope ya dint blast their mug
  12. madPete

    Patrick in 04

    BilgePatrick ???
  13. Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell
  14. Crew? No. SPY?. Yes. I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about. YEAH - what he said...
  15. If these guys didn't do it - they had three very close calls
  16. Most Excellent! (but i be need'n me eyeglass to be readn this here post) mP I was posting sotto voce. It's an old performing trick, used by no less than Popeye the Sailor. Oui, Monsieur, as Shay, oops Chez Crevettes must be kept a solemn secret de Polichinelle: c'est clair à moi maintenant
  17. Most Excellent! (but i be need'n me eyeglass to be readn this here post) mP
  18. oooooh... Dutch you say? Nice!
  19. Aye - ya best be adding Peter Chaaps to the articles, I grew wings ov'r the summer. If'n there be a central event the crew can agree on - count me in. I love to get out o the desert in the summertime (hint).
  20. Flight and room booked! Guess that means I'll be there in 2010! please ignore the earlier footprint request fer me tent, as I'm staying off-site this year.
  21. says "all booked fer PIP"

  22. ouch! gonna miss ya...
  23. A pirate with a law degree. Makes it all kinda legal now don't it??? Aye - we'll keep a weather eye fer ya. Be the best at what you do! mP
  24. Nice! that is what makes this hobbie a hoot - Good times always! I bet that jacket looks good now with some weathering and wear (if'n ya could stand wearin it that long ) mP
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