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Everything posted by madPete

  1. Welcome back Cheeky Actress! My favorite memory of you is dancing the Bees Knees in period garb in front of a pub at PIB. Priceless...
  2. I found it only works if you right click the image and open in a new tab. just a doubleclick shows a broken image. At least for me...
  3. No way! I thought he disappeared into the Florida Everglades with a silk parachute! Welcome back Dirty B*****d!
  4. TRying to catch up with me... Leftovers from "Slop By Chaaps".
  5. until
    Come and join us for a weekend of Renaissance fun! This year, we will be holding the Faire at the Mt. Nebo Botanical Farm in Mona, Utah at the base of majestic Mount Nebo Featuring More details to come. facebook https://utahrenfaire.org
  6. until
    Alexandria Bay is the proud home of the Famous “Bill Johnston’s Pirate Days.” There are 10 days filled with family fun and special events. Our sword-fighting group, known as the ‘Tales from Remikreh,’ will be performing throughout the Village streets and at various Route 12 locations. Be sure to stop by and visit the Entertainment tent for a list of activities planned for that day. Bill Johnston was a renegade after the Patriots War, who blew up the British steamer, Sir Robert Peel, hid among the 1000 Islands, and was hunted by both U.S. and Canadian authorities. The annual Bill Johnston’s Pirates Days celebration commemorates some of his exploits. Fill your senses with the sound and spectacle when pirate ships attack the village from the St. Lawrence River, as the brave villagers try to stave them off. The air is filled with smoke and the sound of musket fire and cannon, and eventually the villagers succumb as the pirates invade the town. After the Mayor turns over the key to the village to the invading marauders, everyone becomes a pirate. The Alexandria Bay Chamber of Commerce, through the hard work of our members; sponsor all of the above events. You are invited to join in the spirit of Pirate Days and dress as a Pirate, Patriot, or Indian when attending any or all of these events. All times are subject to change. Please check the Event Board at the Entertainment Tent or at the Chamber Office at (315) 482-9531. A band of Sword Fighting Pirates will be available during all 10 days at most events listed for photo opportunities. The Tales from Remikreh group will be throughout the Village so BEWARE! Please see the schedule at the Entertainment Tent for specific locations and times. Check out local merchants for sales of event flags. Most events are free and for the enjoyment of the public. https://visitalexbay.org/our-events/bill-johnstons-pirate-days-2025/
  7. until
    The Bisbee Pirate Weekend is an annual, three-day, citywide costume event to come dressed as a pirate or mermaid. Take part in pub crawls, costume contests, pirate prom, magic, music, the Return of the Mermaids Parade, and more. https://www.bisbeepirateweekend.com/ https://www.discoverbisbee.com/ad/bisbee-pirate-weekend/
  8. You have no idea. lanterns are but the the tip of the iceberg... :-)
  9. Does anyone have period squirt guns? LOL
  10. I guess I hadnt thought about the number of shirts needed for a 5 day event. A couple of my shirts are heavier linen and will be warm for Alabama in Sept. Washing clothes and getting them dry in that humidity is tough. If warm and humid, drenching them in water before wearing should add a cooling effect, so maybe not the problem I think it is. regardless, I have some shirtwieght linen ready to go. The problem now is finding the ambition (oh where did you go?) to stitch up the shirts.
  11. I understand the allure of the blends, because they are cheaper, more available and come in more pattern choices. But I personally find blends to be stifling in the heat. Nothing breathes like 100% shirtweight linen. When you consider 2 yards for a shirt, at $12 yd versus 2 yards at $6yd, you only save $12. I consider a $24 linen shirt to be a mighty fine deal when you stitch it yourself. And, you wont ever regret using 100% linen
  12. 60 yds of hemp 8mm (roughly 3/8) diameter was around $75 shipped. If you buy more that 50 yds, the price per yard is discounted 50%
  13. You do know your history... There is a prison also, but you need to find the dog with the key to see it.
  14. I kinda went down the rabbit hole looking for that Morocco event ...
  15. BTW - These stools are for the Pyracy pub events. I planned to make at least 4 for the pub and maybe one or two for my camp. I have a couple folding stools, but they just dont fit well in the duffle for flying.
  16. where's that stool/bench you were advertising you would make? Also, Mission was threatening to out engineer my stools, c'mon healthy competition is good!
  17. My tent has jute rope for ties across the doors front and back, as well as thru the grommet holes I stitched for the stake tiedowns. I replaced the jute once a few years back as it was all frayed. It was time to do the same so I planned to upgrade the rope this time around. Purchased 60 yards of hemp rope (roughly 5/16 - 3/8). It came in 2-50yd and 10yd pieces from Hemp Traders online The 10 yards was cut up for new tent door ties and stake ties. I made two 12ft length guidelines. Will probably use the rest as well for guidelines for the fly.
  18. 9x10 wedge - no guidelines 12x12 fly,with guidelines more like 15x15. I'll have to scrounge for poles at the event
  19. While searching for events, I found this cool link to a visitors experience in Sale'', Morocco... https://marocmama.com/pirate-adventure-in-sale/ Excerpt: Salé’s Bab Lamrissa stands at least thirty-five feet tall. This monumental gate dates to the seventeenth-century Republic of Salé. A city-state separate from Morocco, this small polity had been run by Corsairs, or pirates in Western parlance. I gaped up and up, soaking in the building’s historical import. I wondered how to fit the entire structure into a photo, without losing any of its sense of grandeur.
  20. Join us Saturday, May 3, 2025! 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM @ Peratrovich Plaza Juneau is Maritime. Celebrate Juneau’s rich Maritime culture, history, and commerce with thousands of your family, friends, and colleagues! Why limit your Juneau Maritime Festival activities to the shore? Join us and get out on the water with one of our Harbor Cruises! Enjoy seaside tunes, a no-host bar featuring beer and wine, all while you tour around beautiful downtown Juneau's surrounding waterways. $20.00 per person. Please be ready to board 15 minutes prior to your departure time at the Seadrome Dock located at 76 Egan Drive (just north of the Historic Merchant's Wharf, across from Four Points Hotel). https://jedc.org/maritimefestival/
  21. Welcome back! Funny how, as long as someones been gone, they eventually pop up again. Glad to hear you are going to Massacre Island. We are really looking forward to it and working on our kits.
  22. I was going to bring them to long beach
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