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Capn' Mac

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Everything posted by Capn' Mac

  1. Ahoy ye scurvey bilge rats an' bretheren of ill repute!!! Once again we are castin' an eye out fer fellow mates o' the sea which are needen' colors! Colors ta be flyin high an' mighty in th' wind! Fair winds and following seas to ye pyrate brethren! We have new slots open for custom, hand crafted pirate flags! Our custom made pirate flags are hand dyed, and hand painted with your custom design on both sides. They are made from a medium weight canvas, sturdy and made for use outdoors. They measure 4 ½ feet wide by 3 feet high though we can accommodate any size you might need. They are made with triple re-enforced hanging corners with brass grommets. The flags are treated with a UV blocker to prevent fading and are water proofed and made to withstand high winds and the elements. In short they are made for real use whether flying in your camp or raised as your colors on board your water craft of choice. These flags will last for years of hard and rugged use. Prices range from $85 on up depending on artwork. Please contact us for a quote. Here are some examples of recently completed flages for the New Orleans Pyrate Week! Here be a very small sample of some o' our past work: ...an' some o' our cutthroat customers flyin our wares! We have been reviewd on Bilgemunky.com and in Pirates Magazine! Check out our sight and let us know if we can be of service: http://www.dirkandarrow.com/7.html
  2. Ahoy ye scurvey bilge rats an' bretheren of ill repute!!! Once again we are castin' an eye out fer fellow mates o' the sea which are needen' colors! Colors ta be flyin high an' mighty in th' wind! Fair winds and following seas to ye pyrate brethren! We have new slots open for custom, hand crafted pirate flags! Our custom made pirate flags are hand dyed, and hand painted with your custom design on both sides. They are made from a medium weight canvas, sturdy and made for use outdoors. They measure 4 ½ feet wide by 3 feet high though we can accommodate any size you might need. They are made with triple re-enforced hanging corners with brass grommets. The flags are treated with a UV blocker to prevent fading and are water proofed and made to withstand high winds and the elements. In short they are made for real use whether flying in your camp or raised as your colors on board your water craft of choice. These flags will last for years of hard and rugged use. Prices range from $85 on up depending on artwork. Please contact us for a quote. Here are some examples of recently completed flages for the New Orleans Pyrate Week! Here be a very small sample of some o' our past work: ...an' some o' our cutthroat customers flyin our wares! We have been reviewd on Bilgemunky.com and in Pirates Magazine! Check out our sight and let us know if we can be of service: http://www.dirkandarrow.com/7.html
  3. Just got a copy of our review in Pirates Magazine!
  4. Ahoy ye scurvey bilge rats an' bretheren of ill repute!!! We been trapped in the ice o' winter's bane and have freed our lowsome disreputable selves once again and are castin' an eye out fer fellow mates o' the sea which are needen' colors! Colors ta be flyin high an' mighty in th' wind! Fair winds and following seas to ye pyrate brethren! We have new slots open for custom, hand crafted pirate flags! Our custom made pirate flags are hand dyed, and hand painted with your custom design on both sides. They are made from a medium weight canvas, sturdy and made for use outdoors. They measure 4 ½ feet wide by 3 feet high though we can accommodate any size you might need. They are made with triple re-enforced hanging corners with brass grommets. The flags are treated with a UV blocker to prevent fading and are water proofed and made to withstand high winds and the elements. In short they are made for real use whether flying in your camp or raised as your colors on board your water craft of choice. These flags will last for years of hard and rugged use. Prices range from $85 on up depending on artwork. Please contact us for a quote. Here are some examples of recently completed flages for the New Orleans Pyrate Week! Here be a very small sample of some o' our past work: ...an' some o' our cutthroat customers flyin our wares! We have been reviewd on Bilgemunky.com and in Pirates Magazine! Check out our sight and let us know if we can be of service: http://www.dirkandarrow.com/7.html
  5. Greetin's mates! I find myself in an interesting situation. I have an extremely lucrative job working from home which allows me to live literally anywhere in the continental US that I wish to live. I was born and raised here in Colorado but I feel I really am all done here. I've lived in Oregon and loved it and am considering a move back up there but considering I can go any where I open to just about anything. Where would you good folks suggest that a guy who earns a decent living and would love to really dive feet first into a strong, well established pirate/reenactment scene move?
  6. Ahoy mates!! Tis' been a regular torrent o' business these past couple of months!! Here are a couple of pictures of some happy hearty cusomers! And a newly completed piece... Slots are opening up folks...get em while they're hot!!
  7. Thank you! It was the very first purchase i made when building my kit!
  8. Just finished up a right beaut o' a pennent fer Gerttie! Have a look at this lovely lady boyo's: We now have slots open again folks! First come, first served!
  9. Sure thing. Just drop us a line when yer ready!
  10. Would you mind adding us for custom flags, smuggler's boxes, signs, snf other sunddries? www.dirkandarrow.com
  11. Just finnished the paint job for Pylos's flag. Just needs the grometting and some weathering and it'll be good to go:
  12. Here's the final paint for a job for Pylos. Just needs reinforced gromets and a bit of weather and it'll be good to go!
  13. You bet! I'll send you a PM.
  14. E-mail sent to you good sir! Any other takers?
  15. Fair winds and following seas to ye pyrate brethren! We have new slots open for custom, hand crafted pirate flags! Our custom made pirate flags are hand dyed, and hand painted with your custom design on both sides. They are made from a medium weight canvas, sturdy and made for use outdoors. They measure 4 ½ feet wide by 3 feet high though we can accommodate any size you might need. They are made with triple re-enforced hanging corners with brass grommets. The flags are treated with a UV blocker to prevent fading and are water proofed and made to withstand high winds and the elements. In short they are made for real use whether flying in your camp or raised as your colors on board your water craft of choice. These flags will last for years of hard and rugged use. Prices range from $85 on up depending on artwork. Please contact us for a quote. Here are some examples of recently completed flages for the New Orleans Pyrate Week! Some of our past work: We have been reviewd on Bilgemunky.com Check out our sight and let us know if we can be of service: http://www.dirkandarrow.com/7.html
  16. Well I did receive me cards finally and I have ta say th’ few I got were very nice. I really wish more o you scaly wags had been able ta participate but alas twas clearly not meant ta be. That bein’ said here are the cards I recieved...
  17. Captain Cilléne mac Conghalaigh Born July 21st, 1553, Annan in Dumfries and Galloway on the Solway Firth in the south of Scotland Born in the maritime town of Annan to Connor mac Conghalaigh and Mary mac Conghalaigh. Connor, a shipwright, raised Cilléne in his trade as a shipbuilder in the turbulent times of the Border Reivers. Annan, historically the seat of the famous Bruces of old, suffered repeatedly at the hands of moss-troopers and through the feuds of rival families, during the period of the Border lawlessness. While cattle reiving and thievery were the most publicized activities of the time, many a ship bearing cargo and goods of necessity would fall victim to the Border violence. It was a turbulent and dangerous time, and so it was that when Cilléne was of age, he was sent north to Perth, to his uncle William to learn the merchanting and, as it would turn out, smuggling trade. Upon his arrival in late April of 1568, young master Cilléne was to be swept up in events that would forever change his life. Being a staunch Catholic and supporter of Queen Mary’s, Cilléne’s uncle William was engaged in a plot to help smuggle the recently deposed Queen out of Loch Leven castle in Edinburgh, and assist her in raising an army to take back her rightful throne from the Protestant Scottish Nobles. It was at this time that Cilléne was to come face to face with Mary Stewart, once the Queen of Scotland, and by rights, the whole of England. Caught up in a fervour Catholic nationalism, daring escapes, and the raising for a force to defend Mary’s claim to the throne, Cilléne was instantly and understandably taken with the ousted Queen. Worshipping from afar, he joined the rag tag band of rebels in Hamilton that were to march, fight and ultimately fail in the Battle of Langside. After the defeat at the hands of Moray’s men, Cilléne and his Uncle William were integral in Mary’s escape to England across the Solway Firth aboard one of William’s merchant vessels. Cilléne was never to see his beloved Queen again. This however was not the last of Cilléne’s involvement with Mary. Having been given captaincy of one of his Uncle’s merchant vessels, The Hawkwynd, Cilléne was to find himself embroiled in both the infamous Ridolfi and Babington plots. One of Uncle William’s many ventures was the transportation and sale of goods from Scotland and England abroad to France, Navarre, Portugal and Spain, chiefly the merchanting of beers, wines, and spirits. As the laws of the day on these goods were strict, a fair amount of smuggling was involved allowing for the regularity of all manner of clandestine affairs. These were to include the secret transportation of Roberto Ridolfi, a Florentine banker, ardent Catholic, and cheif architect of the failed Ridolfi plot as well as the transportation of secret documents between the Catholic supporters of Scotland and England and the court of King Phillip II of Spain during the Babington plot. It was during this period that Cilléne would meet the only other woman to capture his heart as had the Queen of Scotland, one Marie le Noir de Navarre, second eldest daughter to Alejandro de Navarre, a wealthy Basque merchantman and co-conspirator. It was she that so inspired Cilléne’s passions that he re-christened his ship The Marie Noir. They were wed in San Sebastián in 1585. Marie, much like her native Navarre was a culmination of the best that France and Spain had to offer and would remain Cilléne’s lifelong companion, even through the turbulent times that now surround him. With the failure of the Babington plot and the resultant execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, Cilléne was moved to take more direct action and a public stance against Queen Elizabeth I and the Protestants of England. The year is now 1588. King Phillip II of Spain is amassing the largest armada the world has ever seen with the sole intention of invading England and removing the Heretic Queen. Long in the service to the forefathers of this action, Cilléne has added his ship The Maire Noir, and his men to the invasion force and the 103 heavily armed merchant vessels that made up the bulk of King Phillip’s Armada. It is May the 26th. Two days from now Cilléne’s fate, and that of the world will be decided. ..
  18. Our custom made pirate flags are hand dyed, and hand painted with your custom design on both sides. They are made from a medium weight canvas, sturdy and made for use outdoors. They measure 4 ½ feet wide by 3 feet high though we can accommodate any size you might need. They are made with triple re-enforced hanging corners with brass grommets. These grommets can be “button holed” for a more period look. The flags are treated with a UV blocker to prevent fading and are water proofed and made to withstand high winds and the elements. In short they are made to real use whether flying in your camp or raised as your colors on board your water craft of choice. These flags will last for years of hard and rugged use. Prices range from $85 on up depending on artwork. Please contact us for a quote.
  19. I am amazed that no one posted The Adventures of the Couragous and Reasonably Violent Crimson Permanent Assurance! Part 1: Part 2:
  20. These went for $125 a piece How is price determined? I have a few ideas in mind that are Celtic knotwork in nature. In short, complexity. Price is based on the complexity of the artwork, the kind of stain desired, will the artwork simply be burned in or will there be painting as well, etc. Each item we create is made entirely by hand, one at a time, 100% custom crafted as a one of a kind piece. We work with each customer one-on-one throughout the production process to be sure they get exactly what they want. The more labor intensive, time consuming, and material expensive the request, the more expensive an item can become. We always provide an up-front quote and terms and are happy to work with our customers on a case by case basis. Drop me a line with an idea and I’ll let you know how much it might run.
  21. These went for $125 a piece
  22. Just finished off a couple of smugglers boxes headed for Key Largo! This opens up some production slots. Get em while there hot!
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