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Capn' Mac

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Everything posted by Capn' Mac

  1. I am always amazed when I stumble upon this topic, how few folks know of a little Canadian band called The Real McKenzies. While technically a ‘punk’ band, they are really known for two things, their Scottish songs (and we are not talking just made up lyrics here but the poetry of Robert Burns set to some of the cleanest guitar licks and bagpipe solos ever) and their pirate songs: Clash of the Tartans: - Mainland Loch'd and Loaded: - "Ballad of John Silver" Oot & Aboot: - "Cross the Ocean" 10,000 Shots - "The Catalpa" Off the Leash "Chip" The thing that really sets the guys apart is the talent. People will constantly think ‘punk’ and think, not talent hacks that cannot play an instrument to save their lives or be able to carry a tune in a bucket. Not so with these blokes. I cannot recommend them enough. I will also second McCool’s vote for Captain Tractor. Another fantastic Canadian band whose tune like “Pitcairn Island” and their cover of “The Last Saskatchewan Pirate” are not to be missed. They also have, IMHO, the single best version of “Drunken Sailor” ever recorded. Ever. Period. Another fun band to check out is The Dust Rhinos. Again not strictly piratical in nature but they do sing the odd sea fairing tune. The last recommendation i will make is a personal favourite gem, “Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys”, directly inspired by the first POTC film. This odd CD contains some truly amazing and original renditions of some old favourites. A must have.
  2. Pew. Can you send me a nice big picture of yerself?
  3. Ahoy there! We've been lucky enough to be reviewed by that notorious skallywag and plunderer of the radio waves Bilgemunkey!! Have a look:Click Here!
  4. Well, this just gave me yet another way to avoid work...so here are my first five cards... Oops! was just informed not to show em off yet! Sorry
  5. Jus’ th’ perpiculars…hic…parthiculalers…hic…particulars ta make certain me rum addled brain does the right thing…so’s 10 folks get chosen right? Then I put together 10 cards based on each person…er, scallywag….er, pirate, and I mail em in, right? Are these here cards double sided with the pirate on one side and some sort of design on t’other? Should they be standard playing card size? Will the ten provide some pictures of use to work off of? Is there more rum?
  6. New to me but sounds pretty cool. With a little more info I'm in!
  7. Thank you very much Lady Brower! Having seen your work (especially your wool caps and breeches) I take that as quite a complement. If I make these available for purchase I’m curious, what would folks be willing to pay?
  8. So I woke up this morning with my guts gripping so I took a sick day...and I just couldn’t sit on my ass watching the idiot box waiting to feel better. So with the on-going goal of improving my late 16th century kit I took on an easy project today and made some garters out of some spare suede and suede lacing. I know they are not exactly “period” but it passed the time and now when I get some period stockings next week, I’ll have something to keep them up with. Might even add them as a product to our stock if folks are interested in buying some...
  9. Welcome aboard mon amie!
  10. Today is a day for rum...

  11. Could it be? A small whispering lick of wind blowing through this rocky and barren desert spelling some small sign of relief? Thank you Capt. McCool for providing what may turn out to e a well needed respite for this blackened briny sailor’s heart. A pirate can only survive so long on rum and solitude. For certain it is the press of the throng that keeps our ships afloat while in shallow and murky shoals. And aye, to be sure my lovely Black Molly and I will of course make our annual sojourn to the Colo Renn Fest. Keep a weather eye out for us. Thanks for your warm words all. Tis a blessed port this.
  12. The Colorado Renaissance Festival is fun and all and actually very pirate friendly but not pirate specific. My wife and I were married there 11 glorious years ago and intent on having a pirate themed –renewal of vows there for what we’re calling our Black 13th in a couple of years. That being said this just doesn’t compare to the colorful rum fests I’ve seen on line such as PiP, Paynestown, etc.Once our youngest is a bit older, we get some bills paid down, and life gives us a chance to breath a bit we intend to do some traveling. Our list right now is to hit: - Portland Pirate Festival (lived there for three years before this one even started) - Pirates in Paradise - Pirates in Paynestown In the mean time I’ll just have to warm my piratey cockles here with you fine folks. Just wish I had more to contribute…
  13. That's a nice hat to be sure. Too small for my massive noggin, 24" or 7 7/8...but a lovely job
  14. I found the Pub last year and have spent the last twelve months discovering further internet pirate goodness such as Bilgemunkey, Pirate Magazine, many merchants, etc. And while these are great things one and all I must confess to getting crazier than a starving bilge rat being stuck here in the landlocked Rockies far away from all of these lovely events, festivals, and the like. Any other similarly afflicted scurvy dogs out there or am I truly stuck in this hell of a locker alone? Misery love company and a nice shot of rum after all…
  15. Thanks much! It was fun to see what i could do with some cheapy stuff.
  16. I simply oiled it and scrubbed off the black, buffed it a bit and blued up the outer edge to give it some age. Scrubbed the end of the scabbard a bit but left some black again, to age it. Threw some brass star fish on her, a strap for my baldric, added some latigo for a peace knot and some piratey beads...voila!
  17. Should be fixed now...
  18. By day, I’m an e-learning designer/developer for a large legal publisher and software firm but i get to work from home...which is cool.
  19. Who are we? Who am I? From what perspective? Personally? I’m a history buff. I have a hunger to know what life was like for certain people of certain nationalities during certain time periods. I like to know what it was really like, un-romanticized, and realistically. There are several areas of history that fascinate me. The GAoP being in the top three. For me, part of learning about history is to experience as much of it as is possible through re-enactment. When it comes to 16th century and 18th century piracy, this becomes exceedingly difficult living in land locked Colorado! So I have to make due as best as I can. For me the more authentic the experience the better. That being said it’s also about fun. If it ain’t fun in my book, don’t do it!
  20. And there aint nuthin wrong with that Liam. I think we're just trying to spread the word about the history out there. I know that's all I'm doin. Fighting against the hordes of Tartan-o-philes that have seen "Highlander" and "PoTC" one to many times and can't be bothered to crack a book. Just keep doin what yer doin.
  21. I can also only assume this is a persona thing as many supporters of the Hanoverians were also Scots. Nor can it be called a "Protestant vs. Catholic" this late in the game either. Not so romantic really. I would refer to "The History of Piracy" by Phillip Gosse specifically Chapter IV entitled The Jacobean Pirates as well as "Raiders and Rebels: The Golden Age of Piracy" by Frank Sherry, chapter 2 entitled A Brilliant Time, a Brutal Time and chapter 3 A Seaman's Lot. These paint a clear picture of the horrors of life ashore for the general public and the brutality a man at sea suffered in the Navy or aboard a merchant vessel. Piracy was often truly a better solution or at the very least the lesser of all evils to be endured. In defining oneself as a Jacobite ones has to look past Nationality and be able to answer the question “Why am I a Jacobite?”, “How am I a Jacobite?”, and most importantly, “When am I a Jacobite?”. For example, one of the personae I portray is a late 16th century captain of a merchant vessel hailing from Scotland. The year of this persona is 15 88 and this Captain and crew being largely staunch Catholic supporters of Mary, Queen of Scots have decided to add their aid to the Spanish Armada sailing against Queen Elizabeth. They are Stewart (Stuart) supporters. This self same persona hails from the lowlands, specifically the Border Revier area. James is not even yet King. Yet this persona can be seen as an early form of Jacobite and quashes the overly romantic notion that all Jacobites are 18th century Scottish Highlanders that simply srung up from the land of “Tartanalia” and they all hate the sasanach English. It’s simply not that easy.
  22. Thank ye much fer fixin that. Aye, we can whip that out in no time. I'll send you a PM with a quote!
  23. Speaking as a devoted Jacobite and a briny brother of the coast, it has been my research that the two simply did not overlap at all. The men that took to the call of fortune at least in the 18th century were more often than not escaping the clutches of politics, governance, and the rigor and strife of regular Navy life. Even those working on a merchant vessel were subject to the whim of the Ship’s Master and the governmental and Commerce regulations of the day. To show support for one form of government over another just didn’t enter into it regardless of National preference. In fact some questionable types were partly responsible for shipping Scottish slaves to the New World after The Clearances. If there was money to be had, it often went to the unscrupulous soul who was willing to take it. Let’s not forget in our romanticism of piracy that these men were out for themselves , not for a cause especially one that was bound to fail and was largely given only lip service to be ‘en vogue’. That being said, I'll echo my favorite words: "Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing. Onward the sailor's cry. Carry the lad, who's born to be King, over the seas to Skye."
  24. Happy ta help mate. Yer picture isn't comin through though. Send me an e-mail at lordandlady@dirkandarrow.com or a PM. Just finished off another set so slots are open!
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