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Cuisto Mako

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Everything posted by Cuisto Mako

  1. Well..we would be delighted to be your new favourite Canadian group. :) Thanks for the compliments we'll keep you posted for the CD release. And who knows, maybe eventually we'll be able to play at some Pirate event in the US. How would you guys feel about having french corsaire in PiP? Aujourd'hui vivant! Demain mort! Mako
  2. Ohé de l'équipage! Hello fellow pirates. My name is Cuisto Mako, I'm part of a pirate band based in Montreal called "Les Murènes". As a cuisto, it is my dutie to make sure that every belly aboard is full. Lucky for them, I know at least 30 ways how to cook old hats and boots. I found only recently this very nice forum dedicated to pyracy and though you mind be interested to know our band. Here is our myspace: http://www.myspace.com/lesmurenes Our first CD should be ready later this year. Please fell free to give us any feedback. Bon vent et Bon appetit! Mako
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