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Ben Fridley

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Everything posted by Ben Fridley

  1. Lucky guy...is all I'll say!
  2. Mission,<br><br>My son (who is nearly 20) and I were just saying how so many young people know so little about the Looney Toons! They are not on TV anymore, and so many were deemed to be "racist","sexist" and "violent"...heck...that was why they were FUN! They were smart alecky,violent and really just a mirror of the 30's,40's and early 50's.<br><br>I know you can buy these on DVD, and I guess that is the only option.<br><br>Ben<br>
  3. Very nice...can I say "cute"??<br>
  4. Silas, Jennnie, Mark and I drove down to see the Whydah exhibit when it was in Cincinnati. Very interesting. Go see it!!!
  5. Saw some fairly scurvy dogs and buxom wenches last night on the Fine Living Network new show

    "Freakiest Festivals"...which was at PIP.

    PIP...FREAKY ???

  6. The more the merrier!!! Over 40 of us would be great!
  7. Mission, Sounds like all is well! How is the weather behaving? Take lots of photos!!! Ben
  8. Good to see some Tea Party going folks here! I have been to a couple rallies, and you get excited to know that you are not alone by any stretch of the imagination in the direction you see this nation heading...and we cannot be silent!
  9. I went out to Facebook and joined your worthy cause. There are many statues around the world based on fictional characters. Good luck!
  10. These are really nice! I think these are the perfect Christmas present for we pirates!
  11. You two look good! Now Michael(and Jessica)...you need to travel to Jamestown in the spring and do MTA with Jennie, Mark and myself! It is always a good time...and Jennie, Mark and I always eat one night at a massive seafood buffett!!! Sorry I wasn't at Sunwatch, but we still had more cleaning up of my niece's apt to to...and today I have tried to recover!
  12. What's on your mind?

  13. I took lessons to play the snare drum - (anybody remember Haskel Harr lesson books? ) starting in the 3rd grade and played all things percussion through High School, was in the All Ohio State Fair Band, and was a member of the Ohio State University Marching Band (snare drum) when at OSU. I still drum each Memorial Day with my drum teacher in the same Civil War unit in which my Dad was a member.I am also a member of the OSU Alumni Band..
  14. Hi there Alex!!! Nice "family" Hat!!
  15. Awww!!!! :-)
  16. Ye be one swarthy simian to be sure!
  17. hey ben, good to see you again !!

  18. Agreed!!!
  19. I bought a pair of slops and a leather pouch, and they were true professionals in every way!
  20. Wow!!! That is really great. Looks dangerous just sitting there!!!
  21. Here I am in my Steampunk guise as a Union Airship Corp officer - circa 1863. The weapon I hold was made from an old drill, brass fireplace andiron and a lamp. Not too dangerous...unless dropped on a foot!
  22. From the album: Custom Action figures

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  23. Ben Fridley

    Custom Action figures

    Here are a few of the figures I have made. Some are 12" tall, other 6" or so. I have made two Pirates, and will add them to this album as soon as I get some photos.
  24. Nice! I am in the process of putting together a Steampunk outfit, and will post some photos when I have it ready!
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