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Captain Pugwash

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  1. Ahoy there! I am writing to beg for some help. "The Long John Silver Trust, is a registered charity in England. The ultimate ambition of the Trust is to bring a statue of LJS to Bristol, England. A city mentioned in Treasure Island, a city that is said to have inspired Robert Louis Stephenson and the city that is said to be the birthplace of Blackbeard (and Woodes Rogers). As well as trying to raise funds, the Trust is also trying to raise public awareness and prove to the local Council there is public support. Initially, we need people to join a Facebook campaign: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=264802695385 But, we would also be ever so grateful for any financial contributuons on: http://www.longjohnsilvertrust.co.uk/donate.php Thank you ever so much for your time.
  2. Hi there, I am a new member from Bristol, England (the birthplace of Blackbeard and inspiration for Treasure Island) and this is my first post. I hope I am not breaking any chat etiquette by asking this favour... I really need people with Facebook accounts to join my group called "We want a Long John Silver statue with a Treasure Island Trail in Bristol". http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=264802695385 Basically, I have set the group up on behalf of a charity (The Long John Silver Trust) in order to visually demonstrate there is public demand to get a statue. Unfortunately, the City Council are 'lukewarm' about the idea, giving excuses such as people arent interested and LJS is a fictional character. If I can get a large group of like-minded people from all over the world to join this group, it will help us win the argument that people actually ARE interested and that some of them are potential tourists/visitors to the city of Bristol. Anyway, thank you for your time. I hope to be seeing you there. Best wishes Matt
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