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Everything posted by ThomasBlackthorne

  1. So, does that mean that my crew is ok doing the cruises and breakfasts?
  2. This actually came out quite well. It was a bit intimidating to eat at first. I was afraid of it. However, being the brave pirate I am, I ate it and it was good. The most difficult part to the recipe however, is getting the right consistency with the dough. The goal is to get it to not be sticky, as sticking to your hands, the bowl, etc.. I didn't succeed there, but it all bakes to the consistency of a rock anyway, so wtf is the difference?
  3. Then I guess I shall be the barer of new light.
  4. I went into work today, and had people looking at me saying, you don't need to be here, go home... So, I went and found my supervisor and asked what was going on. He told me that we're keeping only the top performers on the floor today, and since your SPH (sales per hour) is not the highest, you don't have to work until Tuesday. Now, keep in mind this happened to ALOT of people, not just me, but now my check that I was counting on being big, with all of the overtime I did, is now gonna be $150 short~!!!!@$@$^ Life is wierd and sucky.
  5. So, was anyone ever into the whole "swap meet" idea?
  6. Dean, obviously, you are more than welcome to attend the Midwest Pirate Council Meeting @ Javadock.
  7. Here be my recipe, it keeps forever, and is somewhat tasty: 2 Cups flour 3/4 cup of water 6 pinches of salt Mix ingredients until it is thick, and does not stick to your hands or rolling pin or whatever you decide to touch it with.... Spread flat on non-greased cookie sheet, and put in oven @ 400 degrees for one hour Remove try and cut into 3X3 pieces and the flip them over and put them back in for one half hour. Actually, this is the recipe for traditional hard tack, but it is a lot like bread...? <~~~ KILL IT!
  8. Of course mate, all in good humor.
  9. I have posted a blog about the details of the meetin', ye can see them here MEETING DETAILS
  10. Just post that everywhere ye can mates! I hope ye like me handiwork too btw!
  11. Maybe they thought that if they put yer crew on the page and left it there long enough, ye'd show up somehow?
  12. I really must try to make it out to some of these other events too, with this whole "council" thing...
  13. Well mate, there be exactly two weeks from today, so maybe things will change? I really hope so, I really want to have the pleasure of meetin' ye after all of our conversations...
  14. Well, I am going to be in Port Washington, rain or shine also. I have been planning this so quickly, but I am still going to try to have this held at Port, true it may not be a big thing, but at least the people I will have there will already know what's going on. On another note though, I would LOVE to make it to paynetown, and have ANOTHER council meeting. I'm cool with doing it twice, if not just having another meeting altogether...
  15. The days are not going by fast enough!!!
  16. Ok, let me explain somethings before I actually post about this. First, my main objective with the "Council" is to have all of the serious pirates/reenactors from the midwest group together as one solid union. This isn't about crews and who's crew is better, it's about what we can all do if unified as one to get the midwest the attention that the coasts and other areas get. Let's face it, we don't see much action out here @ Port Washington, pretty much the same people from the year before, which is fine. Seeing old faces is always a good time. However, we need fresh blood out here. Anyway, before I babble on too much... First, the swap meet, I don't know where we can do this yet, I'm still working on that. I'm sure all of you kow what a swap meet is, lol. No need for explaining, except for that I think if someone has nothing to trade but has money, there can be bartering for items. If anyone can recommend any place where we can do this, please let me know. All I can think of is a hotel room somewhere... Second, the "Council" meeting. I am getting as many folks together as I can on this, so please, if interested, please contact me and let me know so I can add you to the roster. We're basically going to have a discussion on what we can do to get the midwest noticed, how to have more events, etc... My only stipulation on this is that we cannot have it in a bar. There will be too much drinking and probably a severe lack of interest/cooperation. So, yet again, if anyone knows of a good place where we can do this, let me know. That's all mates, hope to see ye all there.
  17. Oi! I must admit, for a while, I looked to be too clean. So, I had myself an idea, "what about tea?" My shirt used to be pristine white, made out of 60% rayon 40% nylon and nigh stainable, save for fabric dye...but... I decided to experiment with some household elements, which would not be TOO hazardous to me garb, as I really have but one shirt. So, I took a 5 gallon bucket, filled it with almost scalding hot water, threw 4 lipton sun tea bags in it (they're larger than normal, about two times the size) and let it steep for a few minutes. After it became dark enough, I placed my pre-soaked shirt into the bucket, and vigorously worked the fabric. It should only take a few minutes to suitably stain a pristine white garment to a decently dingy off white, sweat stained workhorse of a garment. Plus the tea leaves a slightly pleasant scent...if you like that sort of crass. Just keep in mind pre-soaking keeps the fabric from absorbing TOO much stain... Also, for thicker pants (i.e. less than dressy pants), wire brushes, and wood scrapers do indeed work wonders. I don't personally own any pants like that, but I've helped friends attain some weathering... OH, I forgot to mention, after me stupid drunken escapdes with blades, blood tends to stain VERY VERY nicely, even if the fabric gets wet again... As for facial/skin treatment, burnt wood works f*cking wonders. Just grind some charred wood in yer hands and apply accordingly to yer face, plus that leaves yer hands already treated. Two birds with one cannon ball...just wipe it on yerself to help the garb as well...
  18. Well, nothing I can say right now is any different than what I've already said. I'm sorry, I really should have thought this through. Not only doing it but posting a story about it on here, thinking it would be funny. I should have taken a moment to think about how stupid it really was. BUT I am a pretty crazy guy, but not THAT crazy anymore. Not after reading everyone's thoughts on this. I admit, it was immaturely approached and obviously ended badly, but it could have been worse. ALOT worse, so thank goodness it wasn't and it will never have a chance to be. I did feel kinda kicked to the curb at first, but everyone here is on such a wonderful level that I understand it's all with good intent. So, moral of the story has been duly noted. EDIT: Actually, the only thing I have left to say is this, I just hope everyone realizes that I would never be stupid enough to do something like this in public. I was on my own property, it was dark out and no one was around, save the party goers.
  19. Wow. This literally turned into the exact opposite of what I thought it would. I'm not saying that everyone or anyone for that matter here, is silly and immature enough to do what I've done. I just thought this would have at least been something people just laughed at. I did not mean to offend anyone, nor did I intend to make anyone look bad, and I sincerely apologize for that. In the future, not only due to this thread, there will not be anymore shenanigans...
  20. I did...but it was a close fight...
  21. Well then, now there's even more...
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