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Posts posted by PoD

  1. the only reference to nickers i could find from the period was in a play where someone gave a boy some money for nickers but nothing in the dialogue insinuated that it was underwear so still drawing a blank on that one.

    I've actually just stumbled across what nickers might be refering too. It was what Marbles were called back then:

    "The word "marble" was not used to represent the round toy ball made from various stones until 1694 in England. It was then that marble stone was being used for the toy and was being imported from Germany. Before this time, the English adopted the Dutch word "knikkers" for marbles. The word "knikker" was used by New York City children well into the 19th century."

    Obviously this makes the reference I found to a child being given money to buy nickers make more sense. They were mainly small clay balls back then. It does however seem strange that John Chapman would have them in his belongings. Unless they were items he bought along as a keepsake or to trade. I wouldnt imagine that marbles would be a great game for sailors to play on a swaying ship.

    Also they are listed under clothing in his inventory so this might be totally wrong.

  2. as I said on facebook We do see Nazi, Slaveowner, Conquestador and Inquisitor reenactors. Most periods of history are reenacted and to reenact any event you need the so called 'bad' guys as well as the 'good' guys. You cant alter or leave out the facts just because its not politically correct in our time or else how would anyone learn anything from historys mistakes.

    To generalise all pirates as rapists and murderers is historically incorrect too.

    And to sum it all up, that whole argument makes no sense anyway as no reenactor has done what the person they portray has done. Medieval reenactors don't go around hacking people to bits, World War 2 reenactors don't go around shooting people or blowing people up. The clue is in the word ACT in reenACTment. It's acting. At the end of the day we all take off our pirate clothes and go back to our 21st century luxurys ;)

  3. Does anyone know what a Grummet is?

    It is mentioned this document from 1710 relating to crewing a ship.


    "Make up your Complemt. of men and Grummets One hundred & Ten in Number, as fast as you can."

    Is it some sort of post on a ship as it is mentioned along with Pages a lot in the book "Butterflies Will Burn: Prosecuting Sodomites in Early Modern Spain and Mexico" (the only other reference to it i can find)?


    It mentiones that it is the lowliest type of sailor and seems to indicate that it is mainly young boys in the post.

    Anyone else come across the term before?

  4. To give something back to the Pyracy Pub community I have created a discount code that people on this site can use to get 10% discount off any orders from www.lettersofmarque.co.uk

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    The code is pyracypub

    enjoy ;)

  5. It looks like it wraps across the whole front of the body and buttons down the sides. I've been trying to find something that looks similar all day but havent found any examples of that kind of design from the GAOP period.

    Do we have any pictures of spanish sailors wearing what looks like a smock as this is probably what this would look like especially if it was beneath a coat?

  6. back to that perpetual Admiral's hat issue

    I think only one (Pod) thinks that admiral's hat as bicorn ( no problem with that. there is need for different opinions and visions so I am not teasing here ;) ) and most other think it as tricorn and at least me and Foxe that is backwards.

    I am thinking more along the lines of it being a badly drawn tricorn now than a bicorne (as I didnt realise they werent around then). The shading seems odd if it isnt shaped into at least a small point.

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