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Everything posted by iPirate

  1. I saw that chicken friend bacon on another forum that's right up there with deep fried oreos that is
  2. dresslikeapirate.com has a steampunk section with some stuff like that
  3. anyone notice that BG seems to be down? or have they moved? I've never visited their forums but after getting bit by the brass bug I thought I'd take a look.
  4. ok... so... did pirates wear them?
  5. no problem at all, I hadn't realized there was already a topic about this
  6. seriously... come on, it's Don "The Iron Chef Dragon" Wilson. It's a Kung Fu movie thinly disguised as a European period piece. In spite of that... I completely enjoyed it ^^
  7. I'm sure most of us are familiar with this type of hat: what many may not know is this style actually dates back to the 14th Century From Wikipedia: The style can be traced back to 14th century Britain and Ireland, when it was more likely to be called a 'bonnet', which term was replaced, except in Scotland, by cap before about 1700.[1] When Irish and English immigrants came to America they brought the flat cap with them. A 1571 Act of Parliament to stimulate domestic wool consumption and general trade decreed that on Sundays and holidays that all males over 6 years of age, except for the nobility and persons of degree, were to wear caps of wool manufacture on force of a fine (3/4d (pence) per day). The Bill was not repealed until 1597, though by this time, the flat cap had become firmly entrenched in English psyche as a recognized mark of a non-noble subject; be it a burgher, a tradesman, or apprentice. The style survives as the Tudor bonnet in some styles of academic dress. link to entire article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golf_cap anyways, considering this style of hat has been around so long, is there an evidence of it being worn amongst pirates?
  8. Most of the famous historical pirates we know hunted the waters of the Caribbean and the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. There is also mention of Asian pirates and a stray Irish Queen or two *grin* But what about the Pacific coast of the U.S. and points south? Are there any famous Californian or Mexican pirates? What about between the mainland and Hawaii?
  9. Well, Friend, your translator works well enough to be understood. So welcome!
  10. Aye! but me Google-fu must be very week since I didn't find those when I searched. Well, I found the one large one where she's looking down toward the camera but the rest never showed up in my search. *shrugs* thanks for finding those for me!!
  11. that's the first place I visited after Callenish identified her, yes, I got the pics of her they had in a ummm completely non-stalkerish and well intentioned way... *blush*
  12. ooo.. ahh.. eeehhh... well *ahem* tell Miss Val that she's quite lovely and ummm... I mean that in the most ahhh... respectful and opposite of indecent way possible. *runs*
  13. I found a pic of this fine wench whilst cruising the net and now I can't find it again. I know she attended Dragoncon 2006 because there's a few more of her from that event. this is her The pic I'm looking fer is much the same as this, 'cept clearer and larger and she's outside at the parade. Iffin' anyone of you lot have this pic, please share Arrr
  14. real deal? you mean... you rob people on the high seas and such?
  15. Well, there's any number of places in my area that get a hearty "Yar"! from me. In Old Town Alexandria there are two establishments I'm rather fond of. The Union Street Pub and The Charthouse. The Pub is built in one of the old old warehouses and has a fine Colonial feel to it. The Charthouse is a little more upper crust but's built right on the pier and sits on the river. The food is excellent and the service usually is too. My wife is from Korea so we spend a fair amount of time in "Little Korea" (Annandale, VA). One of our favorite places there is Il Mi Buffette. Fill your plate with freshly marinated bulgogi and have it cooked right there at your table. Right across from Il Mi is Shilla bakery, which also serves great coffee and "Ping Su". Ping Su is a shaved ice treat that's great on a summer day.
  16. 'allo Poppet! Nice to see a fellow Virginian here abouts. Me own arse is mored in Alexandria.
  17. OCRACOKE, N.C. (July 4) - Five people working on Independence Day fireworks shows were killed by explosions, four of them by a single blast that rocked this remote village on the Outer Banks. The blast at Ocracoke came as workers were unloading fireworks Saturday from a truck at the Anchorage Marina, shaking homes and businesses across the southern end of Ocracoke Island and rattling residents and tourists. Earl Woodham, a spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said agents determined the cause was accidental. ATF will not investigate further, but a workplace safety agency such as the state Labor Department likely will try to find the specific cause, he said. Dock master Robert Raborn was about 200 yards away from the truck and said the explosion was one of the loudest things he had ever heard. "It was like 40 minutes worth of fireworks going off in four seconds," Raborn said. One of the workers died at the scene Saturday and three others died later at area hospitals, including one who died on Sunday, said Hyde County spokeswoman Jamie Tunnell. Another person was listed in fair condition at the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center at the UNC Medical Center in Chapel Hill. ~~~ I can't shake the thought that I wonder if the specter of our old friend Edward had anything to do with this...
  18. We all play soundrels here but I believe that we all have good hearts. I've been away and occupied with mudane affairs so I didn't even see this until today. Glad he's doing better and glad they got they bastard what did it. My continued prayers will be with him and you and all your family.
  19. gotta finish with selling my house first. That happens later this month, thank God. I'm basically just browsing right now, I won't be seriously shopping until next year or so.
  20. I finally remebered what it was I've been meaning to ask you. There's a bonny lass th' name 'o Terri Meese (a.k.a. Mouse) that was a dear friend of mine back in the day. I know she used to hang out with you guys and I lost touch with her some years back. I was wondering if you knew her and/or had heard from her recently.
  21. *sigh* why would anyone even do this to you guys? I can't imagine it being any sort of personal vendetta or anything like that. I mean, you guys are pretty much nice to everybody. and do you really do *that* much business that it's worth it for someone to hack you?
  22. Yar! Necropost!! My Lady works at Home Goods and they have all sorts of nifty stuff to fit a pirate theme. I just picked up a beautiful chest from there on Monday. They also have ships wheels and a variety of nautical decorations from time to time.
  23. that url brings up some soft of weird link page called "bing.com".
  24. somtimes we forget that Mexico is also in the Caribbean... and Mexico means TEQUILA!! My Lady and I set down to make margaritas last night and woefully discovered that we were short on margarita mix. I poured what we had into the blender and substituted the rest with Mott's apple juice. I added a healthy measure of Cuervo Tradicional and... I must say I was pleasently surprised. The first apple margarita I ever heard of but wow it tasted good.
  25. *que birthday dirge with cannon shot* Haaaaapppyyyyyyyy Biiiiiirrrrrrttttthhhhdaaaaaaaaaayyyy *BOOM* Haaaaapppyyyyyyyy Biiiiiirrrrrrttttthhhhdaaaaaaaaaayyyy *BOOM* All the candles on your cake burn like cities in your wake Haaaaapppyyyyyyyy Biiiiiirrrrrrttttthhhhdaaaaaaaaaayyyy *BOOM* Haaaaapppyyyyyyyy Biiiiiirrrrrrttttthhhhdaaaaaaaaaayyyy *BOOM*
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