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Everything posted by RIPP Tar

  1. This past week our crew gathered for a pirate immersion weekend. This is an event that is open to our crew only. During the event members ran classes for other members on a host of subjects, including navigation, 18 century daily life of the various classes, Pirate brokers etc. It was a great event and a lot of fun for all of us. This was the second this year and we view them both as huge successes for a number of reasons. I have a couple of questions for those of you here on the Pub Have any of the other crews here on the pub participated in something like this in the past, or would like to in the future? Would this be something you might suggest to your own crews. Lastly what would some of you like to see in classes presented in your own crew’s immersion weekend? One of the reasons I ask is although I don’t post here often I read many threads and see many here are very knowledgeable in many areas concerning our time period. Most of you have much more experience in re-enacting than myself. I’m very interested in your opinions
  2. Going to become an edumacated pirate at this weekends immersion classes

  3. That was awesome
  4. Fantastic pieces, excellent book as well... However I'm not allowed to use power tools anymore.... Non powered either...
  5. RIPP Tar


    From the album: Halloween

  6. RIPP Tar


    Benefit for Olneyville Community Center
  7. RIPP Tar


    From the album: Halloween

  8. RIPP Tar


    From the album: Halloween

  9. RIPP Tar


    From the album: Halloween

  10. RIPP Tar


    From the album: Halloween

  11. RIPP Tar


    From the album: Halloween

  12. RIPP Tar


    From the album: Halloween

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