To be honest we started planning this soon after the last one so we had about four months to prepare. we started to let everyone know in mid august when things started to firm up. we required teachers to be well versed in what they were instructing. mind you most of this is simply basic stuff. to attend we really wanted only crew members. this was important because some of the teachers are somewhat uncomfortable speaking in front of crowds, at least initially. however they became more and more comfortable as time went on.
Our Boatswain Short Stack is the one who initially came up with the idea and did tons of research for a lot of us at the first one. This time around she really suprised alot of us by hosting an open discussion concerning the future of our group. She surprised us because she was able to do a remarkable job while working full time here in Rhode Island and traveling to upstate New York 4 or 5 days a week to work the Cayo Industrial Haunt from mid september till after halloween. she motivated the hell out of all of us.
Our Captain ran a couple of history sessions at both events covering all of the golden age of piracy and focusing on pirates native to RI. How the hell he keeps all that in his head I don't know. I just read something here and i forget how to use the door knob
if you plan on running one keep an eye on those you dont really think absorb any thing. They are the ones that really surprise you in the end with what they know.
again we leave it open to everyone on the crew, you find the ones that are serious about your groups future are the ones that show up, and you'll find its probably better that way. the ones that show up work their butts off big time. at some point i think we want to open it to outsiders even bring in other crews to teach and learn.
I know I dragged on here a bit but i hope it helped
Cheers Tar