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Everything posted by seabaroness

  1. Saw the movie today. I found it to be a very enjoyable experience with lots of comedy and fight scenes.
  2. Literally hilarious!
  3. Congratulations! And good luck in the future.
  4. Beautifully written Iron Hand.
  5. Blackbeard Spiced Rum. Need it to keep warm. It's 19 degrees in New York.
  6. Dubious Dublin, captain of the Black Pool. He's a mackerel tabby who loves to take things from shelves, desktops and where ever else he can reach.
  7. A sense of adventure and a love of freedom.
  8. Congrats, Chris! (I've always preferred whiskey over rum.)
  9. LOL. I also went out to Red Lobster to celebrate.
  10. Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic has the prettiest beaches I've ever seen. I liked Grand Bahama Island. Once outside the Freeport area, the island still has a wild feel to it. I would stay away from Nassau. Too overdeveloped, too commercialized, and the highly touted straw market is a joke.
  11. Finding good quality sources on Grace O'Malley is hard to find. Much of what is known about her comes from English State papers and Anne Chambers is the writer that does the best job of rehashing them. Anne has her own website. I"m including a couple of essays and other websites that I used when I wrote my thesis on Grace O'Malley. Appleby, John C. “The Problem of Piracy in Ireland, 1570-1630.” Pirates? The PoliticsOf Plunder, 1550-1650. Ed. Claire Jowitt. Basingstoke, Hampshire, England: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007. 41-55. ---. “Women and Piracy in Ireland: From Grainne O’Malley to Anne Bonny.” Bandits at Sea: A Pirates Reader. Ed. C.R. Pennell. New York: New York University Press, 2001. 283-98. ebrary. Hofstra University Axinn Lib., Hempstead, NY. 20 Dec 2007 <http.site.ebrary.com/lib/hofstra/Doc?id=100325007ppg 283>. Bashford-Synett, Marie and Melissa Thompson. “Interview with Caroline Rowan.” Tall Girl Shorts.net.17Dec.2007 <www.tallgirlshorts.net/marymary/caroline.html> . Healy, John. “Grania Uaile.” Lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland. 7 Jan. 1906. 30 Jan. 2008. <http://www.libraryireland.com/HealyEssays/Grania1.php>.
  12. I find never dull to be a good preventive.
  13. I was to both Nassau and Jamaica and I was surprised at how little tourism is related to pirates. The resort I stayed at in Jamaica didn't offer tours to Port Royal and when I asked for a pirate themed t shirt at a souvenir shop the shop keeper almost had a heart attack.
  14. Off the top of my head I can name Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Grace O'Malley. I'm sure other members can add to the list. We'll probably never knew true numbers because of the need for women to disguise themselves.
  15. Started last night by seeing the Wolfe Tones in concert. Was suppose to march in two St. Patrick's Day parades over this weekend but they were cancelled because of the wind and rain we're having, but fear not more parades are scheduled later on in the month. Monday is one of my sister's birthdays, Tuesday another one of my sister's is scheduled to have ceasarean to give birth to my niece who will have the initials ARR. I'm allowed two floating holidays at my job so I'm taking the high holiday as one and will spend the morning cooking and eating an Irish Fry and then for dinner it'll be corned beef and cabbage.
  16. I'll be going with Ye Pyrate Brotherhood. This will be my first time at Fells Point.
  17. Nine inches of snow, with more expected overnight AND more in the forecast for Thursday.
  18. I'm just about finished with The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. It's one of those wealthy, English family with a secret novel that is well written and engrossing.
  19. I just spent a week in Ireland where the temps were just below freezing (-2 to -4 Centigrade). Coming home today to New York it was 17 degrees.
  20. A merlot from Pellegrini vineyards from the North Shore of Long Island. Worst wine I ever had, no taste. After drinking two glasses... no buzz.
  21. I'll disagree withthe youtube designation of best beer commercial. The best beer commercial was the one Guinness ran during the New York St. Patrick's Day Parade. The commercial featured a 20 something male dressed in pjs with feet running into his roomates bedroom and jumping up and down on the bed yelling "It's St. Patrick's Day! It's St. Patrick's Day!" They both run down a staircase decorated with green tinsel and into a lving room that case of Guinness formed into a Christmas Tree.
  22. First came the floods, then the icy cold and now this! I wonder what Ireland did to piss the powers that be off.
  23. The website for Ye Pyrate Brotherhood is yepyratebrotherhood.org and there's a list of contact numbers or you can email them for more info at yepyratebrotherhood@yahoo.com. ALthough based in Sayville, they do events throughtout Long Island.
  24. Irish Mist. Trying to recover from a rough week at work.
  25. Pyracy doesn't rest in the winter in New York. In the past couple of weeks me and the crew of Ye Pyrate Brotherhood have given a lecture on piracy at a local library and marched in a holiday parade. We have a Pirate's Christmas Ball this Saturday and I understand February is booked with boy scouts events. When not pillaging there's always a treasure chest of books waiting to be read.
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