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bosun red

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Everything posted by bosun red

  1. El'lo once again Madame. Aye,me request did fall not on deaf ears but on a warm heart! Luck surely be shining upon me this night. A full cup at the proprieters expense, a full purse as I have not done badly here gaming, and perhaps a full bed to be shared by good company. Madame the bid is yours,are ye in?
  2. Thank ye cousin, me thirst be slakened for now. no worries dear we will leave ye broter be. But I will not be havin anyone pick upon me cousin. Me words I will stow for now, but be worned.
  3. bosun red

    bosun pipe

    From the album: red

  4. That tart!, I could but not help laughing under me breath. If she only new what she actually turned down. (still smiling to self) I looked around for the brothers and caught a glimps of thier backs as they regressed down the hall. o'there be plenty of fish in this barrel. (heads toward an empty set at a card game across the way) ye boys look like ye need to win some of me coin may a join yer table? Aye ye coin, his coin, an if possible a lil of me own back, put down yer ancore an we'll deal ye in. As I joined the group me thoughts drifted back to what the whore said "less than savory" aye that would be a just discription of the lot in here and then thier was the cap'n Ana standing straight and stern, "patiently" at the counter. she seemed quiet out of place in her men's clothes and soft colors in clashing comparasin to the rough, unkeept, rabble around her and her escort. As the main center table broke into a drunkin shanty the brothers seemed to just apear at the counter a bottle in each of 'ums hand. After winning the first hand I noticed a group of dock hands cummin in smelling of sweat and fish. Loud and course they were prasing Master Neede for his flowing taps. At this rate the taps would be run dry soon from drankage or spilliage I could not say,but empty mugs would only motivate this mob to find other ammusment. As the bar maid went bye I shouted "Another round fer me friends" and gave her a sharp slap to her buttocks, just to get her movin and not forget what she be sent after.
  5. Aye Lass .. Ye is a real treat ta be a sharin' thee deck with!!

  6. el'lo to ye sir anyone friend to me long lost cousin is welcome here. I be bosun, If,n ye be needed help with ye riging I'd be more than hap'y ter sign. Aye I'll drink with ye. (drawing up a chair) A brandy if ye please
  7. I be sorry to say have two sailboats parked in me back yard, one is 22 ft.and the other is 28ft. long. morooned so to speak. I sailed quit a bit as a child on lake keystone here in Oklahoma. My dad would take us out on weekends, even participated in a few races. I don't think we ever won though. My Parents moved leaving the boats with me. Sailing is not a hobbie of my husbands so sadly the boats sit unused. :angry:
  8. aye me eyes seem to be drawn to the two figures by the fire. A bottle of whiskey before them they seemed to be relaxing into thier surroundings. Another drink or two and t'would be perfectly confident in thier skins. Perhaps I will introduce me self an see if tey be gambling men or not. Low an behold cap'n Ana, here? I heard she was looking for profit when she left the ship with her escort....................I wounder what buisiness draws her into the sinners needle? either she didn't see me or has already forgot me short stay oboard the "reserection". Aye half a bottle left between um. Tis time to start a game. (stands and makes way between rift raft, tables, and chairs) Parden me my lady(figure takes marisol's hand, bows deeply, and kisses the palm lingeringly) me boots have a mind of ter own. Forgive me for muddding your finery.(noticing the company at her table I guessed her perfession) Perhaps later ye might retire to me chamber for a night cap and some (figure clears throught)....ahem...."intelligent conversation"? I would be more than glad to give ye a proper apology for stepping on yer hem.
  9. T'was sitting in the far left corner when I eyed them come in. Alike, yet different. Aye I could tell they were brothers, twins maybe. They seemed to be waiting for someone as they hadn't ordered anything. Thier eyes seemed afixed to to the comings and goings threw the door. I wonder if they would be up for a game........ I am still looking to pick up a little coin. Tomarrow I would head to the docks maybe I could find some honest work untill the slave trader arrived back into port. At least I would gain knowledge of when his ship arrived. I don't have much faith in the servant boy keeping quiet about me inquering after his master. 3 years have gone by so quickly....................I can still see his face as he loomed over me in the belly of that ship shakeled and striped of any humanity treated worse than any animal should be treated. Kicked and spit upon, wipped, even left for the amusment of the crew. No, I would never forget that face twisted in evil meriment, yellow rotting teeth, or the fowl breath that hit me every time he called me crumpet. Justice can only be the explination of me finding him here. He has changed his profession but he can not change the color of his sole. I dream often of him and how he will recieve me upon our reuniting. At first he wont know me. I have changed me proffesssion and apperence. I am not the frail female at the mercy of her jailer. No, years at sea have hardened me and forced me to hide me female traits just to survive. I would invite him to the tavern buy him a drink once his toungue was loosened and he was braging of his past cruelties I would gut him stem to stern. His evil black sole would run free of his cold corps. Aye I vow before the rising of the new moon this man would be dead!
  10. el'lo to ye sir and were would ye say ye family hails from? Moray quite interesting meaning. slide a brandy me way if ye please.
  11. me cap'n is looking for a sword he wants it to resemble a fencing sword medium lenght and thin with that some type of fancy gaurd, but not to thin. We saw one once at the Scarlet's Mid-Winter Faire here in Oklahma City but didn't get the guys card. I don't know if thier is anything period that would resemble this but I might be interested if one could be made/found. He plays a buccanner but figers he could have picked up a sword off of any plundered ship. He will not mind it being more of a fantasy piece but I would like to start looking at the more period styles. let me know.
  12. This damnable rain...(grumbles underbreath)....I've been up and down these retched lanes, ankel deep in filth, all day!!! I swear if that servant boy was lieing I will cut off his ear...maybe his toungue! Once being dismissed so sharply from the ship the day before I headed strait for the taverns. A drink and a hot meal is what me belly grumbeled for. Plus thier was no better way to find out information than to share a cup of mead with a bloke a bit under the weather. It was not hard to find such a "friend" willing to wag his toungue. It was hard to find the right "friend" with the info I was looking for. By the third or fourth tavern I had a name. I came to call on that very same name tonight. What I found was not the man but his servant boy. Now it is very dark and I am still very wet! I will only wait here a bit longer before retiring to the tavern. The servant boy did say it maybe end of week before the slave trader will be back in port. (Foot steps aproach and the shadowed figure presses deeper into the alcove of the door.) A women's figure? The shadowed figure pondered only a moment why she was out on such a night and to where she maybe headed. No concern of mine.(with a shrug of the shoulders the figure shoved off down the street) I will come calling again tomarrow. The warmth of the tavern was calling....Perhaps I can get in on some game of chance, a little gambling never hurt anyone. Since ariving in port pennyless payment for room, food, and comforts was something I needed. The first night pickpocketing payed me way but before this is overwith I would need much more. I can only hope the cap'n Barbossa keeps her private knowledge private. I think it best me wareabouts be keept hush, hush for right now, and the cap'n has some very private knowledge not even me dear Bosun,dead now, know'd.
  13. What kinda tale do ye like? The winds howled the the waves crashed against the hull of the sloop. We were being tossed back and forth at one moment we be on the swell the the wave seeing the sky grumble with thunder and lightening bolts being thrown from Titans trident and then down we would slide as the swell droped us down into the blackness of the troff................(cough, cough) perhaps something to wet me whistle befor i be continueing...........a brandy be nice. thank ye
  14. The smell of damp wood and stale water greeted me nose as me eyes opened. Where was I.....Oh yes the captain of this ship took pitty apon me, starving and alone on that retched rock. If only she new what sort of shipmate I be. The hamock gently swang back and forth and a short lenght of rope was ideally picked up as this last thought was contemplated. The changeing of deck hands should be called soon. Pitty was not given freely. I have been expected to pull my weight since coming on board. Something tells me had I not the captain would not have allowed me to remain. I think she would have no qualms at throwing this bag of bones overboard. The rope was being tied and untied. The hands of the crewman seemed possessd, make a knot untie the knot, moving without thought. Perhaps it is time to move out of this hold. *Bang* The door to the captains quarters could be heard as it shut soundly behind whoever was visiting with the captain. Yes a little fresh air before me watch would do me a bit o'good. As I strode into the sunshine and crisp salty air a bustle in the rigging and at the helm drew me inerest. "What goes there?" I shout to the tall man at the Helm. Land hoe, Port Royal is just within sight.....man yer riggin we'll be make dock shortly. Port Royal...finally....how long I have waited to see land again. My voyage started in England three years ago. Theiving is the crime I was accussed of. Accussed by that fat, greasy, son of a pig, silversmith. I never touched his wares was not even in the market that day. His word against mine is what is boiled down to and his word was heavier. They didn't wast no time puting me on that convict ship headed out to sea. Luck if you would call it that brought pirates down on that convict ship looking for staples and fresh men. They had been plundering heavely through out the caribean. On one of these last raids they had been depleated of crew and lightened of plunder. I signed there articales and became a full fledged member of the crew. Circumstances as it were I had to become the best crewman I could be I started studing with the bowsun. Within weeks I could tie any knot he asked of me and at dock I became indisposable when it came to loading fright and such. I was the first the Bosun would call for duty with him. Fearless in a word thrown around in taverns after a man has had a couple stoute drinks. so when I say I became fearless I mean to say I had no fear of death of of life. I had no desire. I just lived for the work and the killing. Killing is something I had never done before but out of neccicicty I learned how to do it efficiently without any qualms. Doul short swords was my weapon of favor, but could also weld a whip whith acurate malice. 2 years into service with these pirates the Bosun was found dead in his bunk, stabed. I was blamed, Me who studied night and day with this man, became like a son to him and he a father to me. They sorry dogs put it to a vote.....I would be marooned. They left me in the blistering heat on a shallow coral reef with one meal and one small pistol loaded with one shot. I vowed then and there to find the one responsible for the Bosun's murder. Even if it was the last thing I did. And that is how the captain found me starving and alone, but now with Port Royal on the horizon I will have me justice........
  15. healthy or not that seems to be the opionion of the person claiming to be unhealthy. I have never felt unhealthy when among other pyrates rather i feel unhealthy around the "normal" people. It all depends on ye point of opinion when you state said opinion. Welcome to the pub, slide a brandy me way....I might stop rambling such nonsince
  16. Aye, ye say I've been bleessed do ye. Just bein in the same pub as the legendary Talderoy ye say. Well bless me barnicales and call me sally. Aye, I could use a lil blessing now and again i surley could. I suppose I will have to get meself subscribed,eh.
  17. Aye the L.A.B.(lad) be quite cute. I suppose the cuteness will run out soon. A son must be twice the poops and twice the cryin, someday I will have that kinda trouble. Congrates
  18. silkie if ye be sharing a table i will bring over a brandy for the both of us. el'lo and welcome dear
  19. Bonjour.......that's all the french I Know,sorry. I guess i be in the same boat as Ramba Rue, but welcome all the same. Now back to the drink ye be owing me, slide a brandy me way and I might dismiss yer arrogance and become a bit more aproachable me self.
  20. I couldn't even give it a chance as soon as I learned what station and time it aired they switched times on me. But I do agree about the crap they actually do keep on the air and all the same thing at the same time on all the channels.
  21. Each year me girls give a tug to me heart string. After going to an event they are always mimiking the acts they see. Me oldest plays trombone and will be soon taking guitar lessons. Interment play and singing I think I could handel, but last year me youngest got a concusion from mimikin one of the groups "Barley Balanced". They do juggling and balancing. I'm still not sure if her sister was juggeling her or balancing her. Either way she ended up on her head falling from the hieght of her sisters shoulders, on top of a bed, sitting on a bar stool.
  22. Good day to ye sir. Aye I will be looking into 'em wares as well. By chance do ye vend at any Oklahoma Faires. It seems that the name "pirates keep" be familiar to me. As tradition decrees I'll be haveing a brandy! If ye please bar keep, on my "friends" coin of course.
  23. I agree wrong place wrong time. Me oldest wears one and has never to me knowledge caught it on any one. She does loose plenty of coins but that is from sitting on unsanded planks and/or the ground. The girl in question was lucky ye even tried to apologize. You could have given a sharp slap to the arse and told her to get over it.
  24. Just this weekend past, Friday. My youngest was answering to the call of Macintyer. The group singing it was "The Bildge Pumps". Any way one of the singers notice she is mimiking all the moves and singing on cue. So he tells her tomarrow when they do that song she needs to come up and sing it with them. Now they are always inviting people up to sing with so this invite givin from the mike was just as much for the crowd as it was for me sprog. She took the invite to hart as being a personal invite for her. Come Saterday we could not get her to stop running up on stage for EVERY SONG. Now we are trying to be respectful and keep her an a bench so they can do thier set. Wich, if ye have ever meet me youngest, knows that be an imposible thing. We joke she should have been born a red head cause of her temper. With arms crossed in a huff and a look that would freeze ye dead in ye step she says "Why can't I sing with them I know all the words better than Crow and Harvey said I could sing today."(Crow being one of the group)
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