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Everything posted by GentlemenScotty

  1. (raises tankard) nice ta 'ave ye abord lad!
  2. welcome on board lad .. now belay that spinnaker line would ye!?
  3. loud applause
  4. welcome lad .. hope ye brought plenty o fine dark.. we be a thirsty lot
  5. aye lad ~ and ye be on last dog watch so only one gill fer ye!
  6. (tips hat) glad ta have ye lad ..hope ya brought some rhum!
  7. welcome aboard lad ( tips hat )
  8. gadzooks! tis quite nice indeed
  9. rereading "King of the Pirates " by a lad name o Fox
  10. Dutch ~Grace~ Pern ~ Everybody involved with Festival ----> THANK YOU!!! you worked tirelessly for our enjoyment Before AND After that twister and made Blackbeards 2012 an Awesome memory
  11. give kilo kai a try ..ye won be sorry
  12. ahh..thee delinquent miners .. great blue grass trio says i
  13. huh? ..what? sorry ..i was mesmerized no ..seriously hehe~ i agrees lad ..nuttin' like a fire .....'cept a fire and a marshmellow soaked in rhum
  14. Oi Nathaniel ~ could ye divulge thee sizes on yer smallsword?
  15. and ye better stock up on fine dark ..we be a thirsty bunch!!!
  16. permission ta board lad.. .. long as ye has thee rhum
  17. Oi lad ... could ya tell me the size of thee scotch purse please n thank ye
  18. OUTSTANDING WERK LAD! thanks SO much fer sharin' the progression wit all us (tips hat)
  19. yeah-i still smell like saltwater! thnx vigilantees for all ye hard werk!!
  20. (whistles!) lookin' good lad..lookin' good
  21. nice pj's d'Dogge
  23. (whistles) sharp stuff thar jack!! how long ar thee barrels on em frenchies?
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