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Everything posted by GentlemenScotty

  1. Ahoy, Shipmate! Here's hopes that ye be well. Yer missus, Kate, also. Once't I be'en aboard o' me vessel of a spell enough t' take stock o' me plunder, I finds I b'in of a mind fer some new togs! Aye! And these wots made by a lady wots stiches as firm as any sailmaker but the fineness o' hand sech as only a Lady. Aye! I be gettin' sorted fer a...

  2. Snickers indeed! Im still very excited and so far the mock up looks awesome! This will be the first PC piece and im just over the moon with excitement. Thanks for the oppurtunity!

  3. Avast, Shipmate! me hopes all be well wi' ye an the missus, Kate. We'uns got a bit o' th' thaw. t'were nye on 60 degree today! Well, me friend, I hopes we be sailing together on a new adventure soon, 'til then, mind the glass and Reef Early!

  4. ICE!! Ice I say! There be Ice around me vessel! The ol' "Patience" be quite perturbed wi' th' likes o' me. Still, I suppose ye'd laugh at what we be callin' cold!

  5. arrrgh!..rough wave thar lass! ..where was i..oh yes..thee gentlemen will be buyin the fine dark rhum! welcome(tips hat & bows)
  6. nay..never go cheap capt rob..pardon im lass poor fella taint been same since bone isle since i be thee 'gentlemen' on deck..the nay..never go cheap capt rob..pardon im lass poor fella taint been same since bone isle since i be thee 'gentlemen' on deck..the nay..never go cheap capt rob..pardon im lass poor fella taint been same since bone isle since i be thee 'gentlemen' on deck..the
  7. So soon an a new decade be upon us! I be wishin' ye and yer Missus A Very Happy and Healthy New Year! All the Best ta ye! Sez I! Dutch "X" his mark

  8. ..and..and might thee also have a woolen scarf around thee necks ??
  9. Since pyratin not jist be a warm weather sport.. .. Would our GAoP sailors and servant girls alike go wit Fingerless wool gloves as the solution??
  10. I be sendin tha greetins fer a Happy Yule ta yerself an yer loverly bride. Til we spys topsls o' our vessels, a Merry Christmas ta Ye, Sez I!

  11. ..i knew i shouldnt of camped so close to d'Dogge
  12. cutting board update! negative-notta-nope not arrrs :]
  13. has anyone seen my linen shirt? i had it at PiP...
  14. hmm..honestly not sure? ill ask kate tonight.. for some reason i think the learher shoes might b dutchies..at least he had a pair with a similar hole in the toe :]
  15. that fireplace insert is mine..please ship to gettysburg overnight ! 26 degress and snow storm tonight :]
  16. Aye,t'is rare what a fine gent sech as ye t'would join a crew sech as we, sez I. Mayhaps be th Gold or jest th sport, sez ye! Aye, whence we 'ave ourselves a gam, sez I, this ere gent would grab th Devel 'imself by 'is harpooned tail just fer sport! I figgers oncest we 'ad a toast 'o the Black Strap an Ginger Beer we'uns be Shipmates fer th' remain, s...

  17. It was truly a wonderful adventure!! Thanks SO much for everyones kindness to make the newbie feel so welcome :) I know there is always alot of behind the scenes work that goes unnoticed-- so here's (as Morgan says) Rhum & Hugs to you!
  18. Thx fer the comment. I'm very glad that ye enjoy yer 1st PIP.

  19. wow-great pic anne id like ta get a copy o this one!!
  20. Ahoy Shipmate - twas a pleasure ta meet you this morning.

  21. not beat---> BEAUT! LoL :} fingers and toes X !!!
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