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Kian McBrian

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Everything posted by Kian McBrian

  1. *cricket* *cricket* lol
  2. Rack I know, not too creative at midnight lol
  3. Once I get a pic of me in my gear I will be sure to change it, for now, just my ships flag
  4. Its quite amazing how much history there is around here involving privateers. Guess that's why I am excited to get into hitting the books on local history. I will have to make this one of my stops soon (I am right across the river from Sleepy Hollow). If you find any other places of interest like this, please feel free to PM me
  5. That is a very cool design!! very eye catching for sure!!!
  6. Looks very good so far. I cant wait to see the finished product. You should bring it to the next meeting so we can all drool over it lol
  7. yeah the magners is the same as bulmers, but bulmers back home (in ireland) tastes better. I never had Strongbow until I went to a bar in Spain, and I must say it was very tasty indeed. Would drink it again anytime. Not too much of a stout person. I like my lagers and ciders :-P. Guinness is the only exception to that rule lol
  8. I like my beers depending on my activities: a pint of Guinness if I plan on being somewhere for a while Sam Adam's Seasonals if I want to get a nice buzz going and Magner's if I am planning on getting obliterated The above order is how fast i can finish a pint of it. Magners is a little harder to find, so I usually grab a pint of Sam Adams when I head out to the local watering hole. (And for the sake of trivia Magners is called Bulmers in Ireland)
  9. Getting ready for my last good night of sleep before the weekend kicks off :)
  10. Anxious for the weekend to be here already. Cousins coming out from Ireland to visit, I get to see my girlfriend (ALWAYS a plus), and the first bits of my kit are coming in!!!
  11. well besides you and me I dont really see the others in there too often, not to say that they dont pop on. I'll take my chances
  12. Here is a pic of my crew's flag in my signature (minus the name and the green field. I actually want to pick some peoples minds on ideas and where is a good place to get a great price on getting this done. Trying to keep this on the hush hush so I can surprise my crew with it. I am debating on keeping the original blue and orange, or go with a simple black and white. Also again if any of ya have an idea of a good place to get this done it would be very much appreciated (would love to get it done before LI Pirate Fest).
  13. I am sure that his fellow shipmates would gladly help him test out this chest. You should bring it to the next meet up in February Island Cutter. We will put it through the paces and gawk at its beauty (if it hold )
  14. I am really glad that I was introduced to this group, and am looking forward to many adventures......great group, cant wait to see if we can get some more recruits around here
  15. That is truly amazing!! I dont think I would have the patience to even do the helm of that in matchsticks!! Its also very beautiful!!!
  16. Thats right I am from Ireland, moved here to the US when I was young (single digits). I caught the pirate bug from my girlfriend and my best friends wife. Damn Women Always getting me into trouble, or do I do it myself. I'm not sure...but I am sure of one thing...I want to learn more and to participate. Already started ordering bits and pieces ( Tricorn, buckle shoes, pipe, and a linen sirt I have from wearing my kilt)...yes...I know a kilt, and yes I have heard most of the jokes already lol. Planning on getting my kit ready for the Long Island Pirate Festival this year so I can go down and cause general mayhem. I am very interested in games of the pirate nature (shut the box, liars dice, etc) so if someone could point me in the right direction it would much appreciated. I would love nothing more tahn kicking back a pint or two whislt playing some fun games!! Thank you all again. Its so nice to be greeted by so many kind, interesting and fun people, and I cant wait to chat it up with you all here and at an event!! Till then..... Slainte!!
  17. I ended up getting Iron Sam Rackham, which I dont see me being too iron hearted, more of a light hearted fun loving kinda guy. So I got my name, Kian McBrian, from the fact that I like the name Kian, and McBrian meaning son of Brian which is my fathers name. If I get a title, its gonna be from earning it methinks
  18. I thank you all for the warm greetings!! True to my good nature and enjoyment of camaraderie I will gladly buy a round without hesitation
  19. Greetings everyone! I come here after talking with quite a few people about pirate history and culture, and was directed here to this website!! I am looking forward to meeting many others here and maybe cause some genreal mayhem :angry: . Also any info I can get on pirate clothing suggestions would be helpful seeing as I am new to the 'crew'. Also any information regarding the Irish involvement and influence on pirate life would be helpful seeing as I am from Ireland myself. Again, Thank you all for this wonderful website, and I look forward to meeting you all one day at a reenactment and throwing back a pint or two!! Slainte!!
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