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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. Just a thought, with real estate prices at an all time low, somewhere in florida there has to be a reasonably priced island big enough to support a pirate community! Any investors handy?
  2. $80. buck?!? Damn! Sounds like he could teach me something. . . I mean, um sure, I would be more than happy to instruct the young lad for a percentage. Looks like I may have ta wander up to Hampton. The blind pirate Justice was up to about 6 bucks before others (who shall remain nameless) started removing coins from his cup to satisfy their thirst. Bastards!
  3. I am interested, however as m.c. for the pirate olympics and having volunteered to be an auctioneer next year, I dont know how much voice I can spare. What did you have in mind?
  4. BTW this is NELL was too lazy to log Chrispy off There are some gorgeous!!! pictures of you in the folder of you and Hurricane. my favorites are: Diosa Diosa Diosa!!! and this one really made me laugh: wet wench!!
  5. Cappy you know we love you very much!!! and if there is ANYTHING you need please call! would call but we know how busy you are right now, just know we think of you all often and send our love. Nell and Chrispy
  6. Excellent work sir! You may also want to mention the hair donated to Locks of Love to make wigs for cancer patients!
  7. C'mon now, don't get all "hung up" about it. Besides I am sure one of the "photo wizards" can probably "hang" your image in the back! It would indeed be much cooler for you to be "hanging" around in the class photo. Frighteningly appropriate I say!
  8. Or at a special education class reunion.
  9. Captain Sterling, I would have expected you sir of all pirates to know it by heart. Snigger indeed...
  10. Lest we forget the "Custom of the sea".
  11. I am currently seeking a volunteer to lie on my boucan maybe 4 or 5 hours max.
  12. Who has the pic they took after this one? The one where everyone got in.
  13. Curiously, I find myself emotionally erect at the very thought of a Mad Dogge pirate Frankenfurter! OOOH AHHHH! Rememer, I'm not looking for pirates with good taste.............just pirates who taste good! And Mad Dogge does have a very nice brisket!
  14. We miss you too! glad you had a safe trip, and cant wait till you guys are down here and out of the snow for good! Hugs, kisses and warm wishes! Happy holidays! Give all your clan a hug too! XXXO Chrispy
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