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Cannibal Chrispy

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Posts posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. If there are blunderbuss's in St. Augustine and you are curious about them you should send a message to Willie Wobble here on the pub as they probably came from him or someone on his crew.

  2. You are quite welcome! Looks are unimportant. You can make it look older and add staples after the repair, I just don't want a damaged weapon being fired! Especially if it runs in a circle where it my end up being fired next to me or someone I care about! As a certified black powder safety inspector through the Florida state parks service, I have to tell you that if I inspect a gun with an improperly repaired or unrepaired crack in its stock. It aint shootin at that event. Best Wishes on your endeavor. And remember "If you can't find the time to do it right, where will you find the time to do it over?"

  3. The line starts behind me! I want one! One of my favorite sayings when seeing a newbie in a "Plastic Jack" halloween outfit is "Their Pirate License is still warm" of course it's whispered amongst friends, as we welcome all enthusiasts and my first pirate outfit.......well... was not like it is now! lol.

  4. After re reading the discription of your crack you may want to wrap the barrel in wax paper, foil or painters blue tape and put it in place before clamping, so your barrel channel does not end up tighter than it should be and splitting the crack back open when you install the barrel. This may be what caused the crack in the first place, without seeing it, it is hard to say.

    A photo would be most helpful in answering this question

  5. As for your crack, I would have repaired the crack before removing the original finish with a stripper, due to the fact that you now have misc. residue in the crack and open wood around it, so lets deal with that first, work several drops of stripper into crack , give it time to soften whatever residue is in it, add a little more stripper, and squeeze crack together, a vise or clamp can be used but dont get carried away. this should squeeze out most of the residue and form that which is remaining to the shape of the crack. Remove from vise/clamp and let the stripper evaporate. Once it is dry take warm water and drip a few drops into the crack work the crack closed a couple of times' you want the inside of the crack to be wet, not dripping but wetter than moist. Than using Tightbond II weatherproof wood glue, if the crack is more than 1 inch deep into the wood "not length of crack but depth" thin glue 50/50 with warm water and work into crack, then work unthinned glue into crack. If less than 1 in. deep work unthinned glue into crack and clamp shut. clamping the pistol stock is the hard part as sometimes the odd shape makes it tough to apply pressure where you want it, do not overtighten and squeeze all the glue out, tighten until crack closes, remove excess glue and let dry. You shouldn't need any dove tails or "heaven forbid" staples. On a footnote if you plan to stain it, do it after removing residue, but before the crack repair as the open wood around the crack will absorb the glue and take stain differently.

  6. If you liked bone island in the springtime, you should see it in the winter when the pirates are in bloom!

    NUTS.......everywhere lol

  7. back to Patrick


    GentlemanScotty, I didn't yell at ya, just trying to save you from the scolding I got several pages back.

    make that


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