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Posts posted by Talderoy

  1. "We are an Order of Light shinning upon those raising the bar in our community!"

    Please also consider the dictionary definition as we are closer to that then the Devil ha ha, but seriously mates come on??? This has to do more with the serpents on the old maps and high adventure than Ole Nick.We are bigger than worrying about some people thinking a bunch odd pirates are Satan worshipers. Remember this is an Order and you can resign or be voted out and all those in favor of voting out Talderoy for choosing the Satanic name say EYE! t's my choice in the name and it was to invoke(Wait that's a devil worshipers term) Imagination of olde world adventure on the high seas where you worried about things bigger than pirates, SEA MONSTERS. I Believe the name should be edgey. The Order of Unicorns and DO gooders just doesn't do it for me. Anyway from the Horses ass ,,, I mean mouth!

  2. It would seem that the Lord proprietors of Maryland have set a trap for those whom they have invited to attend with out their arms. (or that could bees just bees scuttlebutt or not we will wait and sees)

    I for one will let the Order of the Leviathan and the Devil's Dozen pave the way to see if they will ever bees ready for blood and thunder till then I's will steer well clear of fells point and Baltimore's inner harbor as I does not care for hemp neck ties or iron gibbet swings, thank yea for letting us knows that we are not welcome to come as ourselves as it were till then I will set me sail for more hospitable waters and ports of call like Charleston as is no metropolitan port of call say yea high faulting privateers with their letter of mark from the lords proprietors poppycock and peacock feathers they thumb their noses at southern hospitality and say they know how to have a good time, ha I think not It's sets a poor president that they call for those that purports to the leaders and they bees willing to take the silver and blades but them would support such are not trusted to carry theirs as a the free men they arrrs

    Ye make good points here mate ye surly do, we will make the best of it! In this case we trade weapons for ships. We have both the Pride of Baltimore and the Bounty on dock and sea. This be an event of honor and celebration of top pirates in our community and for that I'll put down my weapons. I will however consider your recommendation of Charleston for next Years honoring the Devil's Dozen into the Order of Leviathan.

  3. I love my crew(Press gang) and the leaders at the helm. My home port of the Pyracy Pub just the same.

    Well said!

    This is going to be a great time. There are some bumps that we would all love to get rid of, but in the end its worth working around said bumps and having a blast. There hasnt been a gathering like this. So many from all over are coming. Some I have yet to meet and some I havnt seen in years. This to me is what pyrate con was always suposed to be about. I just feel lucky that it is in my home port.

    NO pyrate CON here mate!!! Only top pirates gathering to salute and celebrate thar own. I'm looking forward to hangin with such wonderful pirates from all over the know pirate world!


  4. To the Pirate Community ~

    As the Devil’s Dozen Induction Ceremony and Privateer Day draw ever closer, we are preparing to honor our Devil’s Dozen and show our appreciation to all who are attending.

    It is our goal to provide the best hospitality possible. In that vein, we want to inform you of some recent developments which, despite our best efforts, are the case for this event.

    After hours of research, permissions and likelihoods, the Captain of the HMS Bounty has determined that there can be no passage to Annapolis on Sunday. Many thanks go out to Kathy Gilbert from Pirates of the Treasure Coast. Kathy works directly with the ship and although a sail to Annapolis on Sunday seemed workable, she can not override the Captains word, nor should she. We’re grateful that the Bounty will be joining us for the event and has invited our Pirates to come aboard for the sea battle and photo shoots. It is possible that the Bounty will remain at the pier during the sea battle and be a defender of the land. We’re waiting to hear whether or not she will be on the water. In either case, our Pirates are invited aboard for the sea battle.

    We have an alternative and exciting Sunday plan. We are providing our Pirates with admission to an event taking place within a short light rail ride away. Pirates invade RenCon! Please check out their website and plan to join in the invasion. www.Renconvention.com


    We all want to wear our dearly beloved props, weapons and such that are so important to Pirate attire. Fells Point Privateer Day, however, is a no weapon event. This raises our dander, much like many others for which wearing weaponry is a very important factor in our attire. After our dander settled and we came to terms with these conditions, we realized that we are coming together to recognize 13 of the most outstanding individuals in the Pirate Community. Set in the most charming seaport town of Fells Point, too much time, effort and funds have been graciously donated to let the weapons issue spoil the fun and memories that we’re about to share. There will be weapons allowed in specified areas for photos.

    We want to be forthcoming and if the no weapons policy has created a problem for anyone, please know that we understand and apologize for any inconvenience. As much as we respect our Pirates, we also respect the Captain of the HMS Bounty’s decisions and the concerns of the Baltimore City Police Department.

    It is our intention to make sure that all involved have a good time while with us at Fells Point. We look forward to your visit, see you next week!


    Pirates Magazine Crew

  5. Mates Mates!

    ,us pirates arrrr guests of Privateers and ye know how nervious that lots gets with us pirates. A privateer is nothing more than a closet pirate and we make them nervious we does.

    Oh Really?? Pray, do tell...

    Now Captain ye be the exception sir! The one Privateer( Pirate hunter !)I think it wise to always know yeer location when yer in familiar waters uhhh hum.

  6. Honestly what it all boils down to is that we, whether in the living history camp, are a stage entertainer, or a member of the Devil's Dozen, are invited guests of the City of Baltimore and therefore we really do need to behave according to their rules whether we care for them or not. If we can't do that we not only run the risk of bad press aimed directly at us and rightfully so because we caused it, but we also run the risk of losing an event. By abiding by the rules, we come off as the more mature force and perhaps in the future, be granted more privileges because we have shown ourselves to be trust worthy and responsible.

    Huzzah to Capt. Sterling!

  7. Mates Mates!

    The way I see it this is an event to honor top pirates from around the known pirate world ,the Devil's Dozen into the order of Leviathan for Pirates Magazine and a chance to meet and mingle with like minded folk. Me I am always armed to the teeth and I don't carry toys! I agree with points made by Hawkyns and Hurricane(By the way ye will be missed)but this is much more than a weapons fest .We have top pirate mates making the journey and two ships the likes of the pride of Baltimore and the BOUNTY docked on each side of the pier. These fine ships will be taking a select group of pirates (30 that I will be hand picking Devil's Dozen included) out on the water Saturday. Sunday The Bounty will be taking 60 of us on a four trip to Annapolis!! (How we will be getting back I'm not sure yet but I will get ye back,we will get back if me 1st mate Matt has to drive a bus!.)

    My good mate Jason in charge of this fine event Privateer Day has rules and regulation he needs to abide by. I am offering him my services as head of the goon squad to police the event and gentle ask me fellow mates to accompany me to an area by the Bounty where they can take pictures with their weapons. We will be offering a weapons check at the Pirate magazine booth in hopes to make every ones day me pleasant as not to have to walk to car or back to hotel. Lets help Jason or better yet help me ye SWABS wink.gif (I'll be looking for goon Squad members) Ill post more as the world turn mates when things are final . Thar arrrr friendly arrrrr ports but let us knot forget ourselfs ,,,us pirates arrrr guests of Privateers and ye know how nervious that lots gets with us pirates. A privateer is nothing more than a closet pirate and we make them nervious we does. SO AS NOT TO BE INCONVENIENCED LEAVE THE REAL WEAPONS AT HOME AND MAKE A BOTTLE OR A TANKARD OR A BELAYING PIN YER PROP ! Thar not toys and ye can keep yar diggnitty ya dogs!

    ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE !!!! I hear Captain Sterling the Pirate hunter is rumored to be about so take heed mates !Watch our backs or ye might be looking far worse than ye do, and mates lets face it some of you are pretty ugly so beware!!!!!!

  8. Mates this is a top notch event and we have it handled! Come bring your props and act responcible!! The pier will have a performers area .Just come and we will have a great time(WE HAVE IT HANDLED) If you need to check your weapons there will be a lace at Pirate Magazines booth on the pier to store them. Also Drinking on the pub crawl it is not a good idea to carry swords in baldlic or any weapons to make our land loving friends more comfortable.

  9. Mates, Devil's Dozen induction into the Order of Leviathan will allow weapons .The Fancy Dress after will not. The next day I will be carring weapons on the pier and when we are on the Bounty and the Pride of Baltimore we will have weapons attacking the pier. Sunday we will leave the docks at 10 am for a four hour tour at sea on the Bounty making a landing in Annapolis for four hours again to return on a four hour sailing back to port. There will be weapons on the ship sunday. We will be providing a place to store ye weapons Friday night and Saterday if you wish to leave the pier or it becomes an issue. Mates bring your props and we will act acordingly. Last year we had no problems!!


  10. So, umm... Talderoy... when the Devil's Dozen be chosen... what be the purpose and reason for these new Pirate Lords?

    Will a new group be voted for each year or how does that go?

    Curiosity, mate.

    ~Lady B

    Mate! Good questions !The reason mate is that thar are many top pirates out thar that need to be seen due to thar hard work on thar pirate and contribution to the community .We want to raise the bar fer pirates across the globe to see what thar fellow sea dogs are doing.We are honoring those top pirates voted on by thar peers.We are honoring these 13 The Devil's Dozen with a Custom Order of Leviathan Sterling Ring worth over 600.00 and the chance to own a Tony Swatton Custom cutlass and a Baltimore Knife and Sword Matt Stager exceptional scalawag sticker.This contest will be a yearly event for Pirates Magazine. I am no word smith matey, but this is going to be grand!

  11. if you're part of a cosplay pirate crew, parade group or a pirate reinactor, send in a photo of your captain along with a short paragraph about him (or her

    Because of this i was not sure about entering this myself..Perhaps First mate can clarify. So I was thinking of entering a friend into the contest though I would love to be in the Devils dozen.

    MATIE PUT YER BIG BOY PANTS ON AND SEND IN YER PICTURE AND WRITE UP !WHAT DO YE HAVE TO LOSE ? I just wanted to tell some one to put on thar big boy pants ha ha ha

  12. But most call me TALDEROY!

    . . . and he be BIG and IMPOSING enough to be the first male pirate to grace the cover of The Pyrates Way magazine!


    Plus. . .and he'll hate for me to expose him. . . but ye'll not find a nicer mate on any sea, and I'm blessed to call him a friend.

    Why thank you mate fer the fine words,, but yer ruining me bad reputation!

  13. Well Talderoy..Welcome to the Pirates ~ Pirate Pub ..the Best Pub around and good info an anything Pirate...

    I heard from Spoo how ye got yer name fer starters. Interesting! An all Along i thought the song was writ for you however it turns out you were born for it.. Destiny has it place for ye! Welcome above all!


    Mate don't be givin away me secrets now .The Name is Cleighton "Talderoy" Acrew (Big As a Crew) But most call me TALDEROY!

  14. Well Talderoy..Welcome to the Pirates ~ Pirate Pub ..the Best Pub around and good info an anything Pirate...

    I heard from Spoo how ye got yer name fer starters. Interesting! An all Along i thought the song was writ for you however it turns out you were born for it.. Destiny has it place for ye! Welcome above all!


  15. Ah, Pirate Charles. Very kewl guys, and willing to put up with crazy lost pirates at Nor Cal last year. (It was a gag routine a few of us were using to entertain the public, and the Charles guys played along with us during one of their breaks) :D

    I love those guys, and their music rocks!

    Good to see Talderoy joining up. Slowly but surely, we're getting the rest of us Pirates Magazine regulars aboard! ;)

    Mate Stynky twisted me arm until I gave in and made me join
  16. Aye, ye say I've been bleessed do ye. Just bein in the same pub as the legendary Talderoy ye say. Well bless me barnicales and call me sally. Aye, I could use a lil blessing now and again i surley could. I suppose I will have to get meself subscribed,eh.

    AHOY SALLY! It be a pleasure ta meet ye :D Now get thee a subscription mate. TALDEROY

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