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Gunpowder Gertie

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Posts posted by Gunpowder Gertie

  1. Darn, that's too bad about only being one-sided, but I get how two sides could cause difficulties. Bah, I really shouldn't be going around looking to spend money on stuff like this when I can hardly afford to keep my car running, heh. But I'll definitely keep it in mind.

    McCool- I just found the very thing on the Arrbay!

    A plastic gold coin that looks exactly like Spanish doubloons- 8 reale size! A bag o' 72 for less than 5 bucks. They are hard t' come by- but I can send ya the seller!

  2. ;) well my life drawing teacher said to me recently that it was good to teach a student that genuinely enjoys drawing for a change B) im glad it shows in my work :) Funny enough im studying concept art for games and films at University when i start there in september. Ill get taught how to take my traditional skills digitally there, i didnt want to give the impression that im some fine arts student ;o I just progressed through trial and error, self teaching the mechanics of shading, anatomny etc ;) with guidence from teachers along the way. Ive only started getting feedback online this year and its made a big impact on my ability so far B)! so thanks again

    It's obvious you have some real skill. In University your feedback will not always be as gentle as <ahem> it is here. It's good you are willing to listen. Stories abound of people working in animation being told their work is "crap" by their bosses.So- don't take it personally, and take the criticism as it is given- all in the name of making you a better artist.


    to work on your posing!

    Your posing so far is a bit static. Try - for your next drawing - to make it more dynamic. Not facing square to the viewer- but either a three quarter pose, with some movement. If these drawings are going into your portfolio- this would be the perfect kind of drawing to attempt!

  3. I've done much the same with my own art, and I should really try to post some here at some point, perhaps in my gallery. I'd be very interested to know about your experiences in pursuing concept art as a carreer. It has been a path I have considered taking for many years, but never knew the way to do so. I would be more inclined towards film than game desgin, but really all of it intrigues me, and I think it's one of the few things I would actually enjoy doing for a living (if indeed a living can be made at it, which is my greatest fear).

    Recently- after my accident, I talked to a local storyboard artist. He does quite a bit for Disney- anyway- he encouraged me to try and get into that field. But I don't have enough confidence to know I can walk into a meeting and just blow them away. I still need reference. I first came out here to take a course in digital animation- but my funding fell through. Then- my bro died and I had a car accident in quick succession. Hence my status as a "used to be" professional artist.

    but let me just say- drawing for a living? Listening to music and drawing for about 8-10 hours a day? AND getting paid great money for it? Priceless.

  4. New


    Re worked the leg. Really happy with its stance now :)! thanks for the feedback everyone I read every word :)! stay tuned for more ;)

    THERE ya go! yes! Yes! Yes! Even the shoe construction is better!


    oh- and one more thing- it is apparent you are working "through" the drawing- by that I mean structurally you are following the line of an object through the figure, and the angles are all meeting, and aligning. And that is sometimes very hard to do. And that is very good!

  5. Damnit all, I wish I could afford a ticket out to Cali for that festival. And lodging too, can't forget that. I've always wanted to go. I hate being unemployed.

    As for the cards, can't wait for the next theme! Incedentally, who decides that?

    Well- I AM driving down, and I could pick ya up on the way..you could sleep in the van...but I think Colorado might be a tad far for a quick detour! plol8hr.gif

  6. I'm with everyone else here, this round of cards really were grand. You guys are awesome.

    Okay, Pew, June works for me as the starting point, but I, too, have NorCal to prepare for (Can't wait to meet you there, Gertie!), so giving out the theme now would let me get a head start on what I plan to do for Round, The Fifth. ;)

    I agree- a bit o' advance warning would help! - especially with me very full June schedule.

    And I also can't wait to meet you at NorCal, Ransom! BTW-They've finally upgraded the website with all the vendors and the entertainment!

  7. another sketch. lowered hat, maybe needs more lowering, tried drawing a waist coat for a change. the torso looks quite flat to me but im still working on it. the proportions look pretty solid i edited the left leg in the picture because it had a awkward pose before hand :) also i tried the pose on my self this time and this is how i found my feet facing. 1 forward and one pointing away, i think i should of faced the left foot inwards a little more tho ;)


    Aye very good- yer renderin' is coming along nicely. Especially with the flowing fabric.As fer the stiffness of the pose you mentioned, try looking for the line of action within the body- this is a line that follows through the movement of the figure, and the pose.. For example, in this pose, the hips would likely not be completely turned forward, one hip would be slightly tipped back, with the back foot turned out as it is.Ditto with the shoulders. The legs and feet are still relatively stiff,and static although better than the last drawing. The perspective seems off on the breeches bottom edge, it appears as though it is above the knee- but it should be below- otherwise the knee appears to turn out at a strange angle. And the back foot is turned too much where you turned the knee- it looks broken.the foot stance is too extreme for the pose of the leg.Use reference material to render the legs as well- the blue pencil drawing you posted was much more fluid, and much more detailed about the legs yet I believe it was likely heavily referenced- from Gollum, perhaps? It shows you understand movement, as there was movement in that drawing. The human body is always in a state of unbalance from one pose to the next, so keep that in mind, sometimes the most dynamic poses are just on the verge of unbalance, if that makes sense. The arms have a very nice sense of volume, and it is again obvious you understand the workings of the arm- use that same kind of detail on the legs and feet. It's nice to see you working lightly, and constructing the pose with a lot of under or structural drawing..try breaking up the torso into chest and hips, turn them, rotate them slightly, individually,, and then fill in the abdomen after you set the posture of the body. Savvy? It may sound silly to you- but invest in one of those adjustable models where you can turn the torso, and limbs. Sculpt the legs and feet in modelling clay- it will help you in the long run to understand the construction, and will reflect in your drawing- I guarantee!

    I'm offering this advice because you seem serious about your drawing, especially as you are going to school for it. I've helped with many a portfolio, and I was a professional artist, so I know where you are coming from, and I remember getting into school myself. If you show a portfolio that has movement in your drawings, you will get in for sure. It's not about pretty rendering a drawing, it's about understanding movement, anatomy, and structure. Working the drawing from the inside out.

  8. Yeah I think I forgot to sign mine....they're the lighthouse ones.

    Kate- the lighthouse one was exquisite. Like I said, your line was lovely! I need to practice using pen and ink!

    and Pew- I'm up for this for sure..I might be a bit rushed though- I have a full June on my plate- 2 pirate gigs, Nor Cal..and a wedding. But June 1st will likely be okay!

  9. They're here- the package has arrived! I haven't opened it yet- but..they're here!


    All right- I've opened them. And what a great set they are! I actually got the one I was hoping to get back - the charts and maps on fire - since it was one of the last, it was one I considered my best, but then, perhaps it had best gone to another, and I got one o' my weakest ones back.

    It was quite the experience for me, I really hadn't drawn much after my car accident, and some of the drawing skills you take for granted, like hands, feet and perspective, had definitely gotten rougher...and my line..oh..my line....gone but not forgotten...

    but I was feeling pretty good by the end.

    I see that my cards were a bit bigger than the others- I did a lot of my cards at work,( during slack periods- I must emphasize!!!) and couldn't access the dimensions in the original post. I had mistakenly thought the cards to be about the size of some notepads we had at work, and I was off quite a bit by the time I noticed it was much too late! Next time will be better- and I know I had a hard time working this small as it was- so major KUDOS to you other folks, doing such a nice job with your line, and design, in such a small canvas!

    I was so taken by the interactivity of the cards- some had working compasses, some opened, some were serious, some comical. I plan to frame all mine, that's how cool they are!

    Michael- I see what you mean by the Patrick Hand ones! Very unique- and very ..charming..yes- charming...not to mention- TASTY!

    The Pew one was a small island with an X for treasure. Very cool. It's obviously part of a whole, and I guess it also symbolizes this whole idea of us sharing our artwork.

    Brig- I love the concept of the beautiful dead, and "my heart is lost to you" from yours!

    J8ks dad- I really loved the design elements of yours- and the 3D compass, and interactive spinner.

    McCool- for someone who seemingly got dragged in- by me- kicking and screaming- you did a NICE job, man. A colourful, yet simple design, very humorous.

    The others- Ransom and 2 that are unsigned- has a lovely scrapbooking, multiple element design, and are really well done, and whoever did the hand drawn lighthouse- your line is really awesome. I wish my pen and ink work was as good.

    So- I have a ways to go it seems, to match some of the elements that everyone put into their work. Some things I thought about during the design phase, and wasn't sure I could do- now I see that almost anything goes, and you really are limited only by your imagination.

    I'm really revved up for the next one now.

  10. Good start lad ....learn to draw what you see (from life is best but photos can be the next best source) check your body positions by looking in a mirror to double check your body positions. But keep going you'll do well with it!!!

    I hope you'll take this as constructive, learning to observe and translate that into believeable images is more difficult than most people think.

    The body has some nice work- you are working the angles and some of the contours really well- but the shoes are still- not even cartoony. Feet are hard- but that is where I would suggest you practice. I know- I'm having problems with feet and hands now myself- your hands are coming along nicely. Also, perhaps practice more dynamic poses, not just side or dead on views, try 3/4 views, explore the movement of the body. Explore foot stance, and balance. Explore angles, and perspective.

    just my 2 shillings.

    cheers, the poses came out of my head so ;) yeah the feet arent really a area im concerned with B) and in the middle drawing i just rushed them to convey the stance B) cheers for the tips tho

    Remember that your work is a whole. You have a nice sense of sophistication happening in some of your body drawing- but unfortunately the lack of skill in the feet, totally pulls the eye away from the great parts of the drawing. Feet are important. They give the figure balance.

  11. I haven't got nary a card yet- I can't wait!

    Hopefully tomorrow- that'd be grand!

    I'm definitely in for the next one! I had a great time making the cards, and I'm really enjoying the excitement of waiting for them.

  12. Good start lad ....learn to draw what you see (from life is best but photos can be the next best source) check your body positions by looking in a mirror to double check your body positions. But keep going you'll do well with it!!!

    I hope you'll take this as constructive, learning to observe and translate that into believeable images is more difficult than most people think.

    The body has some nice work- you are working the angles and some of the contours really well- but the shoes are still- not even cartoony. Feet are hard- but that is where I would suggest you practice. I know- I'm having problems with feet and hands now myself- your hands are coming along nicely. Also, perhaps practice more dynamic poses, not just side or dead on views, try 3/4 views, explore the movement of the body. Explore foot stance, and balance. Explore angles, and perspective.

    just my 2 shillings.

  13. This just means that we'll all have to meet someday to put them all together!

    The chances of us all getting together at one time so we can figure out where PEW hid th' treasure be kinda slim..... That Sneaky PEW probably figgured it that way......

    Or we could all scan our's and then post 'em.... then electronicly put 'em together and snatch PEW's Loot....... <_<

    Haharrrr! Count me in- a virtual raiding party!

    Prepare to plunder!

  14. I'm with Mr. Hand.

    And by the way, I loved your card! very funn!

    Alas- I've been incommunicado since me puter decided to become so much excess ballast, and perhaps only good for an anchor!

    But- I got a backup 'puter- and so am able to communicate with me mateys here!

    Anyway- have not received my cards yet- but can hardly wait!

    However- though I be hopin' this is not premature- if'n ye be wantin' to spy me cards, I did scan 'em and place 'em upon me facebook,which I just made available to me mateys..and mateys o' mateys.

    here be me face- port:

    gunpowder gertie

  15. Major bummer, Red Wake. You should come out to Colorado and hang with us brigands!

    Oi Capn McCool.

    Though we be not landlocked, with the pleasant Pacific off our shores, an yet- thar be NO pirate groups roundabout. Though there be some right acrost the border, but we be thin on Canadian pirates.

    So- I started me own crew- Buccaneers o' the Black Fleet! Though at this time, we only have 6 members, we hope ta grow ta more! We are also lookin' ta p'raps start arrr own pirate festival- small at first. I may be sending ya a parrot wi' questions tattooed on it's chest! Was lookin' ta do somethin' fer Scurvy awareness day- but I'll be a day out o' sickbay, so not sure if I'll be up ta it.

    Any pyrates in the Vancouver BC- Lower Mainland area- who want ta join me merry band o' cutthroats-be droppin' me a Parrot Mail!

  16. Happy Birthday CC!

    Chrispy but never crunchy..

    hope ye' get a birthday munchie

    fer ye are another year oldier..

    somewhat wiser, and maybe moldier...


    I mean hope ye get lots o' gold-ier.....

  17. Aye- thankee fer the birthday wishes!

    I Figger I'll celebrate here at the Pub wi' me friends:


    Contemplate the significance o' another year older...


    Try an' escape piratical paddywhacks...


    an' appreciate the joy o' bein' a pirate!


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