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Captain Mickey

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Posts posted by Captain Mickey

  1. The fourth is confirmed, Johnny Depp is the only cast member to have signed on officially.

    Personally, I loved all three. They were Disney movies, and as such I thought them great adventure stories with great effects, costumes, and sets.

    Not any kind of accurate portrayal of life at sea or the nasty, wretched people that actually were pirates of the golden age, but other than we few on boards like these, who would really want to see that? People want entertainment, not historical accuracy...

  2. (Which kind of reminds me of the Rings trilogy, although I'm not sure that's an apt comparison.)

    Every aside in LotR was just icing! It give the story depth. Ymmv, of course. I think that's one of my (many) complaints about the movie, it just wasn't able to convey the sense of history that the books were able to convey.

    So, I don't suppose you liked The Silmarillion then, did you?

    The Simalarion was like the LotR books without a plot. As such, I didn't finish it. I really like organization and closure in books. That one fails both tests from what I read. (Of course, I realize that not everyone has the same requirements for books as I do. In fact, not everyone likes to see the word "requirements" in the same sentence as "books." So feel quite free to ignore my opinion on such things, although this won't stop me from opining. It's in my analytic nature. :rolleyes: )

    The Simalarion is more like a history book. It actually has many different stories with beginning and endings. I have found that listening to it on Books on Tape is the best way to hear the stories the first time.

    The Children of Huron has a bit more of the kind of greek inspired beginner, middle and end to some of the later stories of The Simalarion, concerning men and the NĂºmenĂ³reans.

  3. Hey Jessie,

    I am strongly considering it. It is a bit of a haul from Tampa though. I may need to look at it as an overnight.

    I just broke out my new Pirate Garb at the faire in Gainesville last weekend, so I have gotten the kinks out I think.

    If I can make it, it will definitely be on Saturday, as I have a soccer game on Sunday...

  4. Sci Fi still has Doctor Who airing? Could never find it, so will have to check. :ph34r: Thank ye.

    Oh, I shan't say more about the Master. But just finished watching an episode that involved the Master and the Doctor. More than moving, hell, it had me crying! That's all I will say just in case some of ye haven't seen it yet. Some of ye that have seen it will know what I'm talking about.

    Aye, been checking out these other spin offs, too. Even the Sarah Jane Smith adventures has been fun! Oooo, so good to see K-9 active again.

    I think the Doctor needs a pirate companion, what ye think? :ph34r:

    ~Lady B

    Just finished the cliffhanger end of the last season, The Shattered Earth. I have no idea when they will be showing the next season, but it was the culmination of the last SciFi marathon. Next episodes shown are on BBC America and SciFi, both tomorrow night.

  5. Oh, aye! The Daleks and the Cybermen. :blink: Old enemies that look just like you remember them but with minor upgrades that one barely notices. It's fantastic.

    Yes, David Tennant is a fantastic Doctor. Will be sad to see him go. Hell, I just may cry when he regenerates into the 11th Doctor.

    Eager to see the next Season of Dr Who. (since it takes so long to get here, alas, BBC America is not available here. Annoying it is, BBC has better shows than ABC, NBC and CBS combined!)

    Amazing how long Dr Who has been around (even with the hiatus).

    ~Lady B

    I have seen all of the new version of the Dr. Who episodes, right up to the cliff hanger. SciFi Channel has been running marathons for the last few Fridays if you have missed some of the episodes.

    I BELIEVE that the new season will be starting up relatively soon.

    The story line with The Master was quite good in my opinion (Here come the DRUMS!!!). I also liked the cliff hanger where they tie in all of the Dr. Who spin offs (Torchwood, Martha Jones, ect.)

  6. Thanks Mickey and Jack. Nice to have some voices of experience. All of these projects are a 1st for me.

    I will be looking forward to trying again on the hat shaping tonight.

    One last question about period.

    I am debating stitches vs. hat buttons as a tie back. Which, if either is the more PC?

    Again, thanks guys. I will be debuting the hat at BARF, and hopefully at Seerles Raid

  7. Thanks Jack.

    Yes, fuzzy. Great idea on the razor. Will do.

    I used a kettle on boil with the whistler open.

    It seemed to me that I needed to get more of the hat "loose" so that I could get the shape that I wanted. But, by the time I did get enough of it soft, where I had started was already firming up.

    Am I just being thick here?

    The kettle would do for fine tuning, but I think Jack is suggesting an wide open pot for the major shaping.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks Mickey. It does indeed.

    BTW, did you ever decide on a waterproofing method? I was interested in hearing how your efforts went...

    Do any of you know if there is a certain point where the felt will break down from repeated steaming/shaping? I don't want to be too much of a perfectionist and ruin the hat...

  8. Thanks Jack.

    Yes, fuzzy. Great idea on the razor. Will do.

    I used a kettle on boil with the whistler open.

    It seemed to me that I needed to get more of the hat "loose" so that I could get the shape that I wanted. But, by the time I did get enough of it soft, where I had started was already firming up.

    Am I just being thick here?

  9. I had a some difficulty steaming and shaping my hat.

    I did it and had to redo it and then redo it again.

    The felt is getting a bit rough now, Will waterproofing it help to make it look a bit smoother?

    Would love to get some advice from anyone. I have done all the steps, trimmed, sewed an edge, now am struggling with the shaping it.

    Please Help!

  10. Welcome back Jessi. It is unfortunately people need you the most when things aren't going well. Remeber that you are helping them more than they probably let on.

    I lost my job 3 years ago and had major anxiety issues and seeing a counselor was the BEST thing I ever did. Those sessions have helped me be a better person and father.

    Keep your chin up!

  11. So Single Men = Gentlemen????

    If so, Send over this "waitress" fer me drink order, ifin ye please

    Oh jeez, how could you post such a vulgar picture? I mean really, just look at that, it's a disgrace. She's...she's...


    (Okay, maybe not for God's sake, but they're still bucket boots :rolleyes: )

    HMMMMMMM.....Bucket Boots......GRRUGGHHHHHHHH

    <begins to drool>

  12. Here is the text from a Letter of Marque issued during the reign of Henry the Eighth (my character I am working on is a privateer set in 1567, and sails under the British Flag against the Spanish and the Holy Roman Empire)

    Letter of Marque Against Scotland and France,

    Henry VIII, 1543

    The King's most royal Majesty being credibly informed that divers and many of his most loving faithful and obedient subjects inhabiting upon the sea coasts, using trafic by sea, and divers others, be very desirous to prepare and equip sundry ships and vessels at their own costs and charges to the sea for the annoyance of his Majesty's enemies, the Frenchmen and the Scots, so as they might obtain his most gracious licence in that behalf, Hath, of his clemency, tender love, and zeal, which he beareth to his subjects, by the advice of his most honorable counsel resolved and determined as hereafter followeth:

    First his Majesty is pleased, and by the authority hereof giveth full power and licence to all and singular, his subjects of all sorts, degrees, and conditions, that they and every of them, may, at their liberties, without incuring any loss, danger, forfeiture, or penalty, and without putting in of any bonds or recognizance before the Counsel, or in the Court of the Admiralty, and without suing forth of any other licence, vidimus, or other writing, from any counsel, court, or place, within this realm, or any other his Majesty's realms and dominions, prepare and equip to the seas such and so many ships and vessels furnished for the war, to be used and employed against his Grace's said enemies, the Scots and Frenchmen, as they shall be able to think convenient for their advantage and the annoyance of his Majesty's said enemies. And his Majesty is further pleased, and by this presents granteth to every of his said subjects that they, and every of them, shall enjoy to his and their own proper use, profit, and commodity, all and singular such ships, vessels, munition, merchandise, wares, victuals, and goods of what nature and quality soever it be, which they shall take of any of his Majesty's said enemies, without making account in any court or place of this realm or any other of the King's realms or dominions for the same, and without paying any part or share to the Lord Admiral of England, the Lord Warden of the Five Ports, or any other officer or minister of the King's Majesty, any use, custom, prescription, or order to the contrary hereof used heretofore in any wise notwithstanding. And his Majesty is further pleased that all and every his said subjects which upon the publication of this proclamation will sue for a duplicate of the same under the great seal of England, shall have the same, paying only the petty fees to the officers for writing the same.

    And, seeing now that it hath pleased the King's Majesty, of his most gracious goodness, to grant unto all his subjects this great liberty, his Highness desireth all mayors, sheriffs, bailiffs, aldermen, and all other his Grace's faithful officers, ministers, and subjects of this realm, and other his Highness' realms and dominions, and especially those which do inhabit in the port towns and other places near the seaside, to shew themselves worthy of such liberty, and one to bear with an other, and to help an other, in such sort as their doing hereupon may be substantial, and bring forth that effect that shall redound to his Majesty's honor, their own suerties, and the annoyance of the enemies.

    Provided always that no man which shall go to the sea by virtue hereof presume to take any thing from any his Majesty's subjects, or from any man having his Grace's safeconduct, upon the pains by his Majesty's laws provided for the same. And his Grace is further pleased that no manner of officer, or other person, shall take any mariners, munition, or tackle from any man thus equipping himself to the sea, but by his own consent, unless his Majesty, for the furniture of his own ships, do send for any of them by special commissions, and where need shall require. His Majesty will also grant commission to such as will sue for the same for their better furnitures in this behalf.

  13. My first hat was a success, but I waterproofed it and it came out more of a helmet than a hat: heavy and very stiff. Also black. Not a good color in Florida. So I needed another hat.

    My latest hat:









    Closeup of button, a small tribute to the movie:


    The button is available from one of our own, renfairpirate.

    Captain Jim,

    My blank is coming tomorrow and I am delving into making my own. Can you repost your images? Thanks!

    EDIT - Just got delivered at the house. Can't wait!

  14. These pants and these are part of my gear. This company also does great frock coats and dusters as well. Jack and I have been getting into Western reenacting and that has sort of shoehorned its way into Steampunk, particularly since we love building things.

    Those would be great for any FireFly type reenactments as well!

  15. I've just begun collecting pieces for my "Alice the Undertaker" costume. Ordered a cheap but functional black corset from eBay, and fell in love with this coat from the ladies' store at Gentleman's Emporium. I'm trying to track down a pattern that's similar so I can make my own. That one's not too terribly pricey for a wool coat with that kind of detail, but I'm thinking with as many layers as I'll have something cooler than wool might be good. I'm going to base the character roughly on the description given for the Undertaker class from Unhallowed Metropolis, though I want to steer away from the Van Helsing overtones a bit. So far I've got a whole word document filled with my wish list, and another filled with a project list. I love this stuff! :rolleyes:

    There is a leather craftsman who attended the St. Pete Pirate Festival and who is at BARF who makes almost the exact masks in the Unhallowed Metropolis pictures if your looking for them Brig.

  16. OK this page is how to make a buncha Cowboy Action shooting leather gear.... Not Pyratical, but a lot of really good information..........


    Article 1: Cuff
    .... he describes all the steps... cutting grooving....finishing ......and stitching (he pokes his holes through the thick leather with a dremel.....)



    That is a wondrous resource! Thank you for that. Those are great directions. I will be giving it a try on a holster I am working on form my flintlock!

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