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Captain Charlotte Savvy

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Everything posted by Captain Charlotte Savvy

  1. Oh, I gotta join this site ...
  2. Is Grapple the one that hooks Will around the throat and says, "Say good-bye!!"? Because I would totally second your sentiments on that one, then.
  3. Married, with Children ("Thank your father, kids." "Thanks, Dad.")
  4. I once tried coke, but the ice cubes got stuck up my nose ...
  5. Jack's pistol the same as it was in the first movie? (And, I mean -- it may not be the _exact same prop_ -- I'm just mean if it's identical in appearance.) I'm curious, given the particular attachment Jack had for that pistol in the first movie! ... TOTALLY awesome. I want your job!!
  6. Giant eagles that should have just FLOWN Frodo and Sam to Mount Doom (or at least to the edge of it or something), so that the hobbits did not have to WALK all the way to Mount Doom
  7. Easy-bake oven (Erm ... well, they both have the word "easy" in it ... :) )
  8. Low-talkers (... I like Seinfeld ... ;-) )
  9. If I pass ya on the Pearl while I'm trying to find Johnny Depp, I'll give ya a wave.
  10. Name your terms ... (... Mr. Turner.)
  11. Well ... I mean, it's true that the only "real pirate threat" left in these modern times are pirates around Asia (although I _believe_ there are some occasional mostly-drug-related "pirate" incidents in the Caribbean as well). And modern day pirates are horrible -- unlike the Golden Age of Piracy, modern pirates have no small handful of people in their ranks who are merely after a freer way of life and are mostly not bloodthirsty killers who are happy to kill for profit (I'm not saying that there WEREN'T pirates in the Golden Age that were like that; I believe the 95% vast MAJORITY of pirates in the Golden Age were like that. But there were one or two who simply wanted a better life than what their world could offer them, and turned to piracy out of desperation.) But ... I wouldn't worry about that affecting PotC 2 and 3 too much. There ie a _certain_ element of historical truth in the first PotC film (er, in that there were actually pirates in the Caribbean, and they weren't all very nice, and Port Royal and Tortuga did actually exist and so on) ... I imagine that it'll be about the same level of historical "accuracy," Asian pirates or no. I doubt that, if the Asian pirates turn out to NOT be on Jack's side, that they're portray them as being any meaner than Barbossa's crew in the first film (I would NOT want to meet anybody from Barbossa crew down a dark alley -- but still, we didn't actually _see_ them do anything really terrible). I don't think we have to worry too much. I imagine PotC 2 and 3'll have the same fun as 1 -- I think the only reason for the Asian pirates is so that they can take our characters farther out into the seas than simply the Caribbean. I will say, however, that I'll be disappointed if Ching Shih doesn't show up! ... ;-D
  12. "Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na -- BATMAAAAN!!" (It took them six weeks to write this theme song. I kid you not.)
  13. I second the question -- though it's not that I'm not greatful that you ARE mucking about with us mere mortals!!! If you can't give Mr. Depp a hug for me, could you give him a huge, utterly ludicrous grin from me?! Because that's most likely what my actual response would be to meeting Johnny Depp. ;-) Seriously, though -- the job sounds _so_ incredibly awesome; have fun, and we'll watch for yer name in the creds!
  14. The appearance of Scarlett and Giselle in the _3rd_ film, too, gives me hope that Jack Sparrow will not find his One Truw Luv in the gypsy queen ... which makes me very, VERY happy. Movie sequels have a tendency to insert Mary Sue love interests into their plots for a lack of any other decent plot ideas -- and I am SO terrified that they'll do something along those lines with PotC. But hopefully, this is a sign that I have no need for such a worry ...
  15. "Nobody expects the Spanish tunnel king! ..."
  16. T Tell me, which pub serves th' best beer?
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