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Katie Nameless

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Everything posted by Katie Nameless

  1. I'd personally campaign AGAINST a TV series. There's no way possible they could make it live-action. Tha'd be SO expensive. Unless it was all done wid a green screen, in which case, it'd all look done up anyhow. It'd be dissapointin'. Dun know bout the rest o' ye, but I can wait till 2005 or whenever PotC2 is teh come out if it means no television series, fer the love o' Got. Yer that Sparrow-hungry, read fanfiction. *nods*
  2. The Princess Bride! A personal favorite o' mine. Got to love that Mandy Patinkin. He's quite a good actor, not a bad singer either. I seen him in concert. "My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die. My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die. My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die. My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die...."
  3. Bein' a young, delicate little flower me self (pshh), I never had much room in MY sweet little virgin mind to think o such things.... ....I like innards.
  4. Exes from a cannon says you....I got one! *stuff* Hahahaha! Take that, ye scum! Ahem. ^^ That looks like tons o' fun, I wish this damn state weren't "the heart o' our country".... Course we got the Eerie and the Ohio river which stink like chum....eh, it's water.
  5. Bah! Whose law say I be a kid? I'll be 16 in 15 days! If that don' make me grown, Nothin' does. Unfortunately, under THIS country's law, it'll be 2 YEARS an' 16 days afore I'm full grown. If there was a slightly younger pirate gatherin' in which exactly the same events took place only you old salts didn' know about it....*nudge, nudge* :)
  6. It's also mentioned in Kate and Leopold! The little kid. "Want some Pirate Booty?" Hysterical. I found some at Trader Joe's last time I went. That's some good stuff, yep.
  7. Wow. My collection is....vastly smaller. NOT MY FAULT I'M POOR! It's why I took up pyracy in the first. ^_~ I have 2 piratical tees....both from Ye Olde Topic. *headdesk* (consumer wh0r3) One me mother dearest got me because I was depressed for not bein' able to take the theatre class I wanted the third semester in a row (I'm wearin' it as we speak!) and another one that I had to have because if it has a skull and crossbones, I will whine untill someone with a pocketbook buys it for me . I also have a ring and a Big Book O' Pirates that I got in Salem from the Pirate museum. Ooh ooh! And some prop Spanish Galleons that I bought from a cosplay weaponsmith. (if you don't know what that is, I SO AM NERDIER THAN THOU!) Me ma doesn't like me wearin' skull and crossbones on land much. Or anywhere for that matter. Ah, well. She can't nag me when she can't see me, eh?
  8. That's amazing! I swear parrots are going to take over the world someday. They're going to evolve to three or four feet tall, develop opposable thumbs and just take over the planet. Make us say "Polly wanna cracker" for guests' entertainment. In the distant future. Hey! Some of them are already outlivin' us! There was actually a bird on the local news a couple of nights ago that was tought pretty much every swear word in the proverbial book. They had to censor this parrot. It was hilarious. Just the situation of a parrot being bleeped out while a microphone is in his face on a newscast. I didn't catch why it used so many swear words or how someone got it on the news. Probably lived with someone who cussed a lot and it flew away and someone found it and it started swearing it's beak off. Ah, from the mouths of parrots.
  9. That's sure amusin'! Now I knows why they tell ye to wash your hands after handlin' strange animals.... ....I'll give the next person to lick it across't the back five bucks. Really.
  10. For all the Rennys I've been to, if you have a tricorne hat, you're a pirate. Unless of course, you're in a British naval getup. Then....you're a British....navy....person-thingy. True, it is good to be recognizable at a Renny if you want to be recognized as what you are. I can't truthfully say I've ever been to a re-enactment, though. There, I would think not being historically accurate is going to offend someone. If someone showed up to a serious re-enactment in a halloween costume, I'd want to run them through. Like not just pretend. Pirates looked like crispy (for lack of a better word for 'extremely tanned') pesants. Not guys with standard issue striped shirts and eyepatches complete with parrot that says 8 classic pirate phrases. That's even irritating at a Renny. Ok....Katie's done ranting now . So, the moral of the story is: Renny+Tricorne=PIRATE. Thank you.
  11. >.< ....I'm.... cryin' for ye right now.... *whimpers, holds stomach* As for my preference....if both were to throw themselves wantonly upon me body, I would definately take some time to deliberate. Heck, I'd prolly make it a contest....whoever's nicest to me. There's a plus an a minus in every situation. Not that either's bad, jest that some may be more....desireable than others . For instance. Our dear beloved Jack. He sees yer in yer quarters, lookin' kinda blue, he'll talk to ye, no matter how much ye protest to tellin' the truth, then out pops some guarded, deep rooted secret. Ye start cryin' and he goes down on ye. Ye may have only needed a cuddle. But he goes down on ye. In this case, Will may have given ye the cuddle-and-kiss-on-the -forehead comfort ye needed, but Jack'll just wear ye out. Attatch ye to him. Get under yer skin. And then run off with Scarlett. Or, you could be incredibly lonely. In need o' some serious tender lovin' and because Will's so straight-laced and worried about repute, every noise comin' outside the quarters yer cuddlin' in (he's savin' himself for marriage), he JUMPS 5 feet in the air, eyes dart around, before you convince him it was just you shiftin' yer weight and get back to the snugglin'. Thirty two and a half seconds later.... Maybe I overanylize this. I have a lot o' spare time, but don't tell me ye all don't. Either way, I vote Jack. :)
  12. *Interjects* I do! ....well maybe not so much a 'ship' as a 'raft', but let's not get technical. I do wish I could get te New Zealand fer that. Sounds a mighty fine event. Unfortunately that would be all my birthdays and Yules till I'm 30. I'll be with ye in spirit!
  13. *perks up at the word "tallship" ....Tallship? ....Must....comman-....-deer....*collapses*
  14. Ahhg! I'd jest be missin' it! Me clan and I go up to MA every summer, but in August. Ah, well. Guess this landlocked lassie's stayin' in the Midwest a while.
  15. Oh. My. Good graves. Don't get me started. Funny thing about me going dressin' as a pirate. Only really done it once besides Hallowe'en. Ah, the Ren Faire....allow me an explaination. It was a cold September afternoon. I was at the Ohio Renaissance Festival with me good friend, Erin. We were an odd coupling, we were. Me as a pirate, she as a princess. It'd been raining most 'o the day an' we'd been seekin' refuge in one of the many shops that lined the streets. But as we'd been runnin to find room in all these stores crammed full o' people, we heard someone callin' from across the road. "Excuse me," He called, standing in the cold rain. He was clearly mad. "but I've seen you pass by my shop three times today and not yet have I seen a blush on either of your faces." He grinned. I grinned back. My companion looked rather unamused. Then, came the most strange and exciting event of my young life. He bent down on one knee, kissed my hand, then, tucking my hair behind my ear, purred softly. I was melted instantly. This is the formula on either how to make a pirate lady blush or how to make a pirate lady smack you. Hard. Needless to say I was his shadow for the next, oh, 3 hours. I haven't really spoken to him since. I'm far too frightened. But that was by far THE most interesting experience EVER to happen to me while in ANY costume in the history of the WORLD.
  16. <----This be bony enough for ye? *Waves hand frantically* I'm a Central Ohioan! Actually, a friend of mine and I were trying to get up a pirate crew together ourselves. Wasn't turnin' out so great, lemmie tell ye. Since things ain't goin' so well with that, ye can count me in! And if yer really despirate for a crew, might'n ye mind me friend joinin' up as well?
  17. Well, it all started when a pirate mommy and a pirate daddy.... No, that's not how it happened, at all.... It all started with Peter Pan. The one with the girlie playin' 'im. Wendy was so powerful and smart. I made me ma read the book after the tape broke from watchin' it too much. I asked if there was any other books 'bout pirates or if the writer jus' made 'em up(c'mon, I was 4). Soon we was actually READING Peter Pan(sooo much better)! And then Treasure Island. Tom Sawyer got butchered a bit 'cause 'o all the backward ideas in it. 6 is an impressionable age. So, along came the movies Men in Tights. No piracy, but thievery and fun things like that. Not to mention a kick line. That always spices things up. And of course, Hook! Possibly one 'o my favorite movies ever. Then, Pirates of the Carribean. Good graves, I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I've seen it 12 times, not including all those times I sit through with the audio commentaries on. I dun CARE if it's a 2 hour advertisement for a Disneyworld attraction, it's a beautifully done one and that Captain Jack Sparrow? *swoons* Aye de mi!
  18. Fancy that! We're neighbors! Yes, the Renaissance Faire in Ohio is LOTS of fun, I can attest. There's a Pirate sword smithy somewhere around there. I got teased quite a bit. Nearly had to kill a man trying to peek up me skirt by lifting it up with the end of an eppe. Oh, but there are many things there that pirates of all kinds would enjoy. The human chess tournament, in which the English Queen takes on the Pirate Queen with living pieces (one guess who always wins ). And a pirate stage show, hopefully yours truly will be in that next year. And there's....romance, if that be your direction. There's theme weekends. Fool's weekend, Scottish weekend, Bier weekend, and of course, the most popular, most crowded, most overdone bells-in-the-air, roses-down-the-bodice, kissing-in-the-trees, feeding-one-another-chocolates weekend....Lovers' weekend. A seedy pirate such as yerselves can even fall victim to the crushing romance that is Lovers' weekend. *sigh* ....Not that I had an experience or anything. Anyway, here's the link! http://www.renfestival.com
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