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Katie Nameless

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Everything posted by Katie Nameless

  1. I'll be grabbin' for the ball an' powder afore I go anywhere near the ball an' chain. *orders a drop of paddy* Some people say that I'm a tad erm, bitter. I'm onto love. And all it's dirty little tricks. I 'ave meself a theory love's really a mental disorder. Stay with me. When yer first in love, yer all floaty feelin' right? Nothin' can bring ye down. Ye can't think about nothin' but this fella/lassie. Over time ye get to love the person so much, ye'd do anythin' for 'em. Die for 'em. Risk the world for 'em. Be bitten by the fleas of a thousand dogs for 'em. For someone who you have no bond with. Humans're pack animals and naturally have a bond with the clan. As fer animals an' courtship an' matin' fer life, I dunno. All I can say is the afforementioned feelins are not stasis in the human brain. Love is not efficient and I feel it should therefore be classified as a mental disorder. Heh. I can see it now.... Patient: Doctor! You have to help me! Doctor: Hm? What's the problem? Patient: *panicked face* I think I've got....love! *Doctor and attendant gasp, an intern faints down the hallway*
  2. Oh, gods! Not Meet Me In St. Louis! Now that song'll be stuck in my head all night! I saw The Unsinkable Molly Brown! Heehee. That's one of my favorites. *sings* Belly up! Belly up to the bar boys, let your money be seen. Only drink when it's day or night or somewhere in between! I have to say, though, I'm partial to Michael Crawford. Old enough to be my grandfather or not, he makes 65 look DAMN sexy! :) You know it. You want some.
  3. Ooh, creepy. Good creepy, I mean. I love ghost stories. I've always wondered what having a ghost experience would be like. I live in a really old town, but no tragic past or anything (dammit.), so it's hard to find ghostly activity. I do have some alleged ghost photographs (black and white film is the key, ectoplasm shows up better that way) but that's about it. *sigh*
  4. Thanky for the info, Bess! Should tide us all over for a while. I realize what yer riskin', satisfyin' our greedy little fantype mouths. Do what you has to, leak what you can, an' we'll be happy little pirates. Bruckheimer KEPT the ship!? NO FAIR! I played pirate ship EVERY DAY in my back yard when I was a kid and all I had were some stupid cardboard boxes. I demand that he DONATE the Black Pearl to me!
  5. I got most of my TLAP weekend mapped out already! I'm plannin' on a big weekend at me Dagorhir game (we're convertin' our squad o' Barbarians into Pirates, just for the one Saturday :) )Then we'll have raft building/races at Alum creek the next day. Until the rangers tell us to get our weird little arses out of the water cause we're not allowed to do that. Then, o' course, movies, Pirate's Booty, and whatever sort of booze me mates and I can get our dirty little paws on. I'll bring me camera.
  6. *knocks on the door, pokes her head in* I'm not too late, am I? *shifts eyes around, completely doesn't wait for an answer and tosses her bedroll, pillows and Captain Jack Sparrow plushie into the corner of the room* Ello, all! *nests*
  7. I am in love with that pattern. That and a Louis the XIV-esque style coat two sizes too big and I shall be happy as a clam. I am going to need a sewing machine if I'm going to be making breetches. That....don't....fall apart.
  8. Mostly, Capt. Bloodheart, they're goin' after the oil in the ships, they're on a mission te' do in the ship's Captain or they're just pillagin'. I got involved in Greenpeace fer a while. Sometimes considered pyrates, they are. Word of advice-- never do it.
  9. Katie's BACK! *strikes a pose* Sorry for going AWOL on all of ye for a good bit there, but I been sortin' through things out with the family, not teh mention me computer's been crashin' constantly over the course o' the past month and a half. If ye all don' remember me, well, then yer shucks outta luck, cause I ain't been that memorable unless ye count a few threads where I managed a bit o comedy or me ever controversial love triangle thread SOME things never change. Anyway, I be back, for this week anyway, then I be charting off for Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for a vacation for a short week, then I be back for the rest of the summer. :) I gotta say, it's good ter be back.
  10. Tom Waits, are you serious!? I has te go see it now! I was gonna skippit, but yer all sayin' it's so good, an' I trust a pirate's review. :)
  11. Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick, that is one large keg. I say we take it.
  12. Random Tidbit: There's a town called Waynesville and a town called Harveysburg there. Jus' so happens I know a man called Wayne Harvey....thought I'd share. Ahh, the Renny. Got me first kiss at the Renny. Strapping young lad at the wax flower shop, Kevin was 'is name. If yer lookin' te buy a period sword or pistol, that's the place. They've got tons, but even pirates gotta keep 'em peace-bonded. They've got shows and things to show em off in, too. Like "The Swordsmen", Dirk & Guido- Bold and Stupid Men (and any lady knows tha's jus' how we like 'em!). I can't wait!
  13. I be somethin' of an artist. I jes' don' have a SCANNER. Mos'ly I do photo manipulations now 'cause o' that purpose. I have a DeviantArt account. Nothin's in it currently 'cause I'm lazy an' a little bit stupid. Ye can find me account here. I'm also doing a lot of research on coat-of-arms for different families, particularly Irish ones, an' I'm in the midst of makin' a Pyrate family crest for all ye to share. With credit do yer dear sweet Kate, of course.
  14. Oh! Pennywhistle is fun and rather easy! Blow softly coverin' all the toneholes fer the lowest sound, then pull up one finger at a time 'til there's no fingers left, then blow a little bit harder, then snap all yer fingers back down. The pitch should jump an octave from yer original note- an' congrats!- ye got yerself a C scale! If ye half-cover the holes, ye can get half tones an varying breath support can bend the pitch, too. Best o' luck if ye so choose ter continue yer pennywhistling ventures. Sjoroveren....that instrument is so neat lookin'. 'Bout how much does one o' them go for?
  15. Where did THAT come from? 'S genius. 'M so gunna threaten me brother with that.
  16. All renditions o' The Highwayman make me pyratical heart sing, but none beats the original, tha's fer sure. I'm surprised none o' ye mentioned Black-Eyed Susan! That be my favorite pirate love song. Tis very pretty.
  17. I heard of 'em! Hells, I got a sticker with the logo! Yer now officially the Sweetness. As for me an' music, I been around it my entire life. Bein' born an' raised in Music City will do it to ye. Me da played guitar with Eddie Raven before he went nuts, and then guitar with Mike Albert, the Elvis impersinator before goin' freelance. Godfather is in music too. Gah, I love gloatin' about him. Records on the walls o' his office, talkin' about 'is new deals with celebrities. Never in my crowd, though. Country and pop ain't my scene. Ye can't mosh to Achey-Breakey. Not angry enough. Anyway. He's written what's arguably the most popular modern mainstream love song to date, "I Swear", y'know, by the moon and the stars in the sky? Enough abou' me whack-job family, tho! Les get to me! I started playin' the piano at 10, kinda hated it, cause I'd already taught myself how ter play by ear and it was 'wrong'. Picked up the oboe at 12 through school, still playin' on that thing *sports 'I (heart) MY OBOE' pin*. I learned sax in about two hours, clarinet in 30 mins, ocarina, was playing complex tunes on a pennywhistle in less than a day, same with Native American flute. I'm in the process of becoming....decent at the mandolin. (....I'm only a tiny bit obsessed with music....did I mention I memorize Broadway, movie and show scores in my spare time?) I suck at stringed instruments because I learned how to play the guitar McCartney style and that was 'wrong'. *fumes* I sing too. When I don' mean to, sometimes. I randomly burst into song. If someone says somethin that reminds me of a song lyric, I HAVE te sing the bloody song. Otherwise....I dunno, I'll explode or somethin'. But I'm told I'm rather good. I almost got to Carnegie Hall once with it, so it can't be bad, right?
  18. Most chivalrous fish of the ocean To ladies forbearing and mild, Though his record be dark, is the man-eating shark, Who will eat neither woman nor child. He dines upon seamen and skippers, And tourists his hunger assuage, And a fresh cabin boy will inspire him with joy If he's past the maturity age. A doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, He'll gobble one any fine day, But the ladies, God bless 'em He'll only address 'em Politely and go on his way. I can readily cite you an instance Where a lovely young lady of Breem, Who was tender and sweet and delicious to eat Fell into the bay with a scream. She struggled and flounced in the water, And signaled in vain for her bar, And she'd surely been drowned if she hadn't been found By a chivalrous man-eating shark. He bowed in a manner most polished Thus soothing her impulses wild. "Don't be frightened," he said, "I've been properly bred, And will eat neither woman nor child." Then her proffered his fin and she took it Such gallantry none can dispute. While the passengers cheered as the vessel they neared And a broadside was fired in salute. And they soon stood alongside the vessel, When a life-saving dinghy was lowered With the pick of the crew, And her relatives too And the mate and the skipper aboard. So they took her aboard in a jiffy, And the shark stood attention the while, Then he raised on his flipper and ate up the skipper And went on his way with a smile. And this shows that the prince of the ocean, To ladies forbearing and mile, Though his record be dark Is the man-eating shark, Who will eat neither woman nor child. Well, tha's the strangest oddity of a shantie I could come up with! What do ye salts got? I'll take composed ones. For the sake o' them bein'....painfullly amusing coming from a peticular few. You know who you are. Let the insanity begin!
  19. Ye can find selected sheet music here. If yer lookin' fer a title, Crooked Jack's always a favorite. :) Everyone knows it, it's not tha' difficult an' it's quite a nice tune if ye ask me. One thing more, Commander of the Concertina, if ye get MIDI files and put 'em in the Cakewalk music program (please don' say ye have a Mac....) yez can get sheet music, key it up, down, change incorrect notes, 's wonderful. By the by, ye can get masses of MIDIs for 3 an' 4 parts at this location. Essential fer the modern pirate of today. O' course, the pyratical thing to do would be just BORROW someone elses disc....without permission. Dick and Lessie better love me for all this potential traffic....
  20. Bah, thirty ain't a lot, man! I can take twice that many swallows o' hard booze afore the room starts tippin'. Oh, what? That's 'years', not 'beers'. Ok. Happy Happy Birthday From all of us to you! We wish it was our birthday So we could party too! Happy 30 from Ohio, Redd
  21. I learned my piratin' early, tyin' my stuffed animals up to the chain-link fence in th' backyard when I was a wee lass. Trick was, I could never get th' knots undone! I had teh cut them out, and as a result, a few o' my stuffed animals have missin' limbs. This will prove to be useful when I hold inanimate objects for ransom in the future. Thanks much!
  22. Aye! Another representative here o' the Heartland! I've been te th' Ohio Renny twice (stay CLEAR the pirate sword shop, ladies, no matter how appealing it may seem!) an' it's a wonderful time. 'Specially lovers' weekend, if ye get a chance ter go. If I'm correct, they may be havin' a pirate's weekend next year. It'd be great to shove on out and scare the livin' daylights out o' all those lil' knights.... Somethin' else to check out would be Dagorhir at www.dagorhir.com They're decidedly Tolkeinist, but you can have a team of pirates and if you're feeling especially black-hearted, ye can gang up on all the pretty-boy elven teams! ....Look up a branch near you. I'm playing Rivendell with the Mad Scotsmen, but we're regestering like 4 different teams, one of which is pirates, so if you live close enough lemmie know and I'll give ye some info.
  23. I was under the belief that it was the tail of a stingray. Either way it's part of a carcass and my ethics would have me just as soon make one out of wood. :)
  24. Every single solitary one o' those comic series looks terrific. The premise of Black Bart, Blackbeard and William Kidd workin' all together....unlikely, but a kick-arse team, all the same! I'd sign up fer that one in an instant. Did ye check out that Spider Cemetery one? *shudders* I think I might be goin teh midnight release parties for tha' one....in MASSACHUSETTS. *so not a necrophilliac*
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