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Northwest Jack

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Everything posted by Northwest Jack

  1. I LOVE birthdays! Drinks all around!!!
  2. Aye, to throw a wench down in the rain and have at her. With rum on hand, of course.
  3. Bloody hell! Just got back from Nor Cal to find that my house I Seattle sold. Have to hang and take care of biz, alas. Buckle some serious swash without me. Drat! You are in good hands with Talderoy and Scarlett.
  4. What a beauty! Excellent work, 1st Mate Matt.
  5. I still don't get it. I loved the film Ember and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and the Golden Compass books, but I STILL don't see what any of this has to do with pirates.
  6. I would very much like to see photos of this debauchery for Pirates magazine. Is anyone up to it?
  7. As in Max Shrek in "Nosferatu", meaning FEAR. Which has little to do with Christopher Walken, except that his name was Shrek in Batman (the Tim Burton version).
  8. The Pirates magazine Press Gang will be there as well, including the tasty Scarlett Harlott and Talderoy the terrible. Okay, he's not so terrible...
  9. I had just got my Pirata hat from Jeff MacKay of Captain Jack's Hats and was thrilled to be wearing something so cool.
  10. Suggest you subscribe to Latitudes & Attitudes by Bob Bitchen. Great magazine about livin' the cruiser lifestyle.
  11. Up in the Northwest where I live, everybody has a cedar deck out back and it gets filthy with a kind of green, brown, black mung that looks great when you scrub your clothes across it. Nothing works better that dirt! Best of all, if you don't like it, a little Biz laundry detergent eats all the organic crud away and you can start over.
  12. A fyne idea, Hawk. Where does Stynky hail from? --Dave Nichols editor Pirates magazine
  13. All those rums and no mention of our dear Gosling's Black Seal. eh Bilge?
  14. Excellent advice, Cascabel. Many thanks.
  15. I have a Dixie gun kit "Kentucky pistol" and will use it as a gauge for the approximate size of the ent hole. It is pretty small.
  16. Excellent advice, mates. I have peened the proper spot and will dismantle said barrel before drilling. Thankee kindly.
  17. Talderoy be speakin' true. The contest is open to all. The "Captain" designation is not to be takin' serious like. If you are a member of Pyracy Pub, thet be goode enough fer the likes of us, sez I wif a curse, wot all. We're lookin' for lads and lasses that are doing something good for the pirate community. If that sounds like you, make yer mark. Sorry, too much rum. --Dave Nichols, editor o' Pirates magazine
  18. Ahoy mate, Just got a beautiful Dragoon pistol from Military Heritage out of Canada. They do not drill the vent and I am about to. Anything I should know before strapping said pistol in a drill press? --NW Jack
  19. Oi Honour Bright and Mad Jack, Please PM me with your e-mail and phone numbers, I need to start a contact list of PIRATES magazine contributors (I got yours, Matt). Oh, and Emerald, PIRATES will continue to look and feel the way it currently does. However, if anyone has any ideas, I be happy to give ye my good ear. --NW Jack
  20. Thankee all, most kind. Dark Rose, I'll introduce ye to the Pirates of Treasure Island. Local scallywags and wenches who do a lot of good fer little kiddie charities here in the Northwest, sez I.
  21. Ahoy mates, I be new to the board and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Dave Nichols and I am the editor of Easyriders and V-Twin magazines (motorcycle magazines). I have also just been named the new editor at PIRATES magazine. So if you have any ideas for articles shoot me a broadside. "Take wot ye can..." etc.
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