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Desert Dragoon

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Posts posted by Desert Dragoon

  1. FYI.. I have the black boots like yours and while performing yesterday I scuffed up the leather a bit (I was performing on a concrete slab)

    anyways, on the black boots, the underlying leather is blue. so if you want to distress the leather using a wire brush, I wouldn't.

  2. Those are pretty cool.. never got into the gaming aspect of the miniatures but have always appreciated those who had a steady enough hand to paint them

    love going by those gaming places where they have the big warhammer displays with all the miniatures painted up.. I have a couple from back in the 80's that I acquired. Seeing the pirate ones, I might have to get one or 2 just for ole times sake LOL!

  3. I have finally after years and years of struggling with my inner pirate, I finally came to terms with it and embraced it.

    boy was that like opening a can of worms LOL!

    I have for years done Milsim Re-enacting and currently co-own a team.

    after a friend's suggest that we go to the ren faire not too long ago, I was hooked.

    so here I am.. I'm a pirate and proud of it

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