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Bloody Sam Rackham

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Everything posted by Bloody Sam Rackham

  1. And Lady B, I dropped a bug in Midnights ear. He might just show up.
  2. Congrats, Syren! *Tips his hat toward Black Syren and bows deeply* 'Tis a good feelin' ta win, says I !
  3. Actually, aye. I joined in Sept. 08. Lost th' page soon after. Took a while ta get it back. I've been a part o' The Cursed Few fer nigh on 6 months now. I'll drop a hint ta them scallywags that they best be poppin up 'ere a wee bit more often. Me thanks to Black Syren an' me wife fer gettin' me in 'ere. I've been fascinated by pirates since '03. It's taught me to sew, work leather and e'en dabble in woodworking. Got a nice lookin' chest in th' works! When it's done, I'll post pics. 'Til the Morrow, maties! Bloody Sam Rackham
  4. Ahoy thar, Maties! I be Bloody Sam Rackham o' The Cursed Few! Arrived in port a few days ago. Drinks all around!
  5. Have ye tried eBay fer a coat? They're usually within that budget. Ye can always make yer own!! 'Til the Morrow! Bloody Sam Rackham
  6. Sam! Welcome aboard, nice to have ye and Ann here!!!

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