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Bloody Sam Rackham

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Everything posted by Bloody Sam Rackham

  1. You're most welcome. You've narrowed it down a bit. Consider too your weapon of choice. In the meantime, you might want to contact Atlanta Stage Combat Studio. Why, Cutlass, of course!! LOL
  2. Many thanks. I am looking to learn reenactment swordplay.
  3. Well, first: knowing where you are and/or how far you are willing to travel, as well as what you wish to learn (sword fighting is a rather broad subject), will allow us to be more helpful. If you come out to Oregon City, there's an academy here that specializes in the Scottish Broadsword. You might check over at Sword Forum, in the Swordsmanship Community section, to see if anyone has posted about opportunities in your area. You might also contact your local fencing school or association for leads. Lastly, I offer this: Classical Fencing and Historic Swordsmanship Resources.
  4. Not sure where to post this... Where can I find a sword fighting teacher?
  5. I'm lookin fer somethin along the lines of a dragoon.
  6. I be looking fer a real firing pistol, but don't wanna drop a lot o' coin. Any suggestions?
  7. Me, I've ne'er been ta either.
  8. I be usin' th' Dining Room table. It not be but 4' in diameter. I let th' cloth drape off th' end. Straight line cuttin' comes with practice. I usually pin th' pattern to th' cloth an' follow th' lines when I cut. Gets a straighter line that way.
  9. Me hat's off to ye, Missy! Congrats on a speedy recovery! Now, where's that Joy we're to be jumpin' fer?
  10. I thought I'd "fit right in"!!
  11. When is the "Extras" casting call? wink, wink
  12. Ahoy! Best wishes on a speedy recovery! Nothin' ta fear on th' surgery. Me Mum had th' same thing done a few years back. She's doin' fine! If'n there be anything I can do... 'Til the Morrow, Bloody Sam Rackham
  13. They can hike them up, too!
  14. Hike them dresses up, says I!
  15. I be lookin' fer a pattern ta try me hand at makin' me own shoes. Any thoughts or ideas?
  16. Well then. Would this be th' right thread ta list me duds fer advice, or should I start a new one?
  17. Thank ye both fer th' insight. I'm sure I'll be back fer advice. 'Til the Morrow, Bloody Sam Rackham
  18. So...What makes "authentic"? Me thinks Pirates took what they liked ("Take what ye can, give nothin' back") an' wore it! Maybe, jes' maybe he stole them thar boots! Who'd be sayin' otherwise? Me outfit be fashioned after that Jack feller. I've been to a few events and been allowed ta camp in th' "Period" area. Boots an all! I get lots o' compliments, and plenty of picture posing! Some of which are on the web. Dress the way what fancies ye, says I! By the by, Nice outfit, Gertie.
  19. Aye! Rum! Pyrat Rum fer me! Well met, Lassie! Welcome aboard! Ye say ye'd like ta meet someone nearby. Nearby where, mayhaps?
  20. When is the next round? I'd like ta try it!
  21. Welcome aboard, Love! Pyrat Rum fer me, if'n ye will.
  22. And that be why we coined the phrase "After Midnight", LOL
  23. I be buildin' a treasure chest. I'll post pics when it's done. Fer a taste: More to come later!
  24. Can ye take more than one artist? I've been drawing since '73.
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