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Hawk the QM

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Posts posted by Hawk the QM

  1. 31312.jpg

    Random picture, but you can see how tea cloth can accent a lot of your clothing to give a sort of apparition look.


    ok I'm lying... she's just hot and wanted to post the pic <_<

  2. Hey MerryDeath!! You hold in there hon! My sister is doing amazingly well and a great shining testament to what fighting can do for you! She had a double mastectomy and went through the horrors of chemo, but is looking great these days!

    And QM, This one's for you! Here's our promotional pic of Our Red Handed Jill and I for our 'Fill My Chest... Find a Cure' campaign. We have a national talk show slot on radio later this month and they wanted a promotion pic for their website.... :)



    Yaaaaaar Lookin' pretty ladies! Keep up the good fight!

    to any Lads or Lasses reading, every little bit o' coin helps and paypal is extremely easy to use.. oh and.. YAAAAAAAR!

  3. The event is an outdoor haunted walking tour of a replica historic house. We hang out on a darkened wharf on a lake, hiding in the rushes, and creep out to scare the touristas. First time I did it I when with white, but I thought I'd go for something different this time. I bought some grey, and was thinking of glow-in-the-dark because it seems much cooler. However... the glow might also give away our position!


    Then I would keep the gray you have and accent your face with the glow in the dark paint. Make scars or creases or paint up an eye patch. You can pick up a hand held LED UV light from about $15 to $20 bucks on the web or in some stores. Glow paint responds best to light heavy with UV like the sun or a black light. You can keep it in your pocket and hit yourself with it whenever you like, plus it's dark enough to never give away your position if used correctly.

    Bonus to these lights is you can always check your friends beds for a good laugh. Hotels too =)


    Just stay away from Halloween heavy stores. Party City is fine if they carry them because they are year round and rarely jack up the prices during the holiday. I suggest ordering online because those "stores" rarely have rent and can keep prices low. Anything like Halloween Adventure or Halloween Spirits charge way to much.

    I also suggest the glow stick mouth piece. It's made like a mouth guard for sports but has a mini glow stick inside. They range in colors and are always cool when u yell Yaaaaaar!

  4. Has anyone read these books and could give me a ya! or nay! on them?

    Pirattitude and The Pirate's Life by chumbucket and slappy


    The Pirate Primmer: Mastering the language of swashbucklers and rogues

    Kinda curious about them and would like some feedback if you please.


    the only review I could find was by Bilgemunky.


    Yaaaaaaar can you say tangent? =)

  5. Are you going to be in a spot like in a haunted maze or will you be walking around in a party setting?

    If you have a specific spot and you can get a black light, I would suggest the black light paint because of the color choices you can play around with. If it's just a party and you will be walking around, then the glow in the dark would work out better for you.

    The glow in the dark would be neat if you painted an invisible skull on your face. When you walk around you would look normal but in the dark you would look eeeeevil. Or something to that affect I would imagine.


    I say make up is the easier part, what about yer costuming? Any fancy ideas?

    I love Halloween and I'm making a display this year Yaaaaaar! So I'm interested to hear what you're planing.

  6. Aye, that does change things significantly. I'd say to go with Clay's idea of a deglazer in that case. The oil probably would not eliminate the shine without first removing any protective film used by the manufacturer, but it will darken the color some. But definitely stay away from the compunds. Best to ya!


    Yaaar thanks mates, I will do just that. The advice by all is much appreciated.

  7. l_1090864f7cec4bbf9a94ce6b7abae5d9.jpg

    These are the boots. Rather on the thin side and I do worry about the leather itself basically falling apart Dogge. They were pretty cheap for boots so I only expect them to last a few seasons (but decent for $80).

    Cpt. Bo after really thinking about it, it's not the flexibility i was thinking about but rather the shine. Anyway of dulling that out? That squeek I was talking about earlier is more like two sleeping bags rubbing together (about the best analogy I can come up with). It may possibly be a light water proofing I'm trying to get out, but not sure.

  8. I talk to a leather supply store near my home and they suggested Thick4. Are either of you familiar with it. The only reason they suggest it is because they only had Neatsfoot compound which they said would be really bad for pigskin leather. I explained I wanted to beat up the boots for pirate style but they still suggested this other stuff.

    I don't even know if I heard them correctly. Thick4.. Thick Four... haha I don't know.

  9. Pure neatsfoot oil and applt it liberally, but not so the leather is saturated. I hate saddle squeak and this is what I do for the saddles and harness leather. The oil will also pick up some dust/dirt and it will look weathered in no time. after oiling I would also do what Mr. d'Dogge says to speed up the process. JMO, take it for what it's worth.


    Ah thank you for the advice. I will do just that but I have a couple questions. When I'm applying it, I assume with a cloth, do I work the leather by scrubbing hard or let the oil do the work for me? Assuming there's no instructions on the back, should I leave the oil on until a desired effect or an amount of time?

    I'm going to start searching for where I can get this stuff at around my area.

  10. No original thought went into it, I completely stole the ideas from a conversation with Cascabel.

    Well Stynky, if you're gonna do something, do it right =)

    very handsome indeed.

  11. Hmmm everyone appears to be in italics for me. Thats very interesting....

    And just because Mission says theres no topic doesn't mean there isn't. He just chooses to believe theres none. :blink: There is a spoon.

    I do believe Neo taught us there was no spoon. Or was it just a transient with sun glasses.

  12. You're confusing me with crossover quotes... Say, your ID appears in italics when you're in your forum at the bottom. Interesting.

    Actually, I only sing when I'm drunk or really happy. And alone. (I must have been drunk if any of you from PiP recall otherwise.)


    No topic? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaar! I hope I'm helping in some way. I doubt it though. :ph34r:

    But i will continue to post may way to deck hand.

  13. Hehehe... :::glances around::: Has Bilgemunky discovered this thread yet? :blink:

    ~Lady B

    Does he notice anything these days. He is one seriously busy, drunk munky.

    I love that Megatron though. Poor Bumblebee always gets the crap stuff =(

    I mean, they have Starscream turn into a JET! while Bumblee gets a friggin' volkswagen. Just not fair.

  14. As a newbie... I feel afraid of these secrets of scary people. :ph34r:

    Hm. Yes. Highly appropriate in this case. I'd carry a (period appropriate black powder) weapon around this particular forum if I were you. I always do. :blink:

    "Great, a wannabe preacher with a gun... "

    That last bit put a smile on my face. (Until you edited it and took away the dead officer /cry)


    This is next on my list for what to carry 'round these parts. With such a hefty price tag, i'll have to keep the baddies away with a simple cutlass =(

  15. post a pic ot 2 so we know what we're dealin with here....

    for me fugawees...(shoes)...i gott em wet...really wet...like rain shower runin thru mud puddles wet....aged beutifully...and better fit now they dry to my feet...tho some people say ruined...i says perfect.....

    also have a pair of boots...suede outtside...beeswaxed em...now water proofed...also ruined the nap and made the dye job molty...look hell of a lot better

    now have a pair of shoes from Loyalists...dont paticarly care for the finish...not sure wot i'll do to these....yet


    Sadly, I don't have a real picture but this is the picture I saw when I ordered. This picture makes it look like suede but in life they are smooth just like a football (American, not soccer) but without the bumps. In color they are also a tad more red then on this picture.

    I was kind of hoping for an exposed leather style, but these boots are shiny and probably water resistant already. So I'm kinda stumped on what to do.


    Here Is a slightly better picture I think that shows it's kind of shiny.

    I'll get some real photos tonight, along with my new sword to post in the weapons thread.

  16. Now, I have advised the lass thusly as well, but I must say...

    I like sleeping in a bed with a fan buzzing away by my head, drowning out the noise of the environs. Snoring hammock-sleepers, late-night revelers, people scratching their bums and such-like noises are not your ship's surgeon's cup of tea. (We won't even consider the psychic effects of waking up to the sight of people skinny-dipping first thing in the morning.) Plus I like to be able to get away from the sturm und drang and meditate on life with what is apparently more frequency than most. So it's worth the extra guilders if you're a "one wolf" to have a separate shore dwelling when in port. (Besides which, there are many period precedents for it, specifically in the case of captains, surgeons and clergymen.) (Well, ok, not for the fan part.)

    Fair enough. There is something to be said about a fresh bed and a good pillow. Not to mention the air conditioner. On the plus side you can talk to the hotel staff like your crew. That's always fun.

  17. Ahoy Mates,

    I recently purchased a pair of pig skin boots. I'm not into the period shoes (I did civil war, and brogans can kiss my arse) so I went with the "cooler" looking foot wear.

    Anyway, they feel and look like a football which makes me sad =(. When I walk around in them they make that pleather sound that irritates me to no end. They also keep creases because they are fresh and they just don't have the right look to me.

    Is there a way I can weather them to not squeek and get become flexible. They are really comfortable on the inside but I would like a worn look on the outside.

    Thank you for any advice you could give me.


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