Thieves Market
Items & Services FOR SALE, TRADE & WANTED.
2,250 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Can anyone possibly tell me where to purchase wooden barrels other than Jas Townsend & Son. They're a might pricy.
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
Historical Accuracy Vs. Rollicking Fun 1 2
by Guest PistolProof- 27 replies
Arrr Mateys, After reviewing quite a bit of the posts on costuming and general piratical gear, I will say that I agree with MOST of the comments encouraging historical accuracy. We should strive for historical accuracy. This is especially true for those of us with an educational bent to our hobby. However, historical accuracy is not necessarily fun for me. Sure, I enjoy researching construction of powder boxes and shoes just as much as the next history geek. However, I grew up watching old pirate movies from the 1950's, 60's and 70's. At 10 years old, I wanted to buckle swashes for a living when I grew up. As a matter of fancy, even now I'd like to get my hands on…
Last reply by Jim Cutlass, -
- 8 replies
If anyone is an an auctioney mood, I've decided to test the waters by putting one of my pirate watercolors up on Ebay. Just a funny lil' whimsical piece, nothing serious. It's the original, not a print. You can check it out with this link: Pirate Art Thanks for looking and fairwinds!
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
- 2 replies
Hi all! Some of you have been clammoring for it for months. Well, it's finally in the final stages of production... I'm happy to announce that the Common Man/Sailor's Jacket Pattern (RH705) will ship on 19 June. So if you want one, order one HERE now!
Last reply by kass, -
- 11 replies
Ok I am looking for a replica sextance. One that looks good but won't cost me over $100. For that much money I could get a better sword or gun.
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 23 replies
Hi all; My girlfriend and I are getting dressed up for the POTC2 opening night, in proper pirate gear. Now, everything I've read suggests that when women became pirates, they generally wore men's garb so they wouldn't be discovered right away. They didn't necessarily run about in skirts and bodices. Am I wrong in this? I mean, there were a handful who were already known as pirates and so probably wore whatever (Grainne comes to mind), but it seems to me that those who were running away for their piratical adventures, and not as the wife of someone on board a ship, were most often in breeches, weskit, etc. Am I way off base here? I'm trying to be accurate from a his…
Last reply by Kathyrn Ramsey, -
- 0 replies
I got Knee breeches, Fly Front, Lined! Navy blue with ties at knees, Brass buttons, patterned after Royal Navy 1748 uniform pattern. Made by Buffalo Enterprises. Size 36-38, 16" inseam. $45.00 plus shipping. I got canvas knee breeches, same size as above, pewter buttons. I got a MEDIUM Man's weskit, white linen, pewter buttons (1770's cut)$30.00 1 got a man's large white shirt, a man's medium black & white checked shirt.each shirt $20.00 I black felt tricorn, size unknown (about medium maybe.) $10.00 E-mail met omorrow 6/8 for pictures. Buyer pays shipping. 1st come 1st serve.
Last reply by BattChief, -
- 1 reply
Any of you scurvy rats, know who makes the best (meaning dureable) sailors short jacket and slops?
Last reply by BattChief, -
- 1 reply
Sooo...out of curiosity, how many of you pyrates have a Pyracy Tankard? Mine has become my desktop beverage holder of choice. Let's see those pictures.
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 4 replies
Here is a toughie for all of us who are interested in flags: I am looking for a set of flags of the main countries involved in the Catibbean during the buccaneer era. Does anyone know a shop where these flags can be bought? (Preferably in Europe, but I take what comes! ) Any help would be very much appreciated! Specifically, I am looking for these flags: England Cross Of St George France Naval Ensign or Royal Standard Spain Galleons' Ensign and Burgundy Cross Flag Holland Triple Prinsevlag
Last reply by Gentleman of Fortune, -
- 9 replies
aye mateys and maidens of the trade. although i have many martial arts weapons (asian: mostly japanese, but also chinese and filipino), i seek a decent cutlass. i love weapons as some of you do so i decided to ask for giudance. any recommendations? websites? i am planning to go to the POP festival and need to look me piratical best! thank you and may the sun always be at your back and in the eyes of your enemy! arh!!!
Last reply by Cut-throat, -
- 41 replies
Okay, I'm probably going to make it anyway, cuz I want one and I only work in leather, but what are the historical justifications for a light, buff leather justacorps? I started out making a simple civilian early 1700s coat, but saw the pattern offered by Reconstructing History, with the enormous cuffs.....and I may just go that way. I've made three full-length theatrical pirate coats already6 out of leather, but I'm thinking of going more "proper" with the construction of this one. Thoughts?
Last reply by Monterey Jack, -
- 0 replies
Hello all! I am in the market for a book of pirate stories so that I can read to my two boys. But not just any book, a big leather bound book. It does not have to be real leather or leather at all. Just not a paperback. I want to hide a treasure map in it so once the stories are done we will go treasure hunting. I need something that looks out of the ordinary and gives justice to pirates! I am hoping someone here can point me in the right direction. Thanks for your help Shkelton
Last reply by Shkelton, -
- 18 replies
Well here is my delima, I realize that ear rings aren't really historically accurate but I already have 14Gauge rings in y ears and have to keep them in so they don't close up. Since the modern rings I have in don't exactly match my garb, what would be the closest thing to accurate I could use, and where would I find such? Second, I am looking for a nice baldric for my garb, but at the moment I have a bit of a budget constraint and need one for under $100. Does anyone know where I might find one. I have checked Ebay, but am weary of the quality of products listed.
Last reply by Capt. Sawney Beane, -
- 0 replies
Good Day me fellow Pirates, Ya best be support'n our fellow pirate for he is helping out his fellow man (Children I should say)! Attached is the website of the plunder he be willing to share he be! HUZZAH TO Marty the Pirate! PepperBox Pete
Last reply by PepperBox Pete, -
- 4 replies
I feel like Jack Sparrow at the begining of the movie. "I'm in the market", I am looking for a lightning sailboat. I live near Sheboygan, WI and every year we have a lightning boat regatta. Now I am as new to looking for sailboats as I am to piracy. So where would be a good place to start looking? I figure that the lightning would be a good boat to start learning how to sail.
Last reply by MorganTyre, -
- 32 replies
I've been approached by an interested party of investors to start our own pyrate magazine, and have taken them up on their offer. Since I've had several quality and organizational disaggreements with the now-stalled Pirates Magazine, I have resigned my position. My reputation as an artist is an important part of my business and I can't lend my name to something I'm not proud of. Thus, I am taking on this new magazine (that will debut in the Fall) without my hands tied in both design and 'feel' of the project This magazine, The Pyrates Way, will be about Pyrates and written BY Pyrates! It will be much more of a pirate enthusiast/reenactor magazine with a much more baw…
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 2 replies
Wasn't sure whether this should go here or in Captain Twill, but as I'm not going for 100% accuracy, I thought here would be fine. I'm looking for me a boarding axe, and have stumbled across this: I read in this post that boarding axes would've had a spike, but other than that, I'm not sure if this is a good choice... methinks so, what do ye think? Also, anybody no anybody who makes a good/affordable grapplin' hook? I'm thinking of just finding a metal worker to twist one up outta some sqaure stock...... but if anyone has some definite ideas/links/suggestions as to prefabbe…
Last reply by Calico James Flint, -
- 9 replies
Found this little gem at a local car show last month. Some very nice Airbrush work here. Thinking of something similar for the Jeep.
Last reply by kaizoku, -
- 7 replies
Started working on my queen ann kit today. When the tang screw gets most of the way through the stock, it's at just enough off of 90 degrees from the top of the barrel that the cylindrical head of the screw won't go into the recessed seat in the barrel. I'm think about using a round file to widen the hole in the stock, but I worry about this, since the tang screw is what holds the barrel to the stock, and don't want it to be 'loose'. I'm assuming we want an 'interference fit' here. Anyone else have this problem? TIA.
Last reply by Mick MacAnselan, -
- 17 replies
I'm looking at possibly (someday) having a custom made pistol. Once concern of mine is who to trust. What gunsmiths out there are reliable at best. Not just quality (not a lot of broken, poor quality parts) but something that's affordable, too. My idea is to have a pistol to go with my outfits. The pistol I have in mind will be an ebony wood stock with silver inlay, silverish metal bore, and other parts (just look silver, doesn't have to be silver). And yes it will be a functioning pistol. I'm still pondering at what kind of pistol I want... but... at current if ANYONE has recommendations on gunsmiths to check with... please, let me know. I'm open to talking to any…
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 4 replies
Next month (June 28, to be specific) marks ten years of wedded bliss, and we got each other our presents a bit early - just couldn't resist. Made by Baltimore Knife and Steel - bought from Legacy Forge here in Texas. Mine is the one on top, hers is on bottom. And the happy couple:
Last reply by Zephaniah W Nash, -
- 4 replies
And look what turned up... SUDLEY PLANTATION (1672-1720) -- Ancestral home of the Johns family founder of Johns Hopkins University. One of the states most significant early homes whose architecture was commended by Colonial Williamsburg consultants. Magnificant grand formal parlors w/12ft ceilings retain original millwork of museam quality. The 131.45 acres is a magical world shielding the home in rolling farmland. $2,499,990 ... a little (alot!) beyond my range, but ye gods, talk about the perfect pirate reenacting property!
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 11 replies
The boy scouts are selling "tall ship"... Take a look! Greg
Last reply by Gypsy Rose, -
- 40 replies
First off.... WoW! Reconstructing History (RH) has really done their homework on the Justaucorps and it shows. The retail price on this pattern is $25, so some of you that are used to paying 99 Cents for a simplicity pattern might balk at the cost, but for what you get, its a real bargain! The pattern comes with: 1) Booklet on the History of the Justaucorps This is an outstanding piece and makes the info on my website pale in comparison. The kicker here is that RH includes line drawings and museum refrence numbers for 5 extant garments. From "Lord Clapham" dolls to the Sligo, Ireland Bog Find are detailed in this packet. RH covers the sizes, number of butto…
Last reply by kass,